
精/神 (圖)

(2005-06-02 14:41:54) 下一個

精/神 我們曾被描述過是"長在紅旗下的一代"。不僅身體在紅太陽下茁壯成長,大腦也多多少少 被太陽的強光烤糊過。 洗腦,不如叫“烤腦”或“烤山芋”。腦子如能被清洗滌盡,那不反而輕鬆了? 我們很幸福的,不是嗎?吃得飽,穿的暖;沒被征去當愚蠢的戰士。 可‘人’畢竟不是吃飽了就睡的某種哺乳動物。 由此想到“精”,“神”二字。 雷鋒精神 共產主義精神 集體主義精神 馬列主義精神 大公無私精神 先人後己精神 愛國主義精神 老一輩革命家的精神 為人民服務的精神 大無畏的精神 新時代精神 黨中央精神 模範精神 .... 小時候,天真爛漫地用過許多虛偽的形容詞。腦子不僅沒被洗幹淨,反而更複雜了。 被“烤糊”[或委婉點,叫“熏陶”]的時候,“精神”與自身脫離了。自身仍空空如也! 放眼二十一世紀,人們不太思考“精神”了。相反,人們寧願“神經”---即拖著空空如也 的肉身去為錢財名譽打拚,弄到焦頭爛額才死心。 我發現我一直不懂什麽是“精神”!! 人言亦言,乘謊言的風飄行了多年。 我們不是沒有曆史, 沒有智慧的遺產。我們怎麽了? 突然一天,意識到靈魂的存在,愛的無私,精神的使用. . . . 我開始給自己慢慢洗腦。 6/2/05
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閱讀 ()評論 (30)
rc 回複 悄悄話 Oh, the research on how to apply energy will never end..

I am more interested in the energitic connection among human beings. All of us are connected within the energy field without our awareness. (I do have evidence a dear friend send to me.)

I guess when falling in love, there should be increased amount of the energy exchange and connection... :)
影雲 回複 悄悄話 True, if science only works for fulfilling the greedy purpose of tyrants, the end of the world will come soon
LTG 回複 悄悄話 another thought [before the ice cube disappears in my glass]:

knowing that how smart our scientists have become nowadays in their expensive labs, and all the "power" and "energy" out there to be exploited [all physical energy, right?], we should also remember how excited the world was when Einstein's discovery has paved the way for making nuclear bombs....

energy, yes, incomprehensible energy, but for what purpose?!?

again,i hope all the power/energy we'll continue to exploit will help people live happier lives....

let's see less and less destruction on our part.....
LTG 回複 悄悄話 ZF,

wonderful poem from Emily!!!



keep :))ing....

now, it should be "easier" for us to enter the "soul world" after your scientific evidence:)
rc 回複 悄悄話 LTG:

You made me laugh...:)) Whatever you think.

影雲 回複 悄悄話 thanks, rc, young at the heart is the most important - - - after i heard the song of Sainkho Namtchylak, i know i will be forever young :)

知凡 回複 悄悄話 rc, 應該是“紅衫”吧,我高中時,人們稱我“紅衣少女”,可我一麵是紅色的,一麵是藍色的, 所以我就學了文學而沒有去學我同樣也喜歡的科學....很喜歡你提供一些科學的見解.....


(Emily Bronte)
LTG 回複 悄悄話 another book by Gary:

"The Dancing Wu Li Masters" :)

it is an introduction to the mind....i.e., quantum physics....also the "energy" theory....

rc, please....i don't believe you are "old" :)
rc 回複 悄悄話 YY, I "悟" for many years. You and LTG are much luckier than I am. At a young age, thinking about those "spiritual" things.
rc 回複 悄悄話 I don't know whether you all heard about dark mass and dark energy. It is a hot topic in modern physics. The measurable mass that our human can sense (including with the help of instruments) is only a very small % of the Universe energy. I am talking about even transfer all the matters to energy in optimal condition. E=MC2 (square). Basically, visible matter is only a little tip of the huge iceberg in the Universe. The Universe is full of energy. The vacuun is not true vacuum. It is full of energy..
影雲 回複 悄悄話 水滴?您“悟”的也太快了 我要改成“氣” - - - 與“氣死的”無關 [玩笑]

by水滴 回複 悄悄話 人類相信,天下萬物有源頭,這個源頭叫上帝。既然上帝是萬物之源,那麽他就是萬
LTG 回複 悄悄話 rc,

like your new ID!!

yes, your quote on "energy" is great!

it's all energy!! love, anger, hate, sorrow, happiness, etc., etc....

i remembering writing a poem called "Milky Way" in which we humans are little invisible star dust that transform "energy"....at least, that's how i comprehend Universe, where we humans are far from the "center"....
知凡 回複 悄悄話 水滴,喜歡你的名字,更同意你所說“愛是能量輸出”!!

by水滴 回複 悄悄話 我是rc。剛剛注冊了一個新ID,看看朋友們是否能認同。:)



依我看,精神二字可能來自中醫學說的“精,氣,神。” 精力, 精華,元氣,中


愛是能量輸出。極少的愛是絕對無私的。拿父母的愛來說,即使他們不 指望 物質
的回報,對精神上的回報還是有所期望的。 無私的情愛更是少見。依個人愚見,我
那麽它必需有所輸入。 如果不出不入,那麽必然是死水一潭,即使不臭,太陽一曬,

的人。(本人並不隸屬任何宗教形式) 悠久曆史,文化遺產似乎不足以提升我們的


知凡 回複 悄悄話 對,愛是不需要智慧的!!智慧,是為了用來戰勝在這個相對而生誘惑的世界裏純美愛情死亡的悲劇命運!!智慧 makes this life worth living...

poetry is a kind of seek-i-n-g-
you'll never "find" it
but IT's there
always & makes this life
worth living
知凡 回複 悄悄話 所以愛對我來說是很“個人”的事情,不被任何人左右,甚至不被我所愛的人左右...

