


(2010-04-27 16:36:56) 下一個
感激傷害你的人,因為他磨練了你的心誌。感激欺騙你的人,因為他增進了你的見識。感激鞭打你的人,因為他消除了你的業障。感激遺棄你的人,因為他教導了你的自立。感激絆倒你的人,因為他強化了你的能力。感激斥責你的人,因為他助長了你的定慧。感激所有使你堅定成就的人 !
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閱讀 ()評論 (3)
戲雨飛鷹 回複 悄悄話 噢,忘了說了。因為好喜歡,就忍不住試著翻譯了。不知道這樣翻譯好不好?有的地方可能不確切。特別是完成時態的用法,不sure是不是最好。我知道你翻譯很在行。
戲雨飛鷹 回複 悄悄話 Appreciate those who have hurt you, for they have annealed your will and determination;
Be grateful to those who have deceived you, for they have deepened your insight;
Appreciate those who have lashed and pushed you, because they have helped you let down the bars to success;
Be grateful to those who have abandoned you, for they have taught you of self-reliance;
Appreciate those who have tripped you, for they have strengthened your ability;
Appreciate those who have denounced you, for they have increased your wisdom and concentration;
Appreciate all those who bring and firm your achievements in any way!
戲雨飛鷹 回複 悄悄話 說的真好。希望能經常這麽默念一下這些話,人就不會那麽苦惱了。謝謝書蟲兄。