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04-15-2009 美國納稅人高呼:我們受夠了!!!

(2009-04-16 08:39:28) 下一個

昨天,成千上萬的納稅人走向街頭,自願參加自己發起的“茶會”,抗議政府濫用職權和納稅人的稅賦。他們高呼:ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


這個活動一開始, 是CNBC的在芝加哥的一個記者提出來的。 後來,得到普通老百姓的熱烈擁護。 很多人設立了很多網站,提供聚會信息和交流。

給奧巴馬提馬墜凳,搖旗呐喊的主流媒體,以CNN和MSNBC 為首,把這個有著深遠意義的跨黨派的群眾聚會,描繪成是共和黨發起的反奧巴馬活動。筆者對主流媒體在片麵歪曲報道北京奧運火炬接力和西藏動亂時早就報以鄙視態度,對他們在美國大選中所暴露出來對奧巴馬那種惡心的獻媚行徑更是深惡痛絕,這次決定親身經曆這場活動,拒絕被媒體誤導。回家後,在網上看到CNN記者在芝加哥“茶會”活動報道奮不顧身為奧巴馬現身說法的德行,隻能說是又在意料之中。



1。這次活動,基本上沒有黑墨亞,但有很多是民主黨的選民,大部分是跟我一樣獨立的保守派。 我去的地方,還有支持奧巴馬的聚會,人很少,基本上都是少數民族。






以下的照片是網上羅列來的。 希望參加昨天“茶會”的網友,分享一下你們那裏的情況。

如果您不知道保守派想要得到的是什麽,不知道共和黨跟保守派有什麽區別,請到當地書店買一本由MARK LEVIN寫的《LIBERTY AND TYRANNY 自由與專製》,該書現在連續三個禮拜為《紐約時報》最暢銷書排行榜第一名!

A protester wears a t-shirt reflecting his opinion during... (Karen Bleier / AFP/Getty Images)

Donna Millwood and Sue Easterly, not seen, hold up a sign... (Al Grillo / AP)

Protesters waves a signs during a

Demonstrators against US President Barack Obama's nationa... (Emmanuel Dunand / AFP/Getty Images)

Protesters take part as part of the national Tax Day Tea ... (Win McNamee / Getty Images)

Protesters wave signs during a tea party demonstration in... (Karen Bleier / AFP/Getty Images)

Protesters take part in a rally as part of the national T... (Win McNamee / Getty Images)

802 Tax Day Tea Parties were held across the country Wedn... (Lance Iversen / The Chronicle)

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高爾特 回複 悄悄話 支持樓主,做一個真正的美國人,做一名工作製造者。鄙視二手貨。
autoking 回複 悄悄話 說到底,就是OBMA 多讓你交稅了,屁股決定了腦袋
說不定那天您也有窮的一天, 別太張狂了(you'll be cursed)
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 For those who don't like Fox News and think CNN is more balanced and think the tea parties are organized by Fox and backed by republicans, here's a news headline from CNN:

GOP congressman booed mercilessly at Tea Party rally


Just because some organizations or politicians try to ride the wave of tea parties doesn't mean these are not grass root movements. Its significance can't be dismissed by simply labeling the protestors racists and/or republicans. We'll see.
Pandabear 回複 悄悄話 Again, I attended the tea party in Maryland. It was an great event and even the day was cold and rainy, 3000 people showed up. I can say that this is not astroturf but real grass root. I see hope that the american people are aware of what's going on with the country and they are doing their share to save it. I thank you so much for your post and keep it up! We Chinese Americans need to hear and care about the truth more than ever.
noso 回複 悄悄話 Million Taxpayer March

Michelle Malkin

Friday, April 17, 2009

Let's use liberal math to calculate attendance at this week's nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protests. When left-wing activists make crowd estimates, the algorithm is: six figures = one million. An incomplete survey of newspaper accounts and organizer estimates pegged the Tea Party protest population at a minimum of 250,000. We can now, therefore, officially call it the Million Taxpayer March.

Or the Million Right-Wing Extremists March if you work for the Department of Homeland Security.

To George Soros-funded grievance professionals, 250,000 is an insignificant number. But unlike recent anti-war and pro-illegal immigration rallies padded with union workers, college students and homeless people, the Tax Day Tea Party demonstrations featured small-business owners, working taxpayers and families. This wasn't a weekend or holiday, mind you. A quarter-million people took time off in the middle of the workweek to raise their voices against reckless taxing and bipartisan spending.

Multimillionaire jetsetter Nancy Pelosi scoffed that the Tax Day Tea Party movement was nothing more than "Astroturf" politics to protect the "wealthiest people" in America. Democratic Rep. Jan Schakowsky called the peaceable assemblies "despicable." Other bitter, clingy Tea Party-bashers grumbled that activists only showed up where Fox News cameras were. But tens of thousands more came out in rain, snow and cold -- in Bozeman, Mont.; Eau Claire, Wis.; Carson City, Nev.; White Plains, N.Y.; Bend, Ore.; Lansing, Mich.; Hilo, Hawaii; Nashville, Tenn.; and everywhere in between -- with no media personalities or celebrities in sight.

