
恬芬妮 (熱門博主)
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巧克力慕斯蛋糕(Divine Chocolate Mousse Cake)

(2014-12-20 15:52:32) 下一個

很久以前見過這個巧克力慕斯食譜,因為是大廚寫的,特別上心。 過段時間發現原網站被病毒入侵,費盡千辛萬苦才把全文拷貝下來。 這個星期休假,終於有時間翻出來研究複製。


材料和做法均做過調整。 特別附上原文,做為參考和留念。



  • 3隻 雞蛋,在室溫下回暖
  • 4安士 半甜巧克力(semisweet chocolate)
  • 12湯匙 黃油
  • 2湯匙 可可粉
  • ½杯 白糖


  1. 把巧克力加熱至溶化,冷卻待用。
  2. 把黃油加熱至溶化。
  3. 加入巧克力液,攪拌均勻。
  4. 分別加入3個蛋黃,每次都攪拌均勻。
  5. 最後篩入可可粉,攪拌均勻。
  6. 把蛋白和白糖裝入大碗,坐在熱水上攪拌45秒鍾。
  7. 再高速攪至硬性起泡,就像打發蛋糕一樣。
  8. 把½蛋白糊倒入準備好的慕斯裏,輕輕攪勻。
  9. 分3次把慕斯倒回剩下的蛋白糊,每次都輕輕攪勻。
  10. 把慕斯放入冰箱,冷凍4小時。



  • 4湯匙 黃油
  • 3隻 雞蛋
  • 2個 蛋黃
  • 1茶匙 香草精
  • ⅔杯 白糖
  • ⅓杯 低筋麵粉
  • ⅓杯 可可粉
  • 1湯匙 白糖


  1. 烤爐預熱350°F。
  2. 溶化黃油。
  3. 把5個蛋黃打發均勻。
  4. 加入黃油和香草精,打發均勻,待用。
  5. 把3個蛋白高速攪拌,直至出現大氣泡。
  6. 加入⅔杯糖,攪到硬性起泡。
  7. 把½蛋白糊倒入蛋黃糊,輕輕攪勻。
  8. 分3次把蛋黃糊倒回剩下的蛋白糊,每次都輕輕攪勻。
  9. 分數次篩入低筋麵粉,可可粉,和1湯匙白糖的混合物,每次都輕輕攪拌。
  10. 將麵糊倒進烤盤,放入烤爐烤25-27分鍾。 取出待冷,移至涼架上。



  • 2安士 半甜巧克力(semisweet chocolate)
  • 1湯匙 黃油
  • 2湯匙 熱水


  1. 把半甜巧克力和黃油裝入大碗,坐在熱水上攪拌至全部溶化。
  2. 加入2湯匙熱水,再攪拌均勻。


  1. 把巧克力蛋糕橫著分3等份。
  2. 每層蛋糕之間夾½慕斯。
  3. 最上層淋澆汁。

Divine Chocolate Mousse Cake

My friend Joe who is a pastry chef extrordinaire (in the Dominican Republic) gave me this recipe years ago. It became my Dad's favorite cake, and one he always asked me to bake for him on his Birthday. Sadly, Dad's no longer here to enjoy it, but we celebrate his life daily, and his Birthday each Septemember. That's as it should be, and exactly what we did today.

It's a very chocolatey cake with a mousse layer which adds to the silky smoothness. A little known trick of the trade, a way to make your cakes more robust with chocolate flavour, is to substitute cocoa powder for part of the flour. Such is the case with the Cocoa Génoise cake used in this recipe. Be gentle when removing your cake from the springform bottom. I usually use a pastry brush to spread the cake with some framboise, prior to spreading the mousse over the layers. Hope you enjoy it as much as Dad did.

one 9 inch Cocoa Génoise cake (recipe below)

Cocoa Génoise

  • 1/3 cup unsifted cake flour
  • 1/3 cup unsifted cocoa powder
  • 1 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 4 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 2 egg yolks, at room temperature
  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla

Position rack in lower third of oven and preheat to 350 degrees F. Generously grease a 9 x 1 1/4 inch round springform cake pan with solid shortening. Dust with all purpose flour, tilt to distribute and tap out the excess.

Pour the flour, cocoa and 1 tbsp of sugar into a triple sifter. Sift onto a sheet of waxed paper to distribute the ingredients evenly. Set aside.

Melt the butter in a 1 quart saucepan over low heat. Pour into a 1 1/2 quart mixing bowl and set aside.

Place the eggs and egg yolks in the bowl of a heavy duty mixer. Add the 2/3 cup sugar and whisk ingredients by hand to combine. Rest the bowl in a shallow pan, such as a 10 inch skillet, filled with 1 inch of tap water (120 degrees). To prevent the eggs from setting, whisk them continuously for about 30 seconds, or until the mixture has warmed to body temperature, taking care that it doesn't exceed 110 degrees. Rub a little between your thumb and forefinger; it should feel smooth, not granular.

