林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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(2008-09-17 15:47:46) 下一個

Guitar:Driving 2 Madrid Artist: Ottmar Liebert Album: Gypsy Soul

Rebecca Lin 2008 Summer In USA

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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複靜謐海灣的評論:

Hi, 靜謐海灣, I just noticed that you have changed your icon to charming autumn. Tell you what? It is so nice to see it on the first day of fall here.

Have a nice week,

靜謐海灣 回複 悄悄話 回複林貝卡的評論:
Thank you for sharing your beautiful, precious memory and warm thoughts. I feel that life is beautiful and warm.

"世界的美好,就在這一點點的奉獻溫暖和感動裏。想起了那首中文歌曲《愛的奉獻》:“隻要人人都獻出一點愛,世界將變成美好的人間。 ” " It is so true and I like it.

Seeing you put a lot new posts I feel like them even just reading the title!

Enjoy your new week,

林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 回複靜謐海灣的評論:

Oh, really? I am glad to hear that. 我是從《美語世界》論壇搬來的,是網友LordSeth分享的,他是品酒專家。




每次快到孩子們的學校,在過馬路時,總是看到Crossing Guards holding Traffic Sign to help kids cross the road.每次看到他們,我心裏就湧上一份感動。因為有他們,孩子們就可以放心地平安的過馬路,我今天看到一個孩子牽著他的小弟弟過馬路,好溫馨的畫麵。每次看到Crossing Guard,我總是提醒著孩子們,別忘了說聲:謝謝您。

世界的美好,就在這一點點的奉獻溫暖和感動裏。想起了那首中文歌曲《愛的奉獻》:“隻要人人都獻出一點愛,世界將變成美好的人間。 ”

Good night to you and sweet dream,

靜謐海灣 回複 悄悄話 Good morning, Rebecca.

Very nice music and picture. Thanks.

I printed the tips for tasting wine and read on train today. It is quite good.

Have a nice day,
林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 Ottmar Liebert
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ottmar Liebert (born 1959) is a German-born composer and guitarist, born to a Chinese-German father and a Hungarian mother. As a child, he spent most of his time traveling Europe and Asia with his family.

Ottmar leads an ensemble called Luna Negra ("Black Moon"), which has gained popularity performing as a touring band and recording music albums in a "Nouveau Flamenco" style. Luna Negra mixes elements of flamenco with jazz, bossa nova, Hindu meditation music, and other genres.