

(2006-11-15 09:52:27) 下一個

資料來源: 英中時報,元石谘詢公司整理

自2002年1月28日內政部開始實施高新技術移民法例,移民國籍次官白裏嚴於2006年11月7日晚5時再次宣布對高新技術移民條例進行修改. 內政部修改高技術移民法例的消息一傳出,立刻引起社會震動. 此次修改關係到廣大英國華人的切身利益,且由於變化過於巨大,讓許多與此法律有關的認識感到突然與迷茫.特別是對高技術移民法則生效後第一批申請者來說,影響尤其巨大.按照”四改五”的規定,他們本可以在明年滿四年的時候,自動延長一年,到五年後申請永久居留.現在,他們滿四分之後,需要按照新的評分標準,重新申請審核.問題的關鍵是,大多數在舊條例評分標準下合格的人士,極有可能在新的評分標準下不合格,而前功盡棄.

此次對高新技術移民法例來說,已經是第四次對相關的條例做出修改.內政部宣稱此修改是令到他們更加有透明度及更客觀的對申請做出決定.這些修訂將預告政府會對所有來英工作或者讀書的移民人士設立新的”五級評分製度” 並於2009年4月全麵施行.

1. 刪除原來評分標準中對工作經驗,功績,有技術的配偶及家庭醫生有限條款優惠的計分標準.
2. 新條例對於申請人的學曆,之前的薪酬,年齡以及曾在英國工作或讀書的人士有加分政策
3. 新增加強製性英文要求(IELTS六級程度或相當IELTS六級程度)
4. 分數由原先的65分增加到75分
5. 高新技術移民的再次審核要求隻能提交一次,而不是原來的兩次
6. 原來的世界前50名著名MBA學校畢業的人士仍然可以一次性通過高新技術移民評估.
7. 新的高技術移民評分從11月8日實行.為保證新係統有效運作,從現在開始到12月4日為過渡期,此期間暫停受理新的申請.
8. 11月7日下午5點前收到的申請仍然按照老的評分標準審核
9. 高新技術移民的續簽,申請人必須證明他們采取了合理的不走合法的開展經濟活動.



Part I: 學曆 (30-50分)
博士 50分
碩士 35分
學士 30分

Part II: 收入 (5-45分)
5000英鎊 5分 8100英鎊 25分
5600英鎊 10分 9100英鎊 30分
6300英鎊 15分 10000英鎊 35分
7200英鎊 20分 11000英鎊 40分
12500英鎊 45分

16000英鎊 5分 26000英鎊 25分
18000英鎊 10分 29000英鎊 30分
20000英鎊 15分 32000英鎊 35分
23000英鎊 20分 35000英鎊 40分
40000英鎊 45分

Part 3 英國經驗 (5分)

Part 4 年齡分數 (0-20分)
27以下 20分
28/29歲 10分
30/31歲 5分
32歲以上 0分

Part 5 其他

以上資料僅供參考,詳細資料以英文版資料為準.請參看內政部網站: http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk

相關資料表格下載: 英國元石公司網站: www.ukroundstone.com

· 疑難簽證續簽,各種棘手簽證問題,我們有專業人士進行分析審核。
· 當天快簽服務,免郵寄,免麵試,保證您當天獲得簽證。
· 專業辦理配偶陪工和陪讀簽證,客戶群包括中英兩地申請人。
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HSMP changes for initial and extension applications
07 November 2006
On 7 November 2006, Liam Byrne, Minister for Immigration, Nationality and Citizenship announced a change in the Rules for the Highly Skilled Migrant Programme (HSMP). Applicants under this scheme will be judged against new enhanced points criteria designed to better reflect the likelihood of migrants' labour market success. The result will be to bring the HSMP closer in line with the Government's aims for migration, including supporting an objective set by the IND Review (July 2006), to 'boost Britain's economy by bringing the right skills here from around the world'. HSMP is currently the only points-based immigration route into the UK.

