Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

I am the Toastmaster today

(2007-10-30 19:33:57) 下一個
I am the toastmaste today. I did not do much preparation. However, Idid prepare an agenda for the meeting. I supposed to contact each clubmember to fix the roles. I was busy and did not contact them. I came tothe meeting on time with Amy. Amy always accompanies me to the meeting.It has been for two years.
There were about 10 membersattended the meeting. There was one ice-breaker speech. I assigned theroles for timer, humerist, evaluator. It was pre-Halloween meeting. Oneof the funniest member, the writer, was wearing a vampire costume. Heis the winner of the area humerist contest. He has a very specialpersonality, probably special for a writer because I know anotherwriter looks very similar. When I talked with him about his appearance,he told me that writer seems wiered.
The ice-breaker is alady. She give a good ice-breaker. She is not very talkative. However,her voice is very loud and clear. She can project her voice very well.She has a little bit of nervous, but no fear. I am considering adopsome of her ways of talking. She started with her cat showing she is acat loving person; She also told us that she is vet, and like to write.However, she has not published anything yet. She took writing coursesfinally to improve her writing. I did not hear why she come to thetoastermaster. She did not use notes, while she carried a notecard.
Thetable topics is about money. It is a very interesting theme andeverybody could relate to. Some questions are intriguing. One blacklady was asked if she choose the time she spend for geting money, staywith family or for herself. She aswered to get money and staying withfamily. She did not choose for herself. I can guess that she is aselfishless person.
The most amazing thing is the laughterof the vampire. At the end of his table topic presentation, he laughed.That laughter is so deep and strong. It moved me. I imitate him andlaughed too. I feel great. I told him the I enjoyed his laughter. Hetold me that I'v got to spend heavy money to learn that laughter. Ianswered that I am will to pay for it if I could learn it.
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