
A-mao (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

開Corolla的Proud Dad

(2014-08-04 20:12:09) 下一個
我知道是我上個禮拜還完房貸後寫email和女兒分享喜悅,順便開她玩笑說老爸老媽的emergence fund萬一不夠用,就要找她借錢呢。這是我上次的email:
Hi, DDD,
Just want to share some good news with you. Your mom and I just paid off our mortgage on our house! So now we are moving to the next stage--preparation of your brother's college cost and our retirement catch-up saving. It proves that with careful planning and discipline we can achieve our financial freedom. Your mom and I have lived within our mean, and we are one-step closer to our financial freedom now.
Be prepared if I ask you for money in emergency.:). I only have cash for 2 months of living. However, don’t worry, we are going to be ok in a few months. Without paying mortgage, we can save 1K more every month...
Hi, DDD,
Your mom was deeply touched after reading your letter. Both she and I want to thank you for your nice words and the check.
We do not need your help at this moment.  Your mom suggested a traditional Chinese way--cash you check and save the money for your wedding. As you once said that I was a most-Americanized Chinese dad, I wish to maintain our "independent status". Therefore, we will keep your check in a frame so we can see it everyday. :).
We did celebrate after we paid off our mortgage. It was your brother's choice--5 Guys. Since it was the 1st time to visit the restaurant for your mom and me, I did not even order a topping for my burger--a very special memory for the celebration, I guess.
I will take you words, taking your mom and brother to the best restaurant in town after your brother starts his high school later this month. It is also a big event in our life as mom and dad, which deserves a big celebration...
作為生物WSN,是不可能有財產留給子女的。但我希望我和太太追求的“financially independent”精神能讓孩子也以自立為榮。釣魚種菜的低碳生活方式,我是開Corolla的Proud Dad!
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