兩隻黃鸝2007-05-10 14:16:50回複悄悄話
Well, Because you don't make the question very clear.
I definitely would like to answer the easy one.
And for that question, I would ask in this way: Is that very important topic?
I know it means a lot to me since I have a lot of feeling there,good and bad.
But I would rather keep it as my personal feeling--I found it very difficult to share it with others.
I definitely would like to answer the easy one.
And for that question, I would ask in this way: Is that very important topic?
I know it means a lot to me since I have a lot of feeling there,good and bad.
But I would rather keep it as my personal feeling--I found it very difficult to share it with others.
Maybe I should write something about this.
The food is about the same.
You know, they need to feed so many people.
It is very difficulty to make it delicate.
What I mean here is that they use those vegetables to make a few art. Not for eating, just for watching.
For example, they knifed a carrot to be a Christmas tree.
or a boat with a fairy in it.
哎,如果連吃菜都得說聲對不起,那還吃什麽呢,吃巧克力?我同意! hehe
laomiMM 好。