
P.S. "Love Is For Losers"

(2005-07-07 20:53:13) 下一個
"Love is for Losers" was what i saw on a teenage boy's teeshirt-- he was an artless, bored young teen who carried a heavy statement in his face on his chest in his eyes on his shoulders in his heart ... what's for "winners" then? so many young people already spent, bent walking around carrying a statement like a rusted sun like a loaded gun ... someone was hurt deep inside someone is going to hurt someone tonight ... we still have a long way to go brothers & sisters ... :: yet, another day in paradise
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閱讀 ()評論 (31)
知凡 回複 悄悄話 "changing perspectives can help us "think less" about ourselves [isn't that a good way to forget our pity "fears?"]"

知凡現在看什麽都在changing perspectives......


“knowing all that is to realize that "we" cannot change the world, but the "worlds" are in us!!!!!”

說的好!!! 謝謝您另一部電影的推薦..... 周末快樂!
LTG 回複 悄悄話 作先生”練完了“乾坤大挪移” ,現在又在耍“太極”,佩服!!!張無忌的上乘武功,您隻差“聖火令”了…….張無忌的神功僅次於郭靖....


i wish i knew how to 耍“太極”:)
知凡 回複 悄悄話 “作先生”練完了“乾坤大挪移” ,現在又在耍“太極”,佩服!!!張無忌的上乘武功,您隻差“聖火令”了…….張無忌的神功僅次於郭靖,郭靖等於完美,這世界上沒有完美,“作先生”的文字功力小女子佩服佩服!!!
LTG 回複 悄悄話 hi friends,

enjoy reading all your comments!!!!!

didn't know ZF is also an expert on 武功 :)

love the quote from “莊子秋水”...there is truth in it....

inspired by your words/ideas/observations, i realize that we have to
realize that "writing with heart" or "speaking with heart" is so important and so basic if we long for a better world/life.....

i always think faith and religion are two different things....again, for those who love movies, i recommand another one [which was filmed in the city i live now]: What the *bleep* Do We Know?

this film inspired many and it's still inspiring those who see it for the first time....i won't give out the film....it is worht watching.....it is about "meaning".....

people of different religious orientations are drawn to it and got inspired by it.....

religions are created by humans....even the idea of God!!!!

God, eastern gods or western gods, didn't write the Bible, didn't make the churches interfere with the states, etc... right???

knowing all that is to realize that "we" cannot change the world, but the "worlds" are in us!!!!!

for example,

a little poem cannot do anything in the eyes of a car dealer or a fat banker, but then, a poet or a writer/artist or anyone who pursues spirituality does it all the same because we know that "happiness" comes from within!!!!

知凡 回複 悄悄話 “用心”寫的文字確實是有價值的,是受人尊敬的,但大多數寫文字的人,都是用他們的心在寫…… 如果作舟雙壁軒裏的詩歌僅僅是用心寫的, 我想可能不會吸引我來讀……..用心寫文章的人太多太多了,認識幾個字的人,都可以寫,因為人人都有一顆心,而且有的人文筆一流技藝高超也無濟於事……可看的書很多很多,我讀不認識的人寫的文章,可以說心對我沒有多少吸引力…….


by水滴 回複 悄悄話 YY and ZF: Thanks for the feedback on the sarcastic comment.

Teen's values and attitudes are strongly role-modeled after the society defined "sucessful and powerful" figures. The religious leaders or average church attenders have very little influence on them. They are not the "winners" I meant.
AAAB 回複 悄悄話 作先生對說得好與不好有很精辟的理論,大意是隻要是“用心”說,就是好。

知凡 回複 悄悄話 說來說去,還是修養不足,說話的方式語氣是很重要的,我們喜歡“作先生”(AAAB的稱謂)的詩歌,也是因為其詩歌的語言和意境的妙處,但是語言有如武功中的內功,非一日可練成,所以我說與不說,常憑興致,因為我知道我說不好......
知凡 回複 悄悄話 AAAB,謝謝你的友愛......
AAAB 回複 悄悄話 知凡,
知凡 回複 悄悄話 謝謝你,AAAB,我從前不敢多說話,因為我真的很脆弱,說多了,我真會哭.....我想我們曾經受過柏拉圖思想影響的人,你會理解。新時代了,我努力在現代藝術和詩歌裏尋找抹去淚水的堅強......
AAAB 回複 悄悄話 知凡,
知凡 回複 悄悄話 我感到最悲傷的是顧城用他痛苦著的靈魂唱著陽光和光明,唯有舒婷“懷念顧城”,樸實的語言讓我讀得感動流涕,女詩人一顆多麽溫柔的心。

we still have a long way to go
brothers & sisters
AAAB 回複 悄悄話 有些教很邪,但正統的基督教還是有些道理。不太清楚,隻是一種感覺。

知凡 回複 悄悄話 黑夜給我黑色的眼睛



writing poetry is to find order
in this disorderly world ...

