
Emails after my Husband gave me the First Kiss

(2006-10-27 16:22:37) 下一個

Wed, 16 Nov 2005 12:21:56 -0800

Can I ask you a question that has been bothering me? I hope, I am not being offensive but I need to know. On Sunday night when I dropped you off at your car.I went to kiss you good night.I felt like you pulled away or did not want me to kiss you.Did I frighten you or was I being over aggressive because if I was I do apologize. I will let you explain to me what is acceptable and what is not,OK?

Wed, 16 Nov 2005 19:43:21 -0800 (PST)

Thank you for coming out tonight for coffee or whatever it was we drank! LOL!
I wanted to make a point on this issue once more regarding the goodnight kiss on Sunday!
I know we have just known each other for a short time.
I do enjoy your company very much.
I think your laugh is very cute and you have an excellent sense of humor.
You are attractive and plus are very well educated and a professional in your field, this I admire greatly!
I would like to think of you as more than just a friend!
When I kissed you, it meant to me more than just a friend saying goodnight!
You know even in the US, I would never just kiss a friend or co-worker when I leave them. I believe that a man and woman have to have something else between them other than friendship for there to be a kiss! 
These were my thoughts when I turned to leave you on Sunday night.
 So I confess that I feel more for you than just a friend. I felt something the  first time I met you. Some kind of a sign or feeling that makes me want to see you again and again. I guess I would like you to give me a sign too! Do you feel anything other than just friendship?
If you do then please let me know. If not then I would like to know that as well.
I think we should be open and honest about our feelings.

Thu, 17 Nov 2005 11:55:48 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for writing back and being open and honest in your communications.
The answer I was looking for is exactly what you have written.
You know, even though we are "SMART" sometimes our hearts will play a trick on us.
No one wants to feel that they have feelings for someone else and then the other party thinks of them as just a friend. Do you see my meaning? 
I understand your statements and I understand needing time to learn more about each other.
I am not trying to rush you into anything.
I just want to know, that you do feel something other than friendship for me.
Which is good!
I do not think you will see a side of me you haven't already visited. I am pretty much a up front guy. I am one of the good guys, you hear about and never see or even think we exist. I know this because I know how to place you and your feelings ahead of mine own. A trait not many men can accomplish! So I will leave it to you and time to prove to you that I am good person. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you this weekend. You know that culture issue you mentioned last night. Well I was not totally ignorant of it. That is why I ask you to help me on the path to you. To guide my steps, so I do not  offend or dishonor you in any way!
Sincerely Yours,

Wed, 7 Dec 2005 20:53:11 -0800 (PST)

I do agree with you about a long term relationship regarding understanding and compatibility. Plus, I do not want to offend you in anyway.
However ,since you have given me permission, I will take opportunity to express myself first.
I do understand in China public affection is not always accepted. However, in the USA when a man feels the way I feel towards you, a kiss, hug or holding hands when we are together is very common.
It is very natural that I have these feelings for you.
I to felt chemistry, since the first day we met.
I think you are a beautiful, intelligent and loving woman.
That maybe you are just reluctant to open up to me fully, but you can trust me.
I want your trust very badly.
I want you to know that I am here for you. That I would do anything for you. 
Let me say to you now, do not ever be afraid to ask me for anything.
I want to be that man in your life that you are looking for and missing.
Plus, I want you to know that in me you have a friend too!
Someone, you can confide in and never be ashamed to ask me questions even if you feel embarrassed because, I will not laugh at you.
I do very much want to laugh with you! For I see in you a sense of humor which I adore. You just have to trust me and discuss with me your inner feelings. If you do this we will become more than just close!
The answers you gave me tonight were the ones I was looking for. I was hopeful you would feel that way. Now that I know your true feelings and you know mine I hope we can take those first steps towards a long term relationship.
Warmly & Sincerely Yours,

Thu, 8 Dec 2005 15:14:41 -0800 (PST)

I think we are already friends, an in our relationship I want to be your friend, companion and lover! I think that, I can be all of these for you.
You have to allow me the opportunity to express them.
If man can overcome the mountains and oceans we can surely overcome our culture differences.
Let me tell you this, It is real!




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