duoxie2004 於
03-09-18 08:04:00 Thismorning I passed a school zone then was stopped by a black policeman. Hesaid I drove 35 at a 20 limit school zone. first of all i didn't knowhow fast I drove because it is rush hour. Also some cars before mepassed without any problem. I want to complain. Do you think what is thebest strategy for me to handle this problem. Thanks a lot.By the way, ihave to go the judge he marked on the ticket? May I goothers? Thanks
eddyyong 於
03-09-20 00:09:00first of all, dont feel that you were treated unfairly by the "black" officer..
have youever thinking about why the fishman couldn't catch all the fishs ?iguess you were in a unlucky day.^-^.....second, you can't go to anothercourt...
qwyx 於
10-02-20 19:32:48 我住在芝加哥郊區,每天坐火車上下班。早上總是穿過一個火車的道口,到對麵上車。上星期有一天早上晚了幾分鍾,當我快到路口的時候,警報鈴已經響了,並且路障也放下來了,我處於下意識,看火車還遠,就緊跑了兩步,還是跑過去了。沒想到被一個路過的警察給攔住了,給了我一張Ticket,並且是必須出庭的那一種。我不知道會這麽嚴重,我以前很少和法庭打交道,過去十年也沒有開車的Ticket,沒想到走路的時候還會被抓。一開始還以為交點罰款就算了,現在看似乎沒那麽簡單,罰款可能會很高(>$500),還不知道有沒有其他後遺症。看來guilty是必然了,想在這裏請教一下該怎樣應對這件事能減少損失?謝謝。
單身老貓 於
10-02-20 19:55:41原則上沒有好辦法,然而這裡有一個"不是很好"的建議,然而仍然值得您仔細看一看.(這是對抗超速的,但是也適用於您的情況)