落花飄零 (熱門博主)
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一個讓我非常感動的網站---Humans of New York

(2015-01-23 16:52:43) 下一個
Humans of New York, HONY

不知道什麽時候開始關注這個網頁的,Humans of New York,那個網頁的主人隨性采訪紐約的街頭。從小小孩子的滑稽照片,到老人充滿睿智的話語;從苦悶的學生,到驕傲的父親;從成功的律師商人,到無家可歸的流浪漢,這個采訪者總是有那個能力采擷到精彩的故事片斷,發人深省,或會心一笑。每次上班很累的時候,會看看這個網站,得到一些溫暖和鼓勵。

"My wife has been teaching me to express my emotions. She's even got me being romantic. We walk to the park. We lay down a little blanket. We make a little picnic. We have a little chit chat."


"I want to be a doctor, but I can't pay tuition at the moment because I support my parents back in Egypt. But in six months, I will have my license to work for a car service, which should give me enough money to also go to school."
I'm Egyptian. I can support your parents here and you go make your dream come true. Believe me, I'm the one in need to do so not you. Connect with me through facebook please to see if that could work. Admin if you know how to reach him as well Humans of New York ??


"Who's influenced you the most in your life?"
"My principal, Ms. Lopez."
"How has she influenced you?"
"When we get in trouble, she doesn't suspend us. She calls us to her office and explains to us how society was built down around us. And she tells us that each time somebody fails out of school, a new jail cell gets built. And one time she made every student stand up, one at a time, and she told each one of us that we matter."
這個孩子所在的區是紐約最危險的居民區之一,孩子們沒有機會得到更好的教育機會,而那個Ms Lopez,卻堅持工作在這樣的地方,給孩子們帶來一點安全和希望。

It's hard, it's hard, it's hard. And it's OK for you to feel like you want to give up. You can quit anytime you want, and I will pick up the phone and recommend you for a new job, because every one of you could succeed anywhere. But these kids need you. Our girls don't feel honored and respected. Our boys are being recruited into gangs. Your classrooms may be the one place they feel safe and respected. If we give up, there is nobody else.



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閱讀 ()評論 (8)
qqhme 回複 悄悄話 平凡人的背後有著不簡單的故事。
cloudhk 回複 悄悄話 正能量!
acme 回複 悄悄話 令人動容。看到校長答應給去別處求職的老師寫推薦信,我感動的哭了。這是多麽慈悲的胸懷
哈琦 回複 悄悄話 謝謝分享。世界因為這一點一滴的愛變的美麗。
誠信 回複 悄悄話 Thanks for sharing. Well organized.
北鶴 回複 悄悄話 非常好的分享,謝謝!
28年華 回複 悄悄話 一個好的教育者,會改變一群人的人生,為我們的教師喝彩!
ljwxc01 回複 悄悄話 感謝分享,平常的人和事,卻讓人倍感溫暖和感動。