林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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(2012-04-22 10:57:46) 下一個




每次聽到Rod Stewart演唱的《Sailing》: "I am sailing, I am sailing,Home again 'cross the sea.I am sailing stormy waters, to be near you to be free", 總是不由自主地被他那略帶沙啞的磁性的歌聲吸引了, 他唱的是如此的投入,如此的動人,我的眼前仿佛就出現了那湛藍湛藍的大海,飄動的白帆,讓我想到了人生,也似大海的航程。有平靜如水的時候,也有波濤洶湧的時刻;有朝霞初升的美麗,也有夕陽西下的浪漫。往前走,賞風景,不回頭,到終點,又啟程。

Rod Stewart成名於六十年代中期,當時是The Jeff Beck Group演唱組合的一員,1969年推出他的首張專輯《An Old Raincoat Won't Ever Let You Down》,已在歌壇生涯活躍了50載。《Rolling Stone》音樂雜誌是這樣評價Rod Stewart的:" Rod Steward's solo albums were defined by two special qualities: warmth, which was redemptive, and modesty, which was liberating. If ever any rocker chose the role of everyman and lived up to it, it was Rod Stewart."

Rod Stewart於2000年被診斷患有甲狀腺癌,由於及早的發現和手術治療,他的聲音沒有受到影響,如今已是67歲的Rod Stewart依舊活躍在歌唱舞台上,他與拉斯維加的The Colosseum at Caesars Palace戲院簽約兩年(August 24, 2011–2013),演唱他的走紅歌曲,如《Maggie May》、《Sailing》、《Tonight's the Night》和 《All for Love》等。 Rod Stewart,這位出生於英國成長於英國的歌手,是名副其實的歌壇常青樹。


Song: Sailing
Artist: Rod Stewart

I am sailing I am sailing
Home again 'cross the sea
I am sailing stormy waters
To be near you to be free

I am flying I am flying
Like a bird 'cross the sky
I am flying passing high clouds
To be with you to be free

Can you hear me can you hear me
Thro' the dark night far away
I am dying forever trying
To be with you who can say

We are sailing we are sailing
Home again 'cross the sea
VVe are sailing stormy waters
To be near you to be free


Rebecca Lin 2012 Spring In USA




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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複 '秀山' 的評論 :

Thanks for your wonderful comments and encouragement. I really appreciate it.
秀山 回複 悄悄話 By the way, I like your writing.
秀山 回複 悄悄話 Can't resist his voice. Besides the beautiful songs he sings, I very much I like the way he performs, his personalities and personal traits.

The video attached, The First Cut Is The Deepest another beautiful one. You can see how close he is with his fans. Feel like he is just a talented friend singing there.

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複京燕花園的評論:

京燕花園 回複 悄悄話 喜歡貝卡寫的散文,有詩詞的韻味,人生的智慧。
