Bouncing Ball

Life is like a ball. When you hit it harder, it will bounce higher.

Amy's first Chinese Class

(2007-09-10 20:30:08) 下一個
I sent my little daughter Amy, 5 years old, to the local Chinese school on Sunday. I did not register her before but I know it is the first day of school, so I sent her to the school and wanted to do registration on site. It is the first day of this school year. The first hour was a meeting in a big auditorium. There are so many people. I think probably more than 1000 people there. I did not believe that there are so many Chinese in the city I live.
When I was in the meeting, I met a friend of mine. My friend told me that one teacher, Teacher Huang,  is very good. I should send Amy to her class. If Amy is in another class, I should change into Teacher Huang's class. I kept her words in my mind. When the classes are going to start, I saw that there are two classes for kindergarten. Class A and Class B. I found that Teacher Huang is the teacher of class A and so I sent Amy to class A.
Teacher Huang is an old lady. She told us that she had taught kindergarten for 20 years in China, and 10 years in the US. Her voice is good and loud. Her guesture is attractive. She asked all parents to stay with their kids. She refused to use the stardard textbook because the new textbook does not focus PingYin. She wants to teach pingyin at first than to teach words. She asked parents for opinion. Most parents just said that according to Teach Huang's will. One parent said that to combine Teacher Huang's text with the standard book.
The first day's class was about color. Amy knows every color, however, she does not know how to speak the color in Chinese. In the class, English speaking is not allowed. Parents just kept telling their kid's the answer, or say the color together with their kids. Amy got one yellow balloon for reward.
The third class is dance and sing by Teacher Huang again. The game played is grabbing chair.  Amy cried once she did not grabbed a chair. I never know that her self esteem is so strong.

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