
上來替朋友報個喜 -- 都是牛校啊!

(2008-04-01 07:18:50) 下一個



Princeton, Upenn Jerome Fisher Program, Columbia, Duke, Dartmouth, Cornell, John Hopkins BME, Northwestern,cmu ....


Harvard and MIT



子女壇上傳來的捷報 by 一家三口

草學究公子(我暫且這麽說);Princeton, Stanford , MIT
大奔愛女:Stanford, Duke, Cornell, WashU, Vandy, and State U.
HorseMom愛女: Princeton
white_sky愛女:Harvard Princeton Columbia,rejected by Upenn and Dartmouth and in waitling list Cornell and Yale.
SAT I: 2400, SAT II: Math II, Chemistry, and Physics 3 x 800 (All test taken in once)
GPA: 3.79 (unweighted) and school rank: 2/350
Awards: two chemistry, several Math, one debate and ... among them, one chemistry award and the debate award are the second place in our province. HS is Canadian public school.
lee05 公子:Princeton
foxwalk公子:UCB and Dartmouth (My son could not get in H,P, in the waiting list on Y)
snow_snow公子: Harvard and Princeton
SATI 2320;
SAT II: Math II, Chemistry, and Physics 3 x 800 (All test taken in once)
All classes are 'A' or 'A+'; GPA: 4.4;School rank: 1/250; School is public school.
AP: 11 classes. all 5's for 6 taken.
3 years class president; school Forensics Captain; school orchestra vice chairman
Awards: 4 years State Forensics first place; 4 years State orchestra perform first place; a bunch of leadership awards( State, Regional, schools); State scholar
As school representative, attended State HS leadership camps and seminars.
Tennis JV team.
volunteering in local senior care.
have a part time job.
abc6698愛女:Duke, U. Wash, UVA and UNC (Yale rejected)
12451愛女:MIT, Harvard
TwoCent愛女: Harvard, Princeton and, MIT
alex1234公子:Yale SCEA and top 3 lac
西西: MIT, Stanford 其他不詳
shipwmao 侄兒:Duke, Princeton,UPenn Science-Business Co-program. (20 admitted in the program)
SAT: 2400
Harvard, Yale: waiting list

Big_Benz愛女:applied to 8 schools, got in Stanford, Duke, Cornell, WashU, Vandy, and State U. Waitlisted at Tufts and rejected from Harvard.
A_Momy’s LD's colleague's公子 : Yale EA.
一縷斜陽公子: USC , Carnegie Mellon
shyypsh朋友的公子:UVA, UCB
hollygreen愛女:Columbia, Duck, Johns Hopkins, Wash U, Vanderbilt,
UCLA, State U
LuMa 愛女:Penn, Brown, U Chicago, Wellesley, Northeasten (Waiting listed:Columbia, Yale. Rejected:Harvard)
事事隨緣愛女: MIT, Harvard,Stanford
NJ10愛女: Caltech MIT, Harvard, and Princeton


1230公子:Stanford, U of Chicago, Wash U, (Harvard waiting list).


紅葉飄愛女:Duke,U of Chicago,Rice,UCB,NYU,UM(Hor-pro),UT(Hor-pro)。Harvard在waiting list。
還有,誰知道Harvard waiting list有多少機會可以進去?今年情況特別,請高人給分析預測一下。

大雪飛揚公子: UCB, Wash U , U Chicago, Duke, Dartmouth, NW, Johns Hopkins, Brown, Cornell,Columbia
去年SAT成績出來,就2200多,看了冒一冒泡的帖子,對申請好大學沒有報多大希望,今年的可能失誤是前5名的大學就報了Harvard, MIT都被據。我們還申請了30多名2所大學,60多名2所大學,都被錄取。GPA很高,3.9幾(sorry我忘了具體數字),到畢業有14門AP,破了校記錄(他自己一定要選)。因為轉學,以前的幾門科沒有被count,剛開始在全年級就300多名,每學期下來升很多,到申請前是全年級26名共500多學生。實際上他應該是第一,counselor寫推薦信時解釋了這一點,不知道有沒有管用。到目前為至,就英語得過B,其他課全A,今年的學生會主席,3個Club的頭, n多的獎牌,但最好就是數學競賽州裏的金牌。SATII Math 800, Ph 760, Bio 780,大概就這些

