
SR-ED:Simplified Implementation of SAP FI/CO in small business c

(2007-05-01 08:11:19) 下一個
6306896 CANADA Inc provides consulting services for mediem-small business on implemenation of BI and ERP systems.
In January 2007, the sales and development team decided that the market has more and more need to shorten the implementation cycle for the ERP projects. Users need to see  the outcome of the project sooner than later. And in the sales process, the need to visualize the implementation is important in gaining the bid. Currently everybody has to wait until the project is fully implemented. An approach to organize, streamline, template the implementation process is required. Consultants in the company are experience in implementing the ERP system and have ideas about how to streamline this process. Thus, the project, simplified implementation of SAP FI/CO for small/medium business is approved to start.

[Section D:Description of Work in the Tax Years 2007]
Detailed Description:
April. 30 200 Prototype of setting up bookkeeping system for 6306896 INC is started.
May. 1 2007 Daily requirement: Input two transactions of 6306896 INC.

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