因為至少可以多少啟發讀者思考問題的方式,不盲目......盲目什麽也不能改變,沒有愛情,很少友愛,戰爭,殺戮,恐怖活動...... 目前最恐怖的,我認為根源也是盲目信的那些“教”,一個個無辜的生命.....
知凡 回複 悄悄話 AAAB,我的理解是不能盲目地信,我也很崇尚信仰,信仰也可以說是精神,我相信有一個冥冥中主宰著我們的神(或別的什麽名字),她創造世界萬物包括人類的靈魂…… 我願摒棄所有思想束縛,讓我的靈去接近她,與之對話,希望她能告訴我所有的疑問,告訴我我該怎樣麵對生活,該怎樣獲得一個平凡的女人身心真正的平衡,這是目前支撐著我的精神…… 在這個過程中我是主動的,而不是被放牧的小羊羔,盡管我的內心有時比羊羔還要脆弱,但是如果我們主動修養自我,我們會逐漸逐漸真正堅強…… 教會裏的人形形色色,和不信教的人沒有本質的區別,其實人都是一樣的,並不一定以群分,特別是如果我們也追求精神和信仰的話。如果信教的人以群分人,那他們是在信“教”,而不是信Holly Spirit, God and Jesus……

AAAB 回複 悄悄話 去過教堂幾次,覺得信教的人很天真,很單純,很弱小,很理想。但是信仰是強大的,信仰將會改變社會。
知凡 回複 悄悄話 水滴,佩服你的思維!

但是作舟這首詩歌的出發點有點像張無忌練習“乾坤大挪移”的武功,張無忌的內功為《九陽神功》…… 這麽一說,你應理解這是英雄們的思維。

而金庸小說裏,誰的武功最出神入化呢?是郭靖,郭靖所依內功為《九陰真經》,武功為降龍十八掌……郭靖在眾英雄中,潛力謀略都有所不及其他英雄…… 這麽一說你應理解這個世界老子所雲“上善若水”的含義.




影雲 回複 悄悄話 Here is my understanding:
Rusted sun - - - hopeless and helpless
Loaded gun - - - frustrated, stressful, revengeful, and the like

Hard to say these so-called winners are really religious or do have faith in anything - - - they are rebellious and their self-knowledge are overshadowed by the pop culture.

I once talked to a teen friend; she said that every teen at school has a trend to make a suicide, which shocked me. Her teacher told them that high school could a cradle for self-discovery of those kids, but the intensive competition burdens and stress out them who go to college to take extra courses for their future.

my point is that the heart of a kid is a prairie; we can nurture it to green but also burn it. Who are “we”?

rc, I know you are sarcastic when saying those above. Like you critical thinking
by水滴 回複 悄悄話 "what's for "winners" then?" LTG asked.

The statement behind "Love is for losers" are:

"Aggression is for winners"
"Indifference is for winners"
"Cruety is for winners"
"Exploitation is for winners"
"Deceiving is for winners"

"God is love!" Isn't that sound hypocritical to you? When the murders tell us that they sincerely love God and " we shall love the others like love ourselves", do you believe the word "love" from their mouth? I don't! "Love is for losers" is what in their mind.

Who is a rusted sun! who is truely a loaded gun! Me?? Are you kidding???

知凡 回複 悄悄話 "Kooser documents the dignities, habits and small griefs of daily life, our hunger for connection, our struggle to find balance. — Poetry "

Thanks for your recommendation.....
rc 回複 悄悄話 sometimes, cynicism is a way to cope with the crazy world.
LTG 回複 悄悄話 yes, z.f.!!

the poet is a good one :)

ted kooser, i believe, the current poet lauraete of USA.

of course, people can find "order" by doing different things in life...
LTG 回複 悄悄話 that's right, y.y.!!

a few words can do that, sometimes....

humans are the happiest creatures

because we can




知凡 回複 悄悄話 writing poetry is to find order

in this disorderly world ...


depend on different poetry[poets]...
影雲 回複 悄悄話 Personally, I also feel writing does comb messy thoughts.
LTG 回複 悄悄話 keeping one's eyes open

to the outside world

is the same as

keeping an eye

at the inner

知凡 回複 悄悄話 we still have a long way to go
brothers & sisters
LTG 回複 悄悄話 i heard someone [a poet] said:

writing poetry is to find order

in this disorderly world ...

so we write

and keep

影雲 回複 悄悄話 灰色世界的宣言
: love is for losers

"someone was hurt
deep inside
someone is going to
hurt someone

very well written
知凡 回複 悄悄話 ...bored young teen
who carried a heavy