追月逐日:普林斯頓, 康奈爾, 威爾斯利, 史密斯女校 (哈佛,耶魯拒絕)
SAT1 總分2320分(其中數學、閱讀滿分,各為800分,作文未寫完,語法有錯題,為720分);SAT2 數理化三科全為滿分800。AP(大學先修課程)課已考三門,待考五門,全為理科較高學術難度的科目;她的鋼琴已獲專業演奏級文憑,參加過國際性比賽,拿過加拿大全國鋼琴比賽第五名,美國州級、加國省級比賽第一名,地區、市級比賽若幹次第一名;她有多門語言能力,按水平衡量,依次為英文、中文、俄文、法文、德文;她擔任學校樂隊鋼琴伴奏、義務為社區演出多次;參加學校環保社團,是主要負責人,擔任學生會委員;她還是社區老人院義工,每周兩次四小時在老人院義務工作;她兼職英文及數學家教和鋼琴收費伴奏,並有一暑期在著名國際性大公司做實習生一個月。

Got in:9 Princeton,Cornell,Brown,Duke,Carnegie Mellon,UM,UVa ,UC Berkeley,Rice
Waitlisted:3 Harvard, MIT,CalTech
Rejected:1 Stanford
紅豆紅愛女:Sheridan, Animation

alex1234 公子: Yale, Oxford
accidental ivy kids?
I have two kids. The elder daughter went to one of the top ivies N years ago. I can't take any credit in her achievment. In fact, she took much more responisblities/obligations than most the kids at her age. I can only be grateful that I had her. I'll keep her story short as I know I'm getting old :) and can't stop myself from bragging as soon as I start talking about her even though I didn't do anything help her.
She came to US at 7. The only Bs she got was in first year she came here. Lost mom at 14. At 15, I handed signed checkbook to her and we had never had late unpaid bills. At 16, she packed lunches and afternoon snack for her and her little brother every morning, picked up him in the afternoon from his afterschool, many time had to go to principle's office to deal with the trouble the little one made in school, went back to her school for her activities while the little boy sitting at the back of room. With an ATM card I gave her in high school, she took care of the grocery and household items. The little one never run out the clean cloth, never had unfit socks/shoes. I had no idea of college application when she was in high school. She took care of that, seeking advice from teachers and counselors. She got in two of 4 top colleges she applied.
Now the second one is a totally different story. We are still amazed that yale took him early, with his 3.82 GPA(removing the 9th grade, then it would look a lot better) and no major awards/leadership positions. He does have good but not perfect test scores. Those scores are the only things he has that fall into yale's top 50% admitted students. He's going to Oxford, not Yale though.
My son is a more than 10 years younger than his sister. He didn't experience the financial difficulties and constant school moving that was part of his sister's early life. I don't know whether this is the reason. It seems the things that motivate him are quite different from his sister. He seems never bothered to be the best one in order to get others praise him. It's other people's feeling that could affect him. A simple no is never a no to him until he's convinced the reason and he's hard to be convinced. This got him in plenty troubles in school for breaking various rules. In first grade, teacher said they had to hand in homework second day. Guess what, he didn't bother to do that and just took another kid's homework, erase the poor kid's name, put his name on and handed in cause the teacher never said they had to hand in their own homework. Well, when the teacher called out that kid in the class and asked him why he didn't hand in the homework, the poor kid started crying. Now he felt guilty and spilled the beans to the teacher himself. Maybe it's these kinds of mischiefs of parsing and twisting teacher's words made some teachers really uncomfortable with him and we were pushed to let him skipped two grades. He was in suspension for some trouble on the day when he graduated from elementary school and could not participate the ceremony.

