林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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Reading One Hour Per Day

(2011-12-18 13:06:40) 下一個

Reading One Hour Per Day
Author: Henrik Edberg

You are the architect of your own destiny; you are the master of your own fate; you are behind the steering wheel of your life.
----Brian Tracy

Here's one very simple yet potentially lifechanging advice from Brian Tracy. Cut down on the TV at night by just one hour. Instead, use that hour to read books that could improve your life.

If you're in sales, google or browse amazon for what other people think are the best and most useful books on improving your sales. This, of course, applies to all fields, not just the workrelated ones. Maybe you want to improve your health, become a more energetic person with a better looking body. Or maybe you want to improve your productivity, your relations or perhaps do some general personal development.

One hour a day is not much. But if you read for one hour a day on weekdays that's about 260 hours a year. That's a lot of books and loads of useful advice.

If applied, who knows what great things and feelings could come into your life this year. Also, all that cool information and useful advice will start to open up your mind. You will start to see more possibilites in your everyday life. You might think something like this:

1. I really don't have the money.

Answer: Visit your local library or search their database if they got a website. Or look for used copies in places like amazon.com or some more local alternative if you're outside of the US.

2. I really don't have the time.

Answer: Buy the books as audiobooks and listen to them in the car while driving to and from work. Or transfer them to your mp3-player and listen while riding your bike/bus to work or school.

So start browsing for recommendations on books or ask your friends and collegues. And turn off the TV a little earlier and start reading today. Brian Tracy once said: "Our mind is the most valuable possession that we have. The quality of our lives is, and will be, a reflection of how well we develop, train, and utilize this precious gift."

Rebecca Lin 2011 In USA

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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複~葉子~的評論:

Sis, it is my pleasure.

Have a nice weekend.
~葉子~ 回複 悄悄話 Great tips!

Thanks for sharing it, dear sis.!
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 YouTube: Brian Tracy: If You Could Achieve One Goal in 24 Hours
YouTube: Brian Tracy: You Are What You Think
Brian Tracy is a self-help author and motivational speaker. He serves as Chairman of Brian Tracy International, a human resource company based in Solana Beach, California, with affiliates throughout the United States and thirty-one other countries.(Source: Wikipedia)

帖子的背景音樂是馬友友演奏的馬斯奈作曲的《沉思》。儒勒·馬斯奈,法國作曲家。音樂具有個性,甜美傷感。代表作品為歌劇《泰伊思》,其幕間曲《沉思》流傳極廣。馬友友是出色的大提琴演奏大師,是一個極具親和力的人。歐美有一句流行語:“早安!馬友友;晚安!羅斯特羅波維奇。”這頗能說明馬友友與卡薩爾斯和羅斯特羅波維奇已形成大提琴演奏家前後三代的頂級人物。 馬友友生在法國、長在美國。馬友友一出生就受到家庭音樂氛圍的熏陶,7歲那年,他隨家人移居美國,後進入朱麗亞音樂學院,師從傑出大提琴家倫納德·羅斯。馬友友說:“我們活著的原因,就是要給下一代希望。當我們的生命完結時,要把經驗留給年輕人,以利於年輕人去創造他們的社會、他們的生活。所以,我在音樂裏麵永遠是強調認同,要尋找音樂的根。” (摘自網絡)