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A Time For Us From Romeo and Juliet

(2011-03-30 08:46:38) 下一個

Violin: A Time For Us
From Movie Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Romeo and Juliet is a 1968 British-Italian cinematic adaptation of the William Shakespeare play of the same name. It is a tragic love story between Romeo and Juliet. The story happens in Verona, Italy. Romeo and Juliet, the teenaged children of two feuding families (Montagues and Capulets, respectively), meet at a feast and fall in love. They are secretly married by Romeo's confessor and father figure, Friar Laurence, with the assistance of Juliet's nursemaid. Unfortunately, a street duel breaks out between Juliet's cousin Tybalt and Romeo's friend Mercutio when Tybalt insults Romeo. However, since Romeo has just been married to his cousin, he refuses to fight, leading Mercutio to be a loyal friend and fight for him. This leads to Mercutio's death. Romeo retaliates by killing Tybalt, and is penalized by the Prince of Verona with banishment.

Unaware of Juliet's secret marriage, her father has arranged for her to marry wealthy Count Paris. In order to escape this arranged marriage and remain faithful to Romeo, Juliet consumes a potion prepared by Friar Laurence, intended to make her appear dead for 42 hours. Friar Laurence plans to inform Romeo of the hoax so that he can pick Juliet up after her burial and escape with her when she recovers from her swoon, but the news of Juliet's death reaches Romeo before the friar's letter. In despair, he drinks a poison and thus kills himself by Juliet's side in the Capulets' tomb. Awakening shortly after he expires, Juliet discovers a dead Romeo and proceeds to stab herself with his dagger. Later, the two families process into their joint funeral together, implying that the tragedy has resolved their feud.

Rebecca Lin 2011 Spring In USA

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閱讀 ()評論 (14)
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複苗青青的評論:

祝賀你搬成功了。是的,《The Rose》是一首情歌,歌詞寫的好,寫出了愛情的執著,旋律也很纏綿,這首歌曲有不同的版本,我最喜歡的還是Bette Midler演唱的。
Song: The Rose Artist: Bette Midler

《From A Distance》,是一首和諧美好的歌曲,旋律也動聽。
Song: From A Distanc Artist: Bette Midler
苗青青 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:

謝謝貝卡,你送我的貼子和你的指教。 俺終於把它貼進家了!

The Rose 我也喜歡。她的歌詞是指愛情的, 俺讚同歌裏的思想。俺如今也覺得人常常會盲目,順服神的帶領人終會到達芳草鮮美之地的。

另一首From a Distance 我不熟悉,但從歌詞看好像是指其它情形的。不知理解對否。

再感謝你, 保重, 晚安!

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複苗青青的評論:

謝謝苗青青律師這麽詳細專業的回複。我剛剛去你的博客瀏覽了,看到你博客裏有《Wind Beneath My Wings》這首英語歌曲,我把歌曲做成了帖子送給你,謝謝你回複我的問題。

Song: Wind Beneath My Wings Artist: Bette Midler

Bette Midler演唱的[The Rose],[Wind Beneath My Wings]and[From the distance]等都是我喜歡的英語歌曲之一。

Thanks again,

苗青青 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:

嗬嗬,這個還真不容易。法律門類繁多, 我們用的權威的詞典是 Black's Law Dictionary,裏麵是英文法律單詞或短語的定義。 包括各類法律門類。 特別是, 有不少古羅馬沿襲下來的拉丁術語, 有定義也有音標注釋。

有興趣研究法律的存一本這個字典是很有幫助的, 但它很厚,不便攜帶。 據我所知,還沒見過有人把這本字典翻譯成中文。

中文法律詞典還在發展中,因中國大量立法都是自1990年以後才製定的, 有些部分法律門類的英漢法律術語對照,不帶音標的。 如果你想熟悉中國法中的對應名詞, 應該是有用的。 我平常不用這種辭典,在國內的那本也早過時了。 如果你搜搜“英漢漢英法律詞典”, 可能會找到比較最近幾年編寫的詞典。我看了一下, 比較粗燥,沒有音標, 詞也不全。 若我發現好的, 再轉告你吧。

或許,有人應該好好編一本對照詞典, 或者翻譯Black's Law Dictionary。

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複苗青青的評論:


苗青青 回複 悄悄話 俺律師的習慣又來了,想想有什麽可以避免這個悲劇結局呢,關鍵在羅密歐。 愛人死去對他精神確是無法可解的刺激。

但是,若是他此時除了感情,理智尚起一點兒作用, 知道無論如何殺人和自殺都是不被上帝許可的,因而不走此路,那麽,經過這段兒極度的傷心, 他就會發現一個奇跡等著他,他會有個美好生活美好前途等著他。

令人歎息的是他仍太年輕,情緒化,沒了解生活中許多的奧秘, 奇跡是可能的。。。