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(2008-06-30 11:05:20) 下一個


Is leaking after weaning normal?

Dear Lactation Consultant,
Hi, I'm 42 years old and the mother of 3 boys; two of which are identical twins. I breastfed all my boys. I weaned my twins 2 years ago this month. However, I think I may still be leaking a couple drops of breast milk right before I get my period. It is bilateral and only happens during the night while I sleep. I think because I sleep on my stomach and press on my breasts and nipples a drop or two comes out. I noticed it this week but cannot be certain that it has been happening consistently. I usually sleep in a dark navy t-shirt so don't see wet spots. This week, I slept in one of my husband's lighter colored shirts so saw the small wet spot.

Is this normal or at least not life threatening? I don't want to call my doctor (who tends to be WAY too conservative) and go through a barrage of tests only to find out it's milk. After I weaned my twins, I leaked very similarly to what I notice now. Right before my period I would leak milk (right after I weaned). Only back then it was more milk and I could feel the wetness. I would never have noticed this had I not switched the color of my t-shirt I sleep in. I wouldn't even know it was happening.

Thanks for any advice.

Anne Hi Lori,
"Galactorrhea" is the technical term for spontaneous secretion of milk from the breasts when a woman is not nursing. Any time milk EXCESSIVE milk production continues beyond 3-6 months after weaning, the woman should have a physical exam by a doctor.

It's not unusual at all for mothers to be able to express drops of milky or clear fluid for months or even years after they stop nursing. This only becomes a concern if the breasts produce a large amount of milk for long periods of time. If the breasts stay engorged or lots of milk leaks out months after weaning, or is accompanied by pain and swelling, then there may be a problem.

I can't imagine a doctor running a battery of tests unless the amount of milk produced is significant and unusual. Galactorrhea is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of an underlying health problem that causes elevated prolactin levels. It is possible for pituitary, uterine, and ovarian tumors to cause inappropriate milk production. These conditions may be serious and should be carefully evaluated. Other medical conditions that can cause galactorrhea include hyperthyroidism chronic renal failure, psychosis and anxiety, certain medications, fibrocystic breast, herpes zoster, or severe stress.

Sometimes drugs can be used to supress milk production, but that's only a temporary fix. Total treatment involves treating the underlying cause.

The type of leaking you are describing sounds completely normal to me. I haven't nursed my son for six years, and can still express drops of clear milky fluid after a shower (but only on one side.) I have a friend who is a nurse who still leaks milk during lovemaking 15 years after weaning her third child, and after going through tons of tests, her doctors could find absolutely nothing to worry about.

Some women just seem to leak more than others, both before, during, and after nursing. Unless you develop medical symptoms such as those described above, then I wouldn't worry about the occasional leaking. It probably does have something to do with cyclical changes related to your menstual cycle, and doesn't mean that anything is wrong at all.

All the best, and happy holidays!
-- Anne, IBCLC
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