林貝卡 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2007-03-19 12:49:43) 下一個


Linus: The purpose of this meeting is to inform you that at this moment my brother, David...

David: Is late as usual. Sorry. Sorry, everybody.

Linus: What are you doing here?

David: Elizabeth and I have decided to elope.

Mr. Tyson: Really?

Linus: David, where's Sabrina?

David: So are we merging, are we all one?

Mrs. Tyson: Who's Sabrina?

Linus: You didn't go with her? 

David: Well obviously not, Linus, I mean here I am, right? She's probably having her beverage service right about now.

Mrs. Tyson: Who is?

Mrs. Larrabee: Sabrina.

Mrs. Tyson: Who's Sabrina?

Mr. Tyson: The chauffeur's daughter.

Linus: Don't call her that.

Elizabeth: She was after David for a while then apparently she switched to Linus. She seems to have decided that he was the one with the power.

Linus: Is that what he told you?

Elizabeth: He told me everything, Linus.

Linus: And you didn't see her before she left? You didn't talk to her?

David: Oh sure, I said goodbye and I think I wished her luck. Maybe not, I told her I felt kind of funny accepting my brother's hand-me-downs. And I said don't take it personally, and I told her you're always been generous to your women in the past and I was sure she'd be more than compensated for whatever. See I told you, he loves her.

Mrs. Tyson: Who?

Mr. Tyson: Sabrina.

David: Is he packed?

Mack: Yes.

Linus: Is who packed?

Mack: You are, just one bag.

Linus: Wait a minute, you packed my clothes? You went to my apartment.

Mrs. Larrabee: I took her.

Mack: We were up to our elbows in your underwear drawer. It was like touching the Shroud of Turin.

David: Here, sign this. It's your authorization for the completion of the merger. And this, gives me the raise I deserve for the new position I'm assuming. There's a car waiting for you down stairs, a helicopter at East 60th, the plane ticket's been changed to the Concord. It leaves in exactly 39 minutes. If you make it, you just might beat her there.


1. elope

“私奔”,這是David幽默的說法。我們來看個例子:She eloped with an Army officer。(她和一軍官私奔了。)

2. be after somebody

“追逐某人”的意思。用在男女關係上則指的是“追求”,警察追捕犯人也可以用這個詞,例如:The police are after him for burglary. (警察因為盜竊而追捕他。)

3. switch to

“變化、轉變”的意思,可以用來表示品味、觀點等等的變化,例如,The coffee drinker switch to a new brand of coffee. (消費者改喝新牌子的咖啡了。)

4. hand-me-down

“二手貨;別人用過的東西”,也可以用來修飾其他名詞,如:a hand-me-down robe 一件二手袍子。

5. We were up to our elbows in your underwear drawer.

意思是“你抽屜裏的東西太多了”。Up to one's elbow 的本意是指“工作太多,都堆到胳膊肘了”,這裏指“抽屜裏的東西太多了”。

6. beat

這裏可不是“打”,而是“比某人先到達某地”的意思。例如:See if you can beat me back to the house. (看看你能不能比我早到家。)


Shroud of Turin

Shroud of Turin or Turin Shroud, is a 4-m (14-ft) length of linen(亞麻布) housed in the chapel adjacent to the cathedral in Turin, Italy, since 1578. For centuries, many Roman Catholics have believed it to be the shroud of Jesus, the cloth used to wrap his crucified body when he was taken from the cross.

It is marked with images both front and back, apparently of a crucified man crowned with thorns, whipped, and speared in the side-the tortures Jesus is said to have suffered. Documents record that the cloth existed in France in the mid-1360s, but circumstantial evidence traces it back to Palestine at the time of Jesus.




1. 他和他心愛的人私奔了。

2. 我確信她在追求我的丈夫。

3. 她進大學時學英語,但第二年轉學商務了。

4. 我受夠了穿我姐姐的舊衣服。

5. 本來我想收拾廚房,但是你搶先了。

Sabrina 《情歸巴黎》(精講之五)考考你 參考答案

1. 以國王的名譽讓他停下來。
Let it stop in the king's name.

2. 別太過分!每個人的忍耐都有限度。
Don't go that far! Everyone has his limit.

3. 比賽之前我們戰術要達成一致。
We need to agree tactics before the game.



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