圖畫:秋韻 詩文:秋菱 翻唱:缺月疏桐

(一) 雨
下了一夜 樹葉洗掉了灰塵 濕漉漉的一片生機
雨啊 我心上的灰塵 你也洗得去嗎
(二) 來自雨
我渴盼著下雨 盼了整個夏季 夏天已經走了 雨卻一直沒來
葉黃了,紛紛飄下 落上要寄給你的信 我的夢還綠著 等待多年碧綠依舊
幹硬已久的筆軟了 我用舌尖,一點 一點地潤開了它;可是,親愛的 我還是不知道如何啟筆
信,你昨天來的信 說你那裏,下了第一場 這個季節的雨 我的心發疼,發冷 冷到心底 我抱緊雙臂 似乎這樣就能溫暖你
我們融進了 夢和愛的日子 起起落落 象這雨 來來去去
愛擁著我們 所以我們
秋菱2005-10-8譯自影雲: ===========================
From Rain
I had been longing for rain For the whole summer Summer is gone now And it had never rained
Leaves yellowed, drifting down Onto the paper ready to carry to you My dreams that are still green After years of waiting
The long dried pen wetted By the tip of my tongue, little By little; but, darling, I still don't know where to begin
The letter; yesterday When you told me of the first rain Of the season there My heart ached, chilled From the bottom I held myself tight As if to keep you warm
We have become part of years of dreaming & loving ups and downs like the rain Come and go
What holds us is what we hold
in love
(oct . 2005 By影雲)
歌曲《淚的小雨/缺月疏桐》下載: http://www.shuangzistar.com/ivy/ldxy.mp3