

(2004-12-03 19:55:23) 下一個

A letter I received 1 year ago from a friend.

life is not easy. with the encouragement, with the confidence, with the positive attitude, we can come through.


Sent : June 12, 2003 12:29:44 PM 

Subject :

Bless your heart. You are under great pressure, and nothing seems going your way. Life is tough and, a lot of times, unfair. Beautiful people do not have to work as hard, but they get better treatments and can get away with many things. To me, you seem to have a tender heart and are trying hard to survive. I hope one day, some lucky boy can see it and cherish it. It all seems impossible now. But time is on your side. You are only 24. Life just started. I understand your loneliness. I have that, too. Family is far away. People around you do not seem to care. You cry out loud inside. Only tears running down your cheeks tell the world you are hurting. But please do not rush into a relationship blindly just for some temporary relief. You may get hurt even more when you realize it is just another nightmare.

Hanging there, my friend. Know that thousand miles away, there is someone cares.

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