
隨遇而安 順其自然


(2009-10-19 08:40:56) 下一個

『紐約聲樂家研究中心』是於2009年初在紐約州注冊成立的一個非營利的專業文藝及學術團體。我們的宗旨是提高自身歌唱技巧,活躍社區文化生活,以及倡導中美文化藝術交流。 『紐約聲樂家研究中心』裏有歌唱家,鋼琴家和作曲家。他們當中多數人都畢業於國內外著名音樂院校,曾在專業藝術團體工作多年,並具有豐富的演出經驗。出國後有的繼續深造,在歌唱界開拓天地;也有的成爲有建樹的科學家, 商業家, IT人才等, 但他們繼續活躍在國內外的舞臺上。除了在紐約的歌唱人才之外,研究中心也吸引了從國內來訪的聲樂教授,周圍幾個州的專業歌唱人才及聲樂愛好者。是音樂,或者說是對音樂的追求與熱愛把他們凝聚在一起。研究中心的會員們定期聚會,彼此切磋交流歌唱技巧,一起排練節目,籌備音樂會。『紐約聲樂家研究中心』在成功地舉辦了紐約法拉勝公共圖書館首演音樂會之後, 還計劃在今年舉辦秋季音樂會及冬季的音樂會, 還要與國內音樂院校師生進行藝術交流活動和歌詠比賽,並希望這些來美訪問的專業歌唱家們與我們的同臺演出和比賽能給大家帶來更大更多藝術上的享受。我們熱誠地期待社區各界人士的關注 欣賞與支持.

New York Vocal Artists Research Center (“NYVARC”) is a non-profit organization formed under the laws of the New York State in early 2009. Our goals are to improve our members’ vocal skills, to enrich cultural life in our communities, as well as to promote cultural exchanges between the United States and China. .NYVARC consists of professional singers, pianists and composers who either graduated from well-known music conservatories in China, the America, and other countries, or have studied their vocal skills under renowned signers and musical teachers around the world. After they came to the U.S., some of them continued their studies in their profession and have been active on stage; others have succeeded in the fields of business, science and computer world, but have never lost their passion for signing and continued to perform on stage. It is music and their passion for singing that brings our members together. NYVARC has attracted professional and amateur singers from New York metropolitan areas, other states including New Jersey and Connecticut, and visiting professors from famous Chinese music universities. The members meet almost once a month to share their professional reviews on vocal skills, to rehearse for coming concerts or to prepare for exchange programs. After the overwhelming success of the premiere concert at the Public Library of Flushing in New York, NYVARC plans to hold an autumn concert and a winter concert this year. In addition, we plan to invite signers and professors from well-known conservatories and musical universities in China to the United States to perform with us; so not only can we learn from each other professionally, we hope these joint events will also enrich people’s culture life in our communities, as well. As a young organization, our signers need your continuous support. Your unwavering contribution and passion for music will be the key to NYVARC’s growth in the future.



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