The change in assessment criteria reflects our determination to ensure greater transparency and objectivity in decision making for the applicant. Importantly too, these changes will inform the decisions Government will take towards establishing the new five-tiered Points Based System for all migration routes to the UK to work or study by April 2009. In summary: New points criteria for initial HSMP applications·There will be changes to the attributes for which points are awarded. We are deleting the work experience, significant achievements, skilled partner and GP Priority Provision categories. The new attributes will be academic qualifications, previous earnings, age and bonus points for previous work/study in the UK.

The provision which allows holders of MBA degrees from designated institutions will continue. In addition, there will be a new mandatory English language requirement (IELTS level 6 or equivalent) for all applicants. ·The changes will be made by announcing the deletion of the existing HSMP rules on 7 November 2006, effective from 8 November 2006. As part of this announcement, to prepare applicants and ensure an effective operational transition, we will effect a short suspension of the scheme until 4 December 2006. The revised scheme will be operational from 5 December 2006. ·

Suspending the HSMP for 27 days will enable us to manage the transition most effectively with the available resources and ensure that current levels of customer service are maintained when the new arrangements are introduced. Initial HSMP applications during the suspension period·

HSMP applications received up to 5pm on 7 November 2006 by our payment processing centre will be accepted and considered against the old criteria. ·

Furthermore, anyone already in receipt of a HSMP approval letter can still apply for entry clearance at a visa post for up to 6 months from the date that the approval letter has been issued.·

Applications received on the old HSMP forms from 8 November onwards will be returned to the applicant/representative, with no fee taken. The new HSMP forms and guidance will be available from our website from 7 November 2006; hard copies will be available to order later in November. Customers should not applications on the new form during the suspension. Any applications received after 5 December 2006 will be prioritised. Any applications received on the new form during the suspension period will take more time to process, since priority will be given to those applications received from 5 December .

New criteria for the extension of leave under HSMP · We will introduce a more robust points test for applicants looking for an extension of an initial period of leave under HSMP. This involves replacing the current test, that applicants must show that they have 'taken all reasonable steps to become lawfully economically active' with a new points test, which applies the same attributes being introduced for initial decisions: English language, previous earnings, qualifications and age. ·

The revised Leave to Remain criteria will ensure that those people on the programme who wish to extend their stay have been making a contribution to the UK economy. Transitional arrangements will apply for those whose leave to remain expires under the new rules and whose applications will be considered against the new criteria. Those who are making a useful contribution to the UK economy - for example, working in a skilled job - but who fail to meet the new requirements, will be offered a 'grace period' in which they can switch into the Work Permits scheme (provided they meet the Work Permits criteria, with the Resident Labour Market Test being waived if they have been in post for a specified period). Applications to extend leave to remain during the suspension period·

We will not be considering extension applications during the suspension period. However, those on the HSMP whose leave to remain expires during the suspension period will not be disadvantaged, as their extension applications will be accepted and they will be given the opportunity to provide further evidence towards the consideration of their application under the new rules. ·

The old FLR (IED) form will continue to be accepted until 4 December. We will write to applicants applying on this form, informing them of the new arrangements and offering the opportunity to relevant pages of the new form, plus any additional evidence that may be necessary. HSMP Review requests·

Any HSMP review request received from individuals whose application was refused under the previous HSMP criteria, in place until 7 November 2006, will be reviewed against the previous criteria. Please note these reviews may not have been completed by 5 December 2006 when the new HSMP criteria come into effect. New mandatory English requirement and documentation verification· We will promote the new mandatory English language requirement to ensure that applicants are aware of the level of proficiency necessary to support a successful application.

We will promote the change to the scheme which puts responsibility on the applicant to the required documentation with their application. We will verify evidence provided with an appropriate third party and not through direct contact with the applicant. We will confirm that applicants that don’t provide the required evidence or documents that cannot be verified will fail. · IND will conduct a thorough review of the changes to the HSMP scheme, covering both how the changes were implemented and their effectiveness.·

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