林貝卡 (熱門博主)
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The Lake House Part Five

(2007-03-17 21:34:10) 下一個


Morgan: Hey, have you eaten?

Kate: No, but I'm not-

Morgan: Neither have I. I realized I'm totally starving. We could grab a quick bite.

Kate: Okay.

Morgan: Yeah?

Kate: All right.

Morgan: Looks pretty good. Perfect.

Kate: No, Morgan, it's--it's not.

Morgan: No, no, trust me.

Kate: It's--Okay.

Morgan: Hi there.

Receptionist: One sec. Could you hold on for a moment?

Morgan: We'd love a table for two.

Receptionist: The name?

Morgan: We don't-- We don't have a reservation.

Receptionist: I'm sorry, sir, we're booked until October.

Morgan: October? Well...I'll get back to you. That went well.

Kate: It's no big deal. Oh, come on, stop it. It's the best restaurant in town. Nobody gets a table here.

Morgan: No, it's not that.

Kate: Well, what is it?

Morgan: I didn't do this right.

Kate: There wasn't a meeting.

Morgan: You'd see me if there was no big deal.

Kate: If it was just-Ambush.

Morgan: You know, coffee, and coffee can turn into dinner, dinner can turn into-

Kate: Turn into what?

Morgan: I'll admit that I do sometimes get a few steps ahead of myself.

Kate: Morgan, a few steps? You're always leaping 10 steps ahead. We were dating, what, a week? And you had our entire future mapped out for us? In my residency, you were picking out real estate. I'd go to your house the weekend you have the entire town in your house to meet me.

Morgan: I do seem to remember that you made pretty fast friends with one of them.

Kate: What are you talking about?

Morgan: You know what I'm talking about. That guy.

Kate: What guy?

Morgan: The guy I caught you making out with.

Kate: I wasn't making out with him. What, are we in junior high school right now?

Morgan: What do you call it, then?

Kate: A kiss. It was just one kiss with some random guy that just--Years--You know what?


1. Starve

這個詞本身的詞義是“餓死,使餓死”,但是在口語中使用的時候很生動,最常見的就是 Are you hungry? I'm starving. 之類的表達。

She's lonely, and starving for companionship. 她很寂寞,渴望友誼。這裏的意思就是“因為缺乏某物而困苦”。
再如:We all starve for news. 我們都渴望得到消息。

2. Grab a quick bite

人們也說 grab a bite to eat,意思同樣是表示“找個餐館隨便吃點”,尤其是指快餐店。

3. It's no big deal

如: It's no big deal that his car is more expensive than mine.

不過如果我們用肯定形式 big deal 的時候,意思就相反了。如:
So they live in a mansion?Big deal! 他們住在大廈裏嘍?了不起!
I've decided that I should read the magazine and see what's the big deal. 我決定看看雜誌,看看有什麽大不了的事。

4. make out

When people make out, they often also hug and press their bodies against each other. Making out is an American slang. After a period of prolonged kissing, two people may choose a more sexual form of making out, known as necking.
Make out 是一個意思很多的詞組,但是在影片的這個片段,它的意思就是俚語中的“親吻,親熱”。這個詞組在電影或電視劇中時有出現,希望大家能明白它的意思。








1. 走了一天的路,晚上大家都快餓死了。
2. 我們周末出去吃頓飯吧。
3. 這次考試沒有通過也沒什麽大不了的。

The Lake House《觸不到的戀人》(精講之四)考考你 參考答案

1. 她的臉上露出迷人的微笑.
A seductive smile showed up in her face.

2. 不管他怎麽嚐試, 電話還是打不了.
No matter how hard he tried, the telephone didn't work at all.

3. 在醫院工作幾年以後, 約翰發現自己的確不是一個稱職的醫生.
After working in a hospital for a couple of years, John found he came up short as a doctor.

(Source : Internet)

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林貝卡 回複 悄悄話 • this is very nice. thank you. -山水安妮- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 3/17/07
• 安妮,thank you. Have a nice week. -林貝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 3/17/07
• Ding! -dadahuahua- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/18/07
• dadahuahua, thank you very much. Have a nice week. -林貝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/19/07
• thanks a lot for your hard work -曉雲來生- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 3/18/07
• 曉雲來生, my pleasure. Have a nice week. -林貝卡- ♀ (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/19/07