
What is \'the California Dream Act\'?

(2007-10-11 10:26:48) 下一個
The California Dream Act, Proposed by State Senator Gil Cedillo, would allow "undocumented" college students to receive state financial aids for UC system colleges, given that they have California high school diploma. In short, if you were brought over illegally by your parents, went through the state educational system for free because we Californians believe all children have equal rights to education, you'll even get some tax payers' help with college.

I have been a progressive by all means.  I am a believer of affirmative action, or any other policies that'd give underprivilleged children a leg up.  This bill however has gone too far even for me. The United States is a country built by immigrants. I myself had gone through the lenghthy process of becoming an US citizen. But I also believe in laws, even the ones I view as unfair I still abide by them.  Without laws and the enforcement of laws our society will crumble. The undocumented residents, however justified they feel their actions were, broke our immigration laws by all accounts. If we keep granting benefits to them then why have a border at all?  What would discourge people from crossing the border in the future?

I have to admit I've always felt some conflicts on this issue. When I see them in restaurants, car washes, hotels, I feel sorry what they had to go through and wish their children would have a better chance at a more prosperous life. On the other hand, I also have my own children's future at stake. I'm working very hard to save up for their college education. The UC fees have been increasing at a double digit rate for the past few years due to funding shortages. I gasp at the thought what they'd be when my sons hit college age. Unfortunately it's a zero sum game when it comes to public benefits. You take more, I get less. That simple. And since your parents have been undocumented they probably haven't paid much into the system either.

I don't understand the rationales behind this California Dream Act. Our consititution protects everyone's right to the pursuit of happiness.  But only US citizens are protected by the constitution. The bill has passed the Californian Assembly and is now on the Governor's desk. I hope he'll have the courage to once again veto it. Please email Governor Schwarzenegger to support him.
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sideperspective 回複 悄悄話 With as much sympathy and compassion for the undocumented, I am with you on this. When their dreams are accomplished, our children's would be compromised.
clipmom 回複 悄悄話 回複acme的評論:

That's what I told our governator :-) - it's an insult to all of us that went through the process.
acme 回複 悄悄話 Not in California, but I suport you. That is not fair for us who get GC and citizenship through legal process.