落花飄零 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2022-08-22 14:23:13) 下一個




本來想今年趕緊上IM california或者IM arizona,但是腦子裏血塊不退掉,是不能再騎車,所以隻能慢慢等,今年看來要泡湯了。

Ironman Alaska facebook page是我見過最熱情的page,很多人自願幫助別人,我發帖問了那天是怎麽回事,有人回帖

Wen, I was the first bike behind you. I was about 20 yards back and had my eyes on you like normal riders do on a bike in front. I saw you swerve a little, then your front wheel did the scary wobble back and forth and then turned sideways. You went over the top and rolled once or twice. I immediately stopped to check on you to see if you needed help but you were unresponsive. I checked your pulse and it was fine. I checked your breathing and it seemed OK but a little restricted. I talked to you but you were unconscious. I yelled for passing bikers to send medical help from the next aid station. I made sure not to move you at all. I gently rubbed your shoulder and just talked to you. By then another biker, number 515 stopped to help. He checked your eyes and they seemed fine. After about 5, 6, 7 minutes went by, I put my hand on your shoulder and said a prayer out loud for God to watch over you and heal you. That I didn’t know your name but pray that you wake up.
After maybe 10 minutes an IM staff truck showed up. We told them what was going on, but you were still unresponsive. 515 and I asked if you could say your name, nothing. Could you open your eyes, nothing. Could you smile, and moves your cheeks a little. I just sat/kneeled on the ground beside you and gently rubbed your back/shoulder. Then a lady competitor stopped and checked on you and by then you started to move your eye lids a little, but couldn’t open them all the way. After about 12 or 13 minutes total, a second vehicle showed up. The two medic people that were there at that point obviously knew better what to do than me. They told me to go ahead and that they would take care of you from that point. So I reluctantly left. I’m glad you are OK!!! It was scary!
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閱讀 ()評論 (12)
喜喜哈哈 回複 悄悄話 落花, 我忘記告訴你了, 我14歲的時候也摔過, 當時昏迷了好久, 我不記得是過了多久醒過來的, 我記得在醫院裏住了一個月。 我父母覺得我腦袋都摔壞了, 對我都不指望啥.

但人的恢複功能真是很神奇的, 我現在一點後遺症都沒有.
所以給自己多一點時間, 慢慢恢複

polebear 回複 悄悄話 感謝上帝,你摔下來的時候有人就在身後,且停下來幫助呼救,還為你禱告! 發給你這個還原現場的描述對你心理上是個特別大的幫組。給自己點兒時間,不要急啊。急不來的!
coach1960 回複 悄悄話 你讓我想起我家領導摔車受傷的情景,小十分鍾昏迷,當時我就在她身後的摩托車上。
gladys 回複 悄悄話 落花,好好恢複。下次再和這些好心人一起參戰大鐵!
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複 'kingfish2010' 的評論 : 是的,謝謝
kingfish2010 回複 悄悄話 你後麵這個騎手寫得很詳細, 真是個好人!
你多休息吧, 早日康複!!!!
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複 '菲兒天地' 的評論 : 謝謝!
落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複 'davidraku' 的評論 : 是啊,覺得對不起自己那麽多訓練,唉
菲兒天地 回複 悄悄話 回複 '我胖我的' 的評論 : +1

davidraku 回複 悄悄話 落花妹妹,理解你背負著沉甸甸得希翼和渴望,清晨冰冷池水中的lap,加州驕陽下的汗水,每次讀你的BLOG都讓我欽佩不已。

落花飄零 回複 悄悄話 回複 '我胖我的' 的評論 : 嗯,我會的,謝謝你專門來看我
我胖我的 回複 悄悄話 非常非常感動。花,人是最最重要的。這樣的意外是不幸,但是你沒受其它大傷,是不幸中的萬幸。好好休息,給自己時間。恢複需要時間,需要耐心。多吃、多睡、多散步。你一定會好起來的。