兒高中四年獲全A。五百二十多應屆畢業生中排第二。他學校不排名次。去年3月學校告訴他準備在畢業典禮上發言時才知道他是第二名。ACT成績滿分。SAT 兩千二百多分。10門AP.
兒子能被TOP大學錄取因素很多。除他個人努力外,老師和學校顧問寫的推薦信起了很大作用。兒子善良,正直,尊敬老師,關心同學,對朋友極忠。大考前夜不管多晚如有同學來電話問問題他總是熱心回答。他是PRE-MED CLUB的PRESIDENT,校網球隊主力隊員。另外他還參加了學校的辨論隊,數學隊,象棋隊。在醫院做了4年義工。前年夏天他得到一份幫助低收入家庭申請補助的工作。每小時7美元。時間不定,有時一天隻有一小時。除去車票,午飯錢他根本不掙錢。他還是很認真的去做。
COLLEGE CONFIDENTIAL網大家可做參考。祝大家的孩子們都能上他們想去的學校!

dukp公子:已被Cornell,Emory,Notre Dame, and UVa(inState)錄取。他想學醫。
He is 1/400 in public school. GPA4.8 and lot of leadships.
wait lists 哈佛,耶魯,Stanford,Upen, JohnHP

樂樂逍遙公子:UPenn ED
每年都要去學校,參加 Top 20 ( 20/750 )的表彰大會,在會上,畢業生們要自我介紹一下,自己去了那所學校。去年的基本情況是這樣:排名第一的,是位韓國男孩。他被 Columbia, UCB, UCLA , Duke 錄取,去了 Duke ,因為這所學校給了獎學金。 他的情況是: SAT 過了 2200 , SAT 2 ,三門過了 750 ,是學校學生會的成員, 11 年級網球隊員。
有 2 個去了哈佛,一個是男孩,靠體育去的,跑步在州裏,有很好的名次。 另一個是女孩,學習和踢足球都很棒,這個女孩和我兒子一起,去年被評為學校的優秀運動員( 4/3000 ),在學校裏很牛。我還很清楚地記得,她向家長們報告,要去哈佛上學時的興奮,激動的神情。去了學校半年後,聽兒子說,她覺得在哈待著不愉快(可能是每個人 都很牛吧),就轉回我們這的一所很好的州立學校。
有 2 個去 Stanford 的,其中的一個是,小時候,從南斯拉夫移民來的,在他的作文裏,寫了 90 年代初期,南斯拉夫打仗時,他要跟著父母,到處躲藏,變成了無家可歸的孩子,那時的感受,一定很不同尋常。他說,要學政治,外交專業,將來變成一個,和平使者,爭取讓更多的人知道和平的重要性。(普通的表現,當然 SAT 要過 2100, 申請大學時,作文非常重要 )。 另外一個也是比較一般的表現,她是墨西哥人,爸爸是從 S 畢業的。 其餘的孩子 (Top 20 裏的 ) ,基本上去了 UCB, UCLA, UCSD, USC 這樣的好大學。
再說說今年,排名第一的,是個白人男孩,被 P, Y, S and Caltech 錄取了,這孩子 4 年下來,一直是年級第一,從來沒拿過 B 。記得 9 年級時,兒子跟我說:“媽,我爭取保住,現在第二名的成績吧,第一的同學,早在暑假就去修課了, 9 年級一上來,他選的課就比我選的課 GPA 高,我就是都不拿 B, 也不可能拿第一”。看來,暑假早修課也是有好處的,隻是我家孩子要享受暑假的好時光,咱也沒辦法。這個男孩兒,絕頂聰明,有過目不忘的本事,到 11 年級結束時,修了 8 門 AP 且全部 5 分。還拿了很多 OCAD 的 獎,是一個 CLUB 的主席,沒參加什麽體育隊 ( 現在想想,如果,你的孩子體育不好,但在學習上,能有很棒的成績,去好學校,還是有戲的 ) 。
再有,就是我兒子,因為喜歡 Penn 的 Wharton 商學院,被 ED 錄取,不可以再報其它的學校。
接下來的,是一個女孩,她是校學生會和網球隊的成員, Sat 過 2300 ,三門 Sat2 過 750 ,被 Caltech 和 U.Chicago 的經濟係錄取。其餘的孩子 (Top 20 裏的 ) ,和去年一樣,基本上去了 UCB, UCLA, UCSD, USC 這樣的學校。
其實,每個上大學的小孩,經曆都不一樣,能上什麽樣的大學,除了實力以外, 運氣也很重要。

朋友女兒:Princeton, Upenn Jerome Fisher Program, Columbia, Duke, Dartmouth, Cornell (獎勵免一半學費), John Hopkins BME, Northwestern,cmu (Harvard and MIT waiting list. Yale reject)
SAT1 2370 (math 800), AP 12門,已考六門(5分),待考六門, school rank 1/450

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