
An alternative critique

(2006-02-10 18:54:59) 下一個



This poem was written when the Emperor of Tang could have had 3000 concubines, and many of them never had a chance to meet the Son of Heaven,

not to mention to have intercourse with him to produce more bastards of the Dragon Family.


In this little poem, written by one of the most beloved poets of China, even an illiterate person can see how little a woman’s life used to mean. A woman’s life had no worth of anything without being attached to a man.


When the husband died, she was supposed to, according the Confucius doctrine, die with him. She had no need to live any longer, that is. She should not have strong emotions like the ocean’s wave. Her feelings are so peaceful, unworthy and unnoticeable that it was like the water in a well. What a metaphor!


The woman was less human, in other words. She, after marriage, became merely part of her husband or children’s lives. She didn’t need a name; She didn’t need to speak her mind; She didn’t need to have a voice; No one expected her to have her own feelings except live and serve and die with her man. A free slave, so to speak.


Not a word of love is mentioned in poems of this sort. Love was too much for her. Love had nothing to do with her. “Happiness” of Chinese style could exist without love. How about exchanging Fear with Love?


There is so much crap in the immortal texts that make me want to kick their ancient ass!! Any one, I don’t care how fucking great he or she is revered, who writes such words or harbors such backward thoughts does not deserve the name, Poet. He or she is no better than a bathroom scribbler.    


This little, seemingly perfect poem of laud stinks with heartless dogmatism and uncivilized mind! It shows us where some of the cruelty and stupidity came from.


Of course, this type of texts exists in every culture.






Beware of all the unchecked old, crappy, stinky stuff they call “culture” or “art”!!!!






z.z. 2006


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LTG 回複 悄悄話 hi y.y., s.d. and z.f.:

glad our thoughts have so much in common!!


wow! zf, what passionate response!!!

you are right on the "僵屍文化"!!!

such heritage is for cowards and hypocrites[spelling?]!!!

thank you for adding from where i left out...!!!

i have read some people's reviews on classical Chinese poetry, but they seem to have missed the points.....

i am surprised that such obvious examples of 狗屁思維 have not been discussed widely.....

知凡 回複 悄悄話 孟郊:烈女操

"Not a word of love is mentioned in poems of this sort. Love was too much for her. “Happiness” of Chinese style could exist without love. How about exchanging Fear with Love?" !!!!!!

來試著解析一下這首狗屁詩。。。“梧桐相待老,鴛鴦會雙死”先言他物以引起所言之物,起興,可是,這位狗屁詩人("He or she is no better than a bathroom scribbler.":)



文化屬於精神財富,可是我們的文化成分裏有多少僵屍文化的成分。。。這種僵屍文化的灌輸即使到現在,沒有100%的影響力,對不同的人也有70%,50%,30%, 20%,10%等等不同的影響力,而這種影響,一個人無數的人構成社會文化環境,按照那位狗屁詩人的思維方式進行思考的人大有人在。。。最後受這種文化影響的人,也就是說不成僵屍,也大都淪陷於“井”中。。。

作舟最近的幾篇微型小說,放棄對小說裏人物的“然之”與“功之”,且來“非之”。。。【不測】裏兩條蛔蟲,“我沒有枉來一世,我是成功者!這也是你的驕傲!”身陷無形的“井”中,最後被馬桶衝入下水道。。。“HER STORY”,讀“她”的故事,我的第一直覺是“她”的心陷於一口無形的“井”中,很有點類似“妾心井中水”。。。如果看得清楚一點,還和“貞婦貴殉夫,舍生亦如此。”沾邊帶故,原文裏,“She stresses on the P. H. D. like a young mother telling people her child’s name.”她的丈夫是個根本不存在的狗屁“P. H. D.”,那或許是她腦子裏理想的伴侶??我不敢斷言。。。“Her Story” is mystery…no answer… 可作為一位普通讀者,覺得如此美麗可愛的女人,她值得活得更自由更有生命力。。。文化,社會環境,性格或多或少讓我不難深入她的故事來“然之”,it is life。。。【情書】裏更不用說,“在這熱血沸騰的年代,我們一定要把握好機遇,加入黨組織隻是萬裏長征的第一步。”上一輩的長征路的盡頭怎樣不用說,淪陷無形的“井”中。。。下一輩繼承父輩的精神,“追求”進了有形的“井” -- 牢獄。。。

Beware of all the unchecked old, crappy, stinky stuff they call “culture” or “art”!!!!
by水滴 回複 悄悄話 When the males lost the power of conquer the outsiders, the only thing left to make them feel that they still had the power was to "conquer" the other half of their own people, females!

If I HATE anything, Confucius doctrine is my first pick!!
影雲 回複 悄悄話 是的,將它高舉,宣揚這種精神,實際上起著麻痹大眾作用。精神的圈地運動。可惡,

作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 well-said, y.y.!!!

非洲的女性割禮 is one of the most astonishing, stupidest human behavior existing....!!!!

at least, they didn't put it in their classical literature as a praising song...

thanks for the input!!!
影雲 回複 悄悄話 分析非常透徹深刻,說得正中下懷!!!

