由於公開NL了賬號,導致我的兩個賬號昨天都被NL封掉,原來以為要封隻會封那個公開賬號,沒想到連我自已用的也封掉了,原因是那個公開賬號下載流量太高了,而且都隻是用來下載我上傳的東西,他們覺得我在騙點數,交涉了半天才給解封。還有一個原因是使用Megaupoad Fetch功能將NL的資源傳到MU,這個流量也是很驚人!所以抱歉了各位,不能再提供共享賬號了!大家也不要再用NL轉MU的方法了!(要用就用其它賬號的Cookies值)不想再被封掉!但是我還是會繼續上傳到NL去的,希望有能力的人還是考慮一下購買NL的賬號!
the problem ist exactly this:
in 4 Days over 10 TB Downloads from your uploaded files. YOu have earn daily over 20k ponits cos your downloading friend.
We have new security software, this checked all 30 min. faking accounts and blocked them.
i think about it.... but the mass downloads from your uploaded files come from the same IP 210.209.x.x and OVER 9 TB downloads for pushing your premium points. How can you explain to me ?