今天在網上最大的攝影論壇dpreview.com瞎逛,不小心看到一篇文章,說他今年已經被摩托黨搶了三部相機,一部比一部好,剛丟的和我現在用的是一個型號,去年底才出來的sony R1,現在還要800$左右,被搶總價值3000$,看到這裏,我立刻想這是在美國嗎?哪個地方那麽危險,趕快看他的profile,原來是在廣東,咱老家,my god,再仔細看看,原來他是一個去了中國8年的外籍教師。這哥們心態還是很平和,說他沒有第一次被搶那麽難過,他隻是上來問問對於一個熱愛攝影天天隨身攜帶相機的人如何減少這種情況。他還說中國還是安全的,雖然被搶但是沒有受傷什麽的。他對中國看得也很透,他說3000$是他一個月的工資但是他身邊很多人需要3年才能賺到這個錢,許多人沒有從改革開放中獲益,因此估計一個外國人走在街上背著相機包是個明顯的大肥羊。
I am speechless, I sympathize this guy, he is a great photographer, you can sense the deeply sadness when losing the beloved camera as part of photographer's body. But I felt more sympathy for our country。Again and again our 5000 years' image is distorted by all kinds of negative things here and there, little by little, Chinese are recognized as ugly sneaky low class worldwide, perhaps that's all self-respect Chinese no matter domestic or abroad don't want to face. Here are some of his pics and forward his article, I can do nothing but wish him the best in his China journey.
Help! I need your advice
I had my R1 stolen today. Motorcycle bandits came up behind me and cut my bag's strap and pulled the bag out of my hand. I lost my F707 and L1 the same way in April. I bought an H5 to replace the F707, but I loved it so much that I wanted my son to have it. I thought that it might really give him a chance to express himself. Four cameras have gone through my hands this year.
I have felt very safe in China, and I don't think that this is typical at all of what happens here, but when I was reporting the theft to the police, they said that my neighbourhood was bad for this type of crime.
Although China is going through an economic revolution, most people here don't make much money. I have lost about $3000 worth of camera equipment this year, which is about a month's salary for me. Many of my friends don't make that much in three years. So you can see that a foreigner walking around with a big fat bag would be a very tempting target for a local person.
What should I do? I don't have a camera now.
1. Should I take a rest from photography for a while? I am way too involved in STF, maybe. I post about 60 times a week, love the Challenges and spend way too much time in front of the computer. I carried my R1 everywhere with me and I think it hindered me from taking the long walks that I used to take. My health isn't as good this year. Should I just wait a while before I buy my next camera?
2. Should I buy another R1 and leave it at home? (People say that my home isn't very safe in this neighbourhood either, but I love this neighbourhood.)
3. Should I get a pocket camera or a mobile phone camera, and be satisfied with the quality of shots that will give me?
4. Should I restrict myself to what I can afford to lose? Should I assume that my camera is going to be stolen, and budget for that when I buy?
Any suggestions? What do you think I should do?
Thanks in advance for your ideas.
If you don't have any ideas, it doesn't matter.
I just kind of wanted to share the news of my misfortune with you. I don't like to say anything negative about China, because the country and the people have been great to me since I came here eight years ago. I just wonder how a photographer can enjoy his hobby safely here.
Maybe I should take up a less expensive hobby.
I'm not a very materialistic guy. I don't feel as sad or angry this time as I did last time it happened. I'm not too worried about losing my R1. I can't explain that, but it's true. I'm glad no-one was hurt, me especially, ha ha. Material things aren't the most important things in the world.
I just find myself, tonight, wondering what it all means, wondering what I should do.
John Dunn