Attach the bowl on the mixer and with the whisk attachment, whip the mixture on medium speed until it cools and thickens, appears to be pale in colour and resembles a whole egg meringue and triples or more in volume (3 to 4 minutes). Pour in the vanilla during the final moments of whipping.

Test to see if it's time to fold in the cocoa flour mixture by lifting the whisk. If some of the mixture falls back into the batter right away, continue whipping for a few more minutes or until the desired consistency is achieved.

Scoop one half of the mixture on a flexible metal icing spatula and sprinkle it over the top. Using a rubber spatula, fold it into the batter just until incorporated. Repeat again, folding until the flour has been absorbed. Gently pour about 1 cup of the batter into the melted butter, and with the rubber spatula, fold until combined. Return the butter mixture to the reserved batter and again fold to combine.

Gently pour the batter into the pan, taking care not to deflate the foam structure. With a rubber spatula, smooth the surface. Bake for 25 to 27 minutes or until the top springs back when touched, the sides begin to contract from the pan and the cake sounds spongy when tapped.

Place the cake on a rack to cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Then gently release the cake from pan and cook on a rack.

Yields One 9 x 1 1/4 inch round layer cake

Chocolate Mousse

  • 3 eggs, separated, at room temperature
  • 4 ounces semisweet chocolate
  • 1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 2 tbsp unsifted cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar

Place the whites in the bowl of a mixer and the yolks in a small bowl. Place plastic wrap on the surface of the bowl over the yolks to prevent them from drying. Set aside.

Cut the chocolate into matchstick-sized pieces and place them in a 1 quart mixing bowl that fits snugly over another bowl half filled with tap water (120 degrees). When the chocolate is smooth and liquid, remove the bowl and set aside to cool.

In a 3 quart mixing bowl, work the butter with a rubber spatula until it is soft, malleable and close to the consistency of mayo. Stir in the cooled but still liquid chocolate with a rubber spatula until blended. Add the egg yolks, one at a time, and then the 2 tbsp cocoa until smooth and blended. Set aside.

Add the sugar to the egg whites and whisk the ingredients by hand to combine. Rest the bowl in a shallow pan, such as a 10 inch skillet, filled with 1 inch of hot tap water (120 degrees). Whisk the mixture until it is body temperature about 30 to 45 seconds.

Place the bowl on the mixer, and with the whisk attachment, whip it on medium speed until it is cool and white, stiff but shiny, and elastic peaks form (about 3 t0 4 minutes).

Scoop 1/3 of the meringue into the bowl with the chocolate mixture and fold to lighten it. Then fold in the remaining meringue until blended. Refrigerate for 4 hours.

To assemble the cake, cut the Cocoa Génoise horizontally into 2 equal layers, each about 5/8 inch thick. Be careful to prevent tearing of the layers. Place the bottom Génoise layer cut side up on the bottom of a springform pan. Spoon a layer of mousse over the top. Place the other layer on top of the mousse and gently press to distribute the filling. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate to firm the mousse.

When the mousse is firm, the cake may be glazed. To serve, carefully remove from springform pan onto serving plate. You may decorate with Cocoa Piping.

Chocolate Glaze

  • 2 ounces semisweet chocolate
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • 2 tbsp water

Chop the chocolate into matchstick sized pieces. Place the butter in a 1 quart mixing bowl. Add the chocolate, fit the bowl snugly over another bowl half filled with tap water (120 degrees) and stir until melted and smooth. Remove from the bottom container, take 2 tbsp water from it, add it to the chocolate mixture and stir until smooth.

Spread the mixture over the surface you wish to glaze whilst the glaze is warm and liquid.

Yields 1/4 cup

Cake yields 8 to 10 servings

Posted by Chef Jules at 5:17 PM

Labels: Cakes, Chocolate

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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
yamyam 回複 悄悄話 不好意思,看帖不仔細,把英文第一部分直接看成是慕斯,原來是蛋糕。
恬芬妮 回複 悄悄話 回複 'yamyam' 的評論 : 我不太懂您的問題。 第一部分隻是慕斯,沒有蛋糕。 第二部分才是蛋糕。 因為慕斯部分要冷凍4小時,所以我排列在最前麵。
做好的慕斯比較稠,因為有很多巧克力和可可粉,冷凍後就更稠。 我很想說不用冷凍那麽久,因為有點兒太稠。 但那是原作者的意思,所以我沒有改動。
我是基本上按原食譜做的。 您可以跟後麵的英文原食譜比較,慕斯部分也沒有麵粉。
yamyam 回複 悄悄話 大姐,你在第一部分慕斯那裏少用了一個cake flour,隻靠cocoa powder真的能成型?可以說明一下嗎?