
Going on vacation next week

(2011-06-17 20:16:15) 下一個
It has been so long. The last time I went on vacation with my family was more than 2 years ago to Cancun. This time we are going to the Canadian Rockies. I brought 2 hiking poles from HZ and we will use them to do some hiking there.

I did quite a bit of hiking in HZ. Every weekend I would go. I did quite a bit of drinking too. I couldn't get drunk on beers because it would fill up my stomach first. So I started drinking cocktails in the last few days. I think the main reason for it was the frustrations I felt at work. It was so hard bringing them up to speed and making them useful members of the team. Some of them would say they practice their english often. But they still couldn't say the commonly used technical terms in english. They kept using the Chinese terms in discussion. I only know the english ones since I learned it here. I seriously doubt how much they understood me because I like to mix english and chinese when I talk. I explained something to them. Later on when it was time to use the knowledge I usually found they didn't understand it in the first place. They had to be told what to do. I had to show them how to do it. Then I had to examine their work and correct it. God knows how much work I put in to make the team perfom. It weighed on me. When it was close to the finish line, I realized they still couldn't survive on their own. I got depressed. I had to drink to keep me going.
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