2004 (1)
2005 (1)
2007 (104)
2008 (95)
2009 (105)
2010 (66)
2011 (37)
2012 (44)
2013 (36)
2014 (56)
2015 (33)
2016 (62)
2018 (34)
2021 (36)
2022 (36)
2024 (46)
目前在湖南衛視熱搏的綜藝節目,“舞蹈風暴”和它裏麵的“風暴時刻”,都是來源於加拿大魁北克的大型舞蹈比賽 Revolution. BROADCASTER TVA.
我記得在哪裏看到有視頻,講Revolution 團隊幫助搞這個“舞蹈風暴”的節目。裏麵的“風暴時刻”不是靠手機定格的,而是一套影像係統。那個視頻一時沒找到,找到下麵的介紹。就轉過來,更正一下誤解吧。
“Dance Revolution is a large-scale dance competition open to performers of all ages, styles of dance and learning backgrounds. With Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse as its Muse, the show features three Masters from the world of dance, Jean-Marc Généreux (ballroom), Les Twins (hip-hop) and Lydia Bouchard (classical), who are tasked with judging each performance as contestants vie for the title of best dancer and a $100,000 cash prize. Also starring is Dance Revolution/em>’s unique 360o technology: 128 cameras set up around the stage capture and reveal a single, breathtaking moment of each performance. Developed specifically for the program, this one-of-a-kind technology truly lets the audience experience the art and excitement of dance from every possible angle."