
About the Sicuan Earthquake

(2008-05-23 13:04:53) 下一個
I was so shocked of hearing many people dead from the Sicuan Earthquake at May 12, 2008. In the following couple days after the earthquake, I watched TV news everyday for concerning about everything. I were so sad for many people lost their lives, homes and love ones, even right now. On the other hand,  I am so disappoint for some people's behaviors.

What the hell, who the hell they think they are? I consider that it is very rude and meant for question or force others to donate. For the one who blame on the others for not donate or donate not enough, please answer to my question, 'how much did you donate?" For some other people, they are even more disgusting. They RIP the camps that should delivered to those people whom suffered through the earthquake. OH MY GOD, someone dares to buy the camps and play with that. These people are sick and heartless. 

So far, I believe the Chinese government has gethered a huge money from the donors around the world. How do the government use these money to help its people recover from the earthquake? I wish the goverment make this more visible and access to the public. By the way, I think this is a good way for saying 'thank you' to the donors.

I cry in days after days whenever I see the pictures of so many childrens buried under a mass, even some of them who survived from the quake are not able to get back to their home.  I decide to adpot a child from there. Unfortunately, I find out that We (Xiaohei and me) are not qualified for having an adoption due to the Chinese government regulations.

Just so sad, and feeling of wordless.

God Bless,
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