
救市了,A 股許買不許賣 又開始了

(2008-04-14 08:13:48) 下一個

China Halts Red-Chips' A-Share Plans

Beijing has called for a halt to red-chip companies, or China-backed firms incorporated and listed in Hong Kong, listing their shares in Shanghai amid a weak mainland stock market, a Hong Kong newspaper reported on Monday.

The South China Morning Post quoted sources familiar with the the plans as saying it was unlikely that any red chips, including China Mobile, CNOOC, Lenovo or China Netcom, would be allowed to list A shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange this year.

"The repatriation (of the red chips) is being held up because the State Council has intervened to call a halt to the plan," the newspaper quoted a Shanghai exchange official as saying. "The central government is now reassessing the matter and it will take some time before the plans go ahead."

China had initially planned to approve the first red-chip listing in Shanghai in June, but the plans would now be delayed until sentiment for A shares recovered, the newspaper said.

It did not give any financial details.

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