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所謂中國老手,是Old China hand的直譯,意譯似乎可以是中國專家。
西方的中國老手,一般可以通過兩種途徑修煉而成,一是天生的,這類多是西方傳教士的後代,生長在中國,所以中文說得地道,對中國社會了解,比如司徒雷登。另一類是成年後去中國,從學中文開始,在中國居住若幹年,如費正清等。這類老手中,還有一位David Dean Barrett,他1924年到中國,並擔任美國駐北京使館的助理武官。就是這位巴雷特上校,1944年率美國軍事觀察團駐延安考察。
2015-12-1 補充資料:
《Hong Kong》(作者是Martin Hurlimann,由Thames and Hudson 1962年在倫敦出版)裏麵談到中國老手:
The Old China Hands
The self-styled Old China hands saw themselves as the real masters of Hong Kong. Their ancester was a Scotsman, William Jardine, who was co-founder of famous firm of Jardine, Matheson & Co. He originally went out to China as a doctor, returned home, and then, in 1822, transferred his activities to Canton in order to arrange for sales of Indian opium to on behalf of a Parsee business friend. He has been described as a 'most conscientious, honourable, kind-hearted fellow, extremely liberal and an excellent man of business in this market'. He made no attempt to disguise the fact that he had come to make money, and lots of it. Once the Chinese tried to crack his skull for him, but they failed in the attempt and thereafter referred to him respectfully as that 'iron-headed old Rat'. Jardine and all his colleagues of the trade factories observed to the letter the old imperial edict whereby no foreigners resident in Canton might be allowed a knowledge of the Chinese language. His stroke of genious lay in securing the best man available to lead the coastal expeditions of his armed merchantmen, Dr. Karl Gutzlaff of Macao, a missionary hailing from Pyritz and another type of Old China Hand. Gutzlaff was not only a brilliant linguist who had mastered several south Chinese dialects, but he also wasted no