林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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Forever Autumn

(2011-09-22 17:20:12) 下一個

Song: Forever Autumn
Artist: Lake of Tears

So the season of the fall begins
Down the crossroads in a sleepy little inn
By the fire when the sun goes down
But the night becomes you
And the secrets of the rain  forever autumn

And the season of the fall begins
Out the nightlands when the thunderstorm sets in
The secrets clear in the cloudy night
But the night becomes you
And the secrets of the rain and the storm again
Coming closer every day  forever autumn

And the season of the fall begins
Past the passing bell past willow's weeping
A ripple forms on the brinks of time
But the night becomes you
And the secrets of the rain and the storm again
Coming closer every day forever autumn

Rebecca Lin 2006 13 Summer In USA

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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複michaelcosy, 白玫瑰花 & imagine45的評論:


P.S. Michael, thank you so much for sharing Justin Haywood's Forever Autumn. I made a post just now. Here is the link:

Song: Forever Autumn Artist: Justin Hayward Source: michaelcosy

imagine45 回複 悄悄話 奇妙的一副畫----看似簡單, 俺卻象看電影一樣看了許久------
白玫瑰花 回複 悄悄話 想到秋天要來了,又可以感受不同季節的美,很雀躍。:))
michaelcosy 回複 悄悄話 Autumn is no doubt a sentimental season. The transition it unfolds inspires many poets and musicians alike.
This is a different version of "Forever Autumn", bears similar sentimentality as Justin Haywood's (of the Moody Blues).
I love autumn myself, and can't wait to see the change of colors in our Cuyahoga Valley and at around the Blue Hen Falls.
Michael (now back in Ohio)
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 Lake of Tears
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lake of Tears is a Swedish band, generally considered to play gothic metal and doom metal. However, their sound has evolved considerably over the course of their career, expanding to include psychedelic rock and progressive metal.The band broke up in 2000 amid creative differences, but reunited in late 2003, releasing the acclaimed album Black Brick Road. They released their seventh studio album, Moons and Mushrooms, in April 2007.

Youtube: Lake of Tears - Forever Autumn