
有沒有家長知道talent search的?

(2007-03-07 18:53:24) 下一個
上個禮拜稀裏糊塗參加了一個john robert powers的talent search的audition.之後按instruction打電話問result,說是有disney casting director來audition,而且女兒match其中一個casting role被offer contract了.(而且一共隻有十幾個contract offer!)因為沒有acting經驗,所以先需和公司簽約develop,(交錢!而且不便宜!!)才能和各大導見麵。我知道disney大導來town是真的,至於到該校是推不過人情順便也賺點路費,還是真的選角就不知道了。雖然事後search了一番發現jrp也推出過不少星星(是其他branch office),雖然也心潮起伏了幾天,但這事還是讓人覺著不踏實。最後爽約了。
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eximiner 回複 悄悄話 I have a little experience. My daughter finished two term trainings from John Roberts Power, modeling and commercial prints when she was 13yrs old. After that, she did not get any offer to work on the modeling area. I also thought she was too young to involve any of those jobs and never looked for. My husband blamed it was waste of money. But I still belived it was very useful for a young lady had the special training. My daughter is very graceful and confident. She competed for student president in her school. She also wined our state outstanding teen and miss teen. She could compete in the national level, but there was a conflict, she did not get to go. Therefore, I think if the money is not an issue; it is more helpful and beneficial to training in JRP than years of ballet school. But it is also depend on the child’s interesting.