2007 (702)
2008 (322)
by :A-mao
今天的早餐桌上,兒子突然想起三月份,老爸的生日快來了,連忙問在看早新聞的老爸:“Dad, which day is your birthday?”
“I don't know.”老爸賣關子呢。
兒子隻好轉頭問老媽:“Mommy, which day?”
“It is XXday.” 老媽回了一句。
兒子從餐桌上下來,跑到老爸跟前,給老爸說:“Dad, you can drink beer all the day in your birthday.”
“What does this mean--“all the day”?”老爸開兒子玩笑。
“It means you can drink beer during breakfast, lunch and dinner.”兒子認真地告訴老爸。
“But I have to drive you to school.”老爸假裝歎口氣。
“Then you can drink as much as you can during dinner time.”