換句話說:我想愛誰就愛誰 :)


to be able to love is 'happiness'....

影雲 回複 悄悄話 過早死亡有時是身體不好,象布朗寧幾個姐妹,沒有一個長命 - - - 父母幾個都早
過世呢 - - - 遺傳:) 關鍵是她們幾個寫出最經典的愛情故事,有的卻沒有戀愛過:
) 我的意思是,不是一個男人和女人牽了手,多看了幾眼,就是愛。LTG談到的量變

人們照樣有愛情,茶米油煙的過日子 - - - 愛,很難和智慧有什麽關係。包身工也
有愛情,千萬富翁也有(溫灑公爵愛沒人不愛江山呢) 。。 。。

ltg says, the word 'love' is such a loaded word, culturally and metaphorically, that it has become a cliché ...
y.y nods, true, true, trueee ....

LTG 回複 悄悄話 i said that to be able to love is 'happiness'....

in other words, 'love' is not the goal we want to achieve at certain point...

the word 'love' is such a loaded word, culturally and metaphorically, that it has become a cliché ...

people usually "measure" love the way they measure one's salary, prices of a house, a car, etc... or, they relate it mostly with sexual relationship....

in poetry, Love seems to be a little bigger than what we perceive, thus it functions like the light at the end of the tunnel....
知凡 回複 悄悄話 影雲,同意你的說法,特別是關於“呼嘯山莊”。但是如果回到生活中,KATHERINE 和 HEALTHCLIFF 能否相遇??如果能相遇,我希望兩百多年後的今天,以我們的智慧和所攀爬的高度,祝願他們不是死亡的結局,而是有一段美好人生。
而寶黛,以我們的智慧和所攀爬的高度,我同樣祝願他們有美滿的結局。智慧是可以戰勝死亡的......而且有靈魂的人是不會自殺的,他們死亡是因為他們不適應,因為失望和疲倦,他們甚至不會去奮鬥,所以黛玉死了,“呼嘯山莊”的作者Emily Bronte不到三十歲就死了,Emily Bronte是我少女時代最喜愛的作家和詩人...
影雲 回複 悄悄話 呼嘯山莊裏的愛情很炙熱非常美!就象荒原裏的火 - - - 死亡不定義悲劇,就象活
著也不見得是喜劇 - - - 這裏麵有很大的一種為愛做出的犧牲 - - - 記得KATHERINE嫁
- - - 但這種犧牲裏你感受到愛象火一樣屬於兩個心靈自由的人,最終兩個遊魂結
伴而行 - - - 死亡並不可怕 - - - 這種愛OUTGROW了死亡


whatever is invisible does not mean it's not there

知凡 回複 悄悄話 Love = 愛情,Love ≠ 愛情,兩種說法都對。人們常說的愛情是生發於心的愛情,而我所講的愛情是心、靈魂俱在的愛情,我除了在文學作品中見過,物質世界很少見到,而結局呢?梁祝化蝶了;羅密歐與朱利葉雙雙殉情了;“寶黛”一個死了,另一個做和尚了;《呼嘯山莊》裏男女主人公也是悲劇..... 而現世的愛情是“老路與陷阱”,我相信愛但不相信愛情。
LTG 回複 悄悄話 ZF,

Love ≠ 愛情 [??]

Veeeerrry interestinnnnnng :)

Hi, Xiaoping:

Sorry, I'm too lazy to figure all that out :)

I am just throwing out some ideas for you guys to enlighten me!

Welcome back!


i agree with your "悟" statement! That is, "there is nothing new under the sun!"

What is new is our own experience, esp. spiritual experience, such as our spiritual growth in the materialistic world....

知凡 回複 悄悄話 小平,影雲,你們好,仿佛又要開始討論了:)每次討論過後,我都想寫文章。嘿嘿:))

如詩人所說“我們不是沒有曆史, 沒有智慧的遺產。我們怎麽了?”

影雲 回複 悄悄話 回小平同誌,


那些要看FROMM,可以很科學的回答你的問題。他還注有THE ART OF LOVE。
:) 但很多時候,沒有答案 - - - 一個纏繞了人幾千年的問題,不是幾個名人說這
似的。。。悟,很重要 :)
影雲 回複 悄悄話 悲哀!!!
但喜悅的是我們懂得曾經被“洗腦”過。 一個善於思考的人是不盲從的。即便在這
by小平 回複 悄悄話 btw, 你下麵的那個《血嶸花》特喜歡。


by小平 回複 悄悄話 您勒洗得咋樣了?:)問好!


知凡 回複 悄悄話 “When you see nothing
there is everything. Deathless
because Life is just about to begin
when light is still arriving from a place
we have never heard of before.”

"愛是一個不相信愛情的女人的精神. "

LTG 回複 悄悄話 更正: [倒數第二行]
