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2004-06-21 08:59:04婚姻生活



三字經 英文翻譯

人之初:At the beginning of life,
性本善:sex is good.
性相近:Basically, all sex is the same,
習相遠:but it varies with each individual on their ways as how it is done.
苟不教:If this art is not carefully taught,
性乃遷:sex will leave us.
教之道:The essence of mastering it,
貴以專:is to make love whole-heartedly with only one person.
昔孟母:Once the great mother, Mrs. Meng,
擇鄰處:is very picky on choosing neighbors to seek good sex.
子不學:Her son doesn't know the importance of the study,
斷機杼:she cuts off his dick.
竇燕山:Dou Yan Shan, the Famous
有義方:owns a very effective medicine.
教五子:And teaches his five sons how to benefit from it,
名俱揚:all of them are well known of their sexual ability.
養不教:If you have children but don't teach them,
父之過:it is all your fault as a father.
教不嚴:If they are not taught hands on in school,
師之惰:The teacher must be indulged with his own sexual excitements.
子不學:Whoever refuses to study this,
非所宜:is making a serous mistake.
幼不學:If you don't learn it early in your childhood,
老何為:you dont know what to do when getting older.
玉不琢:If you don't exercise your instrument, even it is jade like
不成器:it won't become a treasure the opposite sex dying for.
人不學:Everyone must learn sex,
不知義:Otherwise no one can by no means enjoy its sweetness

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