
After 40 Years

(2006-10-16 11:01:16) 下一個
Last Saturday, My wife and I went to San Francisco to see a living trust lawyer. During reviewing our paper works, she (the lawyer) told us a story. Few years ago, a old lady came to the lawyer's office doing her living trust, the two ladies talked about many things of their lives. They both lived in San Francisco all their lives. When the old lady told the lawyer that she was a Chinese teacher 40 years ago at a Christian school near Chinatown, the lawyer went out and came back with a old picture on her hands. She pointed to a person sit in the middle of the picture and asked "Was that you?"The old lady looked at the picture and said "Yes! Where did you get this picture?""I was your student!" the lawyer said, "here was me, the girl in the back row." Then they started to talk about things in 40 years ago. At the end, the lawyer asked her husband to make a copy of the picture and gave it the the old lady.
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