道 可 道 , 非 常 道 。 名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。 無 名 天 地 之 始 ﹔ 有 名 萬 物 之 母 。
故 常 無 , 欲 以 觀 其 妙 ﹔ 常 有 , 欲 以 觀 其 徼 。 此 兩 者 , 同 出 而 異 名 , 同 謂 之 玄 。
玄 之 又 玄 , 眾 妙 之 門 。
穀 神 不 死 , 是 謂 玄 牝 。
玄 牝 之 門 , 是 謂 天 地 根 。 帛係 若 存 , 用 之 不 勤 ---摘自《道德經》
. . . 在《達芬奇密碼》正被炒得吡嚦叭啦的時候,作舟也被“吵”得眼花繚亂。看過電影之後,又隨手翻了翻丹-布朗的小說,覺得他寫得不錯,至少讓對‘基督/天主’等宗教毫無興趣的我也產生了一點兒茶餘飯後的“啞”興 [啞:無言的感受]。
同名電影抓住了書中的主要內容。對於一個東方人來說,最典型的要算是“神聖的女性”/Sacred Feminine了!丹巧妙地將曆史混於“謀殺”案中,追溯到了古羅馬帝國時教會對於“女性崇拜”的扼殺,將自由思想的女性,包括女藝人,女學者,女性自然主義者,甚至接生婦等近五百萬女人被亂石砸死,或被活活燒死。
萬 物 之 母,就是最早被記錄的“女性崇拜”!!!如大自然。
玄 牝,即“神秘的女/母性”!!
玄 牝 之 門 ,母性的源頭!!!人, 也是來自母體!!
古今中外,天真,荒唐的宗教狂熱份子隻在文字表麵理解“女性”的內涵,就是與女性交媾。這在電影裏也被加了進去: 年幼的索菲有一天突然窺見她的祖父與一個年輕女子“宗教式”地性交。中國也不乏這樣的貨色。古代的《素女經》之類的東西就緣出於此。走火入迷的好色之[信]徒, 誤將女性的象征性[也是故意的]當作了“入道”的手段,如與“處女”交合等會使之“圓滿”等邪說。
yes.....it has taken 1000s of years, and look what humans are doing today to each other.....
yes, finally find the words, "安詳,慈悲"de 佛心
very true!!! but have to say, not easy . . .wisdom is not gained overnight . . .
those conservative Christians/Catholics have been challenged to "think" or ask questions by a fition writer, and that is great!!!
"God" is a believer's "God", then "God" has his/her "mind" or he/she has his/her "God"'s accent :-)
intellectual does not really mean wisdom. An intellectual can have a prisoned mind . . .
more later:)
here, we have to be very clear that that scene has nothing to do with "God" though the old man might "think" so....that is what Dan Brown mocks about in the minds of the naiive "believers"..... :)
it is not "disgusting"....no....it is "funny" ..... "foolish" for an old "expert" like him to do that ..... in art, through the "gaze of the innocent," we/the audience can learn or start to question what is right or wring, wisdom or bullshit .... :)
honestly, it's very hard to answer :)
at that moment, the feelings were mixed: erotic, symbolic, or divine . . . that intercourse happens in the eyes of "GOD" for "reward" but is peeked by an innocent girl . . .watched by human and god at the same time. . . but i don't feel that behavior is disgusting . . .the ritual behavior is beyond a regular one - - - what has twisted two bodies together is not love, but the unspeakable force of God, which can be faith as well as fear from God's children. . .
you are right on "東方神化也是推崇著女性的,如女媧造人。曆史也經曆著母性氏族,才過渡到父性氏族,過渡裏也就是抹殺".....
that is why we need more writers and artists who have guts to write and inspire.......
you mean, in a good way or bad way??
Here, you have endowed a new meaning to “code”, very enlightening . . . “code” to humanity, wisdom, faith . . . to re-visit/write/think about history . . .
萬 物 之 母,就是最早被記錄的“女性崇拜”!!!如大自然。
玄 牝,即“神秘的女/母性”!!
玄 牝 之 門 ,母性的源頭!!!人, 也是來自母體!!