
Preparing Mu-Er 木耳

(2020-03-15 11:51:22) 下一個

Preparing Mu-Er 木耳

1/2 cup dry Mu-Er 東北木耳
1   medium bowl

1. fill the bowl with code water, enough to cover the Mu-er after it's soak up.
2. put the Mu-er 木耳 into the water
3. let it soak for at least 4 hours
4. clean each ear carefully with hands
5. rinse and drain it.

1. If you endup with too much 木耳 to use for your dish, just put the extra into a zip bag and store it in the Refrigerator or the freezer for later use.
2. Most of the 木耳 sold in the local Chinese stores are too big and tough to eat.
3. It's hard to find real 東北木耳 in local Chinese stores.


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