Shuyue Technology Development N.A, Inc. (
Kevin, Shu
Leon, L Ye
電話:010-89218308, 13522392096,13642105209
1917-684-3506 (
E-mail: shuyuetech@yahoo.com
論文著作者:舒景躍 文稿執筆:Kevin Shu, Leon Ye
北京國發舒躍科技發展公司 2004-04-16
Shuyue Technology Development N.A, Inc. (
This paper introduces the Shuyue Smoke-free Combustion Efficient Technology (SYSFECT), a revolutionary technology that can be used in coal, oil and gas fired boilers to achieve the major benefits of near-zero emission of flue gases as well as greenhouse gases to the air, of highly improved combustion efficiency and thermal efficiency, savings on energy sources, and elimination of huge expenditure that would otherwise be used on installation, operation and maintenance of pollution control facilities.
The analyses of the newly invented combustion theory, the key component of the technology Core Panels, and the boiler design mechanism will be made. The SYSFECT utilizes the magnetic field vortex flow theory to help create an intensified high temperature combustion environment. Composed of various ingredients and acting as catalytic agents, the core panels are placed inside the boilers to create the magnetic field under the high degrees of combustion temperature, to participate in the chemical reactions to decompose CO2, SO2, NOx and to help form incombustibles from the chemical reactions. The SYSFECT’s gasification design presents unique characteristics: 1) consisting of inbound and outbound pipes to cycle the incompletely combusted smoke and gases, and 2) an underground chamber to cool off the smoke and form sediments before the gases pass the baffles to be released into the air. Using the SYSFECT, the whole boiler design system not only is a combustion body, but also functions as a dust and particulates precipitating mechanism. The technology provides a low-cost and distinctive way to control and constrain the flue gas from emitting into the air.
With catalytic agents and under the highly intensive combustion environment, the SYSFECT boilers are able to take, as energy sources, coal of low quality (with sulphur content > 1.1%), oil, natural gases, even "secondary" fuel resources such as gangue, slag, distiller’s chaff and crop stalks, as well as such improbable materials as yellow clay, forest humus soil, volcano ashes and oil shale.
The testing results and the measurement of the various combustion parameters for the SYSFECT boilers will also be presented and found to greatly exceed the
一、 前言:
1) 層燃方式,如反射爐、倒焰窯等。這是最常用的燃煤工業窯爐,其缺點是不能長時間連續穩定燃燒,隻能間歇運行,其熱效率和生產效率低下,在生火或加煤時易產生濃煙,環境環惡劣。
2) 煤粉燃燒方式,其燃燒穩定連續,燃燒氣氛和燃燒強度易於調節。但是,其火焰中含有大量的飛灰,隻能用於少數特殊的窯爐,如水泥轉窯等,不適用於多數要求清潔火焰的工業窯爐。
3) 煤氣化技術。這是目前燃煤工業窯爐現代化改造常用的方法。但由於煤氣發生爐投資大,運行成本高,煤氣轉化效率低(隻有50-70%),其經濟性難以為一般工業企業所接受。
4) 水煤漿燃燒技術。水煤漿燃燒方式接近於燃油。但水煤漿也存在灰份較高(5~10%),火焰潔淨度不夠的缺點。同時,水煤漿的價格比煤粉高得多。
5) 煤粉液排渣旋風燃燒技術。這種燃燒方式和煤粉燃燒相似,但可在燃燒過程中實現灰渣捕集,可降低火焰含塵濃度,是一種有發展潛力的工業窯爐用潔淨燃煤方式。典型的煤粉液排渣旋風燃燒器為美國TRW公司的燃燒器。我國也有不少科研單位和企業試圖將煤粉液排渣旋風燃燒器用於燃煤磁流體發電或工業窯爐中,做了大量的試驗研究工作,取得了許多經驗教訓。目前,煤粉液排渣旋風燃燒器由於捕渣率不夠高,風口易結渣,結構複雜而難以用於一般工業窯爐。