

多倫多 High Park 印象

(2010-02-03 18:06:57) 下一個

多倫多,是一個風格獨特的國際大都市,一個各色人種、各種文化大雜燴的地方,一個半年綠樹蔥蔥陽光明媚,半年白雪皚皚狂風呼嘯的地方,一個冰雪凍結了你的微笑、陽光消融了你的眼淚的地方。如果說多倫多是一個奇怪的巨人,那麽High Park 就是它靈性的嫵媚的眼睛,在春夏秋之季顯出迷人的魅力。

公園位於城市的西南角,緊挨著安大略湖,不是很大,但是有山有湖,有樹林有草坪,有小花園和小小動物園(有神獸),還有自行車道和trail 。最愛的是西麵那一片小山坡和那坡下清澈的小湖,景色隨季節而變換,春天有湖畔的依依垂柳,呼應著山坡上的一片櫻花;夏天有濃密的樹林,湖麵成片的睡蓮;秋天有蒼蒼的蘆葦,清清的湖水;冬天應該是一片白茫茫,大地真幹淨。

剛剛學做Flash,順便把這幾年來在High Park 拍的照片整理幾張出來練練手。

多倫多 High Park

附上一首關於多倫多的有趣的搖滾歌曲,是 Toronto Song Contest Top Ten Finalists 的第二名,點擊試聽

Love To Live In Toronto

Written by: George Axon and Aidan Mason

It's the sailboats on the water
It's a walk in High Park
It's the theatre lights
On warm summer nights
It's a day at the baseball park

It's skating down at City Hall
Cheering at the ACC
It’s the things we did
When we were kids
Hanging out at the CNE

It’s the way we live together
No matter where we are from
That’s the Toronto spirit
And it’s here for everyone

We all love to live in Toronto
And we've come from everywhere
In this city of hopes and dreams
We know what the good life means
We all love to live in Toronto

It’s the people on the subway
The red rockets on the street
It's boy meets girl
It’s the rhythms of the world
And we’re dancing to the beat

It’s the view from CN Tower
It’s the feeling in the neighbourhood
It’s when friends meet
For a bite to eat
In Toronto the good

It’s the way we live together
No matter where we are from
That’s the Toronto spirit
And it’s here for everyone

We all love to live in Toronto
And we've come from everywhere
In this city of hopes and dreams
We know what the good life means
We all love to live in Toronto

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-心晴- 回複 悄悄話 Good music, good pictures!
白蘆 回複 悄悄話 謝謝多倫多知青來訪和鼓勵!新春快樂!
多倫多知青 回複 悄悄話 美帖,頂!
We love Toronto!