
the shock

(2007-01-26 19:43:49) 下一個
I have been in the rage for a couple of days since I saw their emails. I still remember how my fingers were trembling when I saw his darling over the universe. I could not believe my eyes even though I had thought I had been well-prepared for this.therefore I had been thinking over and over during the last a couple of days to figure out why. Right now I finally realize actually and sadly there is no answer for this. It is just time for me to get myself out of there and move on. I tried to imagine how I could take revenge against him in various circumstances, now I decided to withdraw all those potential strategies. Could I be much happier if I do carry out my plans? Would I feel better? As a matter of fact, I have no idea. I realize in the sarrow that I have to forgive him in order to move on, after all I could not live in rage forever. yeap...life is shit, even though in stories and movies all bad individuals would be judged and punished.ironically, nice people suffer more in the real life. All religions may comfort people for their disappoitment or desires which could never be achieved. dear god, if here is anyone, will it listen to me? but I know I have to let it go.
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失落的風 回複 悄悄話 thank u
靜水蒼蘭 回複 悄悄話 sorry, maked a mistake


when everyone else sees a dark cloud, find the opportunity that makes the lining silver.

take care.
靜水蒼蘭 回複 悄悄話
when everyone else sees a dark cloud, find the opportunity yhat makes the lining silver.

take care.