中文名稱:律師風雲 第4季
英文名稱:Boston Legal Season 4
James Spader 飾 Alan Shore William Shatner 飾 Denny Crane Monica Potter 飾 Lori Colson Rhona Mitra 飾 Tara Wilson Mark Valley 飾 Brad Chase Rene Auberjonois 飾 Paul Lewiston Candice Bergen 飾 Shirley Schmidt Lake Bell 飾 Sally Heep Ryan Michelle Bathe飾 Sara Holt Justin Mentell 飾 Garrett Wells Julie Bowen 飾 Denise Bauer地區:美國

【影片長度】: 平均45分鍾
【集數】: 未知
【字幕】: 中文
【服務器】: 隨機
【分享時間】: 24小時
Alan Shore和Denny Crane(分別由艾美獎獲得者James Spader和William Shatner飾演)是收入豐厚的Crane Poole & Schmidt律師團隊中少有的忘年交。公司合夥人Shirley Schmidt(五次艾美獎獲獎者Canice Bergen飾演)將在第四季繼續整頓辦公室內混亂的行政問題。她以機警的目光,照看事務所的一切,尤其是Denny Crane。據說,兩人曾有過一段愛恨情仇。
為了讓行事詭異的事務所成員團結一心,Schmidt從紐約辦公室召來了資深合夥人Carl Sach(艾美獎獲得者John Larroquette飾演)。他也將留意Crane的一舉一動,而Crane也認為,自己總算找到了旗鼓相當的對手。同時趟這淌渾水的還有Jerry "Hands" Espenson和Clarence Bell(又稱Clarice/Clevant/Oprah,Gary Anthony Williams飾演)。前者是Shore的好友兼同事,患有艾斯柏格綜合症;後者由於性格內向缺少社交,一受刺激便會人格分裂。兩人一邊辦案 ,一邊試圖融入公司大家庭之中。其他新成員有:初生牛犢新進畢業的Katie Lloyd(Tara Summers飾演),讓Shore舊情難忘、性感老練的Lorraine Weller(Saffron Burrows飾演)以及不安常理出牌、自願從紐約辦公室調任的Whitney Rome(Taraji P. Henson飾演)。
Led by an Emmy Award-winning cast, "Boston Legal" returns for a third season to tell the professional and personal stories of a group of brilliant but often emotionally challenged attorneys. Fast-paced and darkly comedic, the series confronts social and moral issues, while its characters continually stretch the boundaries of the law.
Back-to-back Emmy Award winners James Spader and William Shatner play Alan Shore and Denny Crane, unlikely kindred spirits among the brigade of high-priced litigators at Crane, Poole and Schmidt. In addition, one of the founding law partners, Shirley Schmidt (played by five-time Emmy winner Candice Bergen), has been coaxed back to the Boston law firm to help bring order to the chaotic office. She keeps a vigilant eye on all, particularly Denny Crane - with whom she has a checkered history.
The firm's other attorneys include Brad Chase (Mark Valley), an ex-Marine who often finds himself in a test of wills with Alan Shore, and Paul Lewiston (Rene Auberjonois), the "lawyer's lawyer" who continually tries to save Crane from himself. Then there's Denise Bauer (Julie Bowen), a tough, smart senior associate still desperate to make partner. New to the Boston office of Crane Poole & Schmidt is Jeffrey Coho (Craig Bierko), an intense, grandiose criminal defense attorney as comfortable with making enemies as he is with making friends.
艾倫-肖(Alan Shore)

丹尼-克瑞恩(Denny Crane)

艾倫的導師、上司兼密友,也是Crane, Poole, and Schmidt法律事務公司的合夥人之一。年紀愈來愈大的他經常是忘性大於記性,給工作帶來不少麻煩。卻也經常有精彩的瞬間。
雪莉-施密特(Shirley Schmidt)

雪莉的職責就是管理Crane, Poole, and Schmidt律師行,以及處理內部事務。充滿自信的她頭腦靈活,精力旺盛,把律師行打理得頗為出色。
布拉德-蔡斯(Brad Chase)