If only the condescending cable TV anchors at CNN and MSNBC had paused from wallowing in gutter puns about tea bags, they might have reported an even more significant phenomenon: Tea Party protesters were as vocal in their criticism of Republicans as they were of Democrats. In Salt Lake City, Utah, a crowd of 2,000 repeatedly booed GOP Sens. Orrin Hatch and Bob Bennett, who both supported the $700 billion TARP bailout, and protested GOP Gov. Jon Huntsman's decision to accept $1.6 billion in porky stimulus funds.

In Sacramento, Tea Party organizer Mark Meckler singled out California GOP Chair Ron Nehring for waffling on proposed $16 billion tax hikes. The crowd of 5,000 greeted Nehring -- who unsuccessfully tried to hitch his wagon to the Tea Party movement -- with a roar of boos and catcalls. Speaker after speaker lambasted Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for abandoning fiscal-conservative principles. The loudest chant of the day: "Throw them out."

In Madison, Wis., GOP Rep. Paul Ryan -- hyped as a conservative "rock star" -- was well received. But I heard from staunch fiscal-conservative constituents who refused to be silent about Ryan's complicity. He gave one of the most hysterical speeches in the rush to pass TARP last fall; voted for the auto bailout; and voted with the Barney Frank-Nancy Pelosi AIG bonus-bashing stampede. Milwaukee blogger Nick Schweitzer wrote: "He ought to be apologizing for his previous votes, not pretending he was being responsible the entire time, but I don't see one bit of regret for what he did previously. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let him get away with it."

Other Tea Party participants pointed out that Newt Gingrich, who jumped aboard the bandwagon, flip-flopped on TARP in the space of a week last September and made common cause with Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi in ads calling for immediate action on "climate change."

Before the grassroots Tea Party movement took them by surprise, Beltway GOP strategists argued fervently that the party's traditional focus on taxes and spending had become outdated. The re-branders pitched their own expansive ideas to replace the anti-tax-and-spend agenda and inspire new voters. These included Gingrich's "green conservatism," David Frum's proposal to raise carbon taxes, and open-borders Republicans' plans for alternative forms of amnesty.

Newsflash: Eco-zealotry and in-state tuition discounts for illegal aliens didn't bring out thousands of first-time activists on the streets. Stay-at-home moms weren't up all night making signs that read "Tax me more, please!"

What resonated on Tax Day were nonpartisan calls to roll back pork, hold the line on taxing and spending, end the endless government bailouts, and stop the congressional steamrollers that have pushed through mountains of legislation without deliberation. This is a teachable moment for GOP public relations peddlers in Washington. While they search for the Holy Grail of Re-branding in tony salons and country club conferences, the agenda for 2010 is smacking them in the face. It's the three T's, stupid: Too Many Taxes, Trillions in Debt, and Transparency.

The GOP path to reclaiming power lies with candidates who can make a credible case that they will support and defend fiscal responsibility. That means acting on fiscal-conservative principles now, not paying lip service later. The reckonable forces of the Tea Party movement didn't let opportunists escape accountability on Tax Day. The GOP shouldn't assume they'll get a pass on Election Day, either. As one of the most popular Tea Party signs read: "You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out."

soullessbody 回複 悄悄話 “隻有FOXNEWS正麵報道了這一活動,決定以後隻看FOXNEWS了。”

this tells it all.

autoking 回複 悄悄話 博主站著說話不腰疼,明顯自私的體現,看來素質和境界並不高。
老宋 回複 悄悄話 恭喜lz找到心愛的國家了,我們大家所有的人都應該由衷地感到幸運。
soso08 回複 悄悄話 區區25萬人集會反對從2011年開始才給這個國家5%富人增加的那3%的稅。 真是一群高智商的人。。。

說到底是一群minority 丟到了一個大選,心裏忿忿不平,找個借口上街出出氣而已。確實是CNBC的 Rick Santelli發起的。是誰組織的呢?FOX。 那背後的黑手是誰呢?是Murdock代表的大財團鼓動下的。沒關係,當年Bush當選了,我們一群liberal也在大街上嚷嚷,Sean Hanity 怎麽說我們的? 現在我說,你們的ideology在美國已經不是主流意識了,自己慢慢嚷嚷去吧。。。
wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
You already answered the question by your no-answer.
大江川 回複 悄悄話 博主的另一觀點,我讚成,就是參與意識。
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複大江川的評論:
It's liberty vs tyranny, not republican vs democrat.

大江川 回複 悄悄話 奧巴馬的新政目前受到共和黨的故意抵製。
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcdave的評論:
No that's not my answer.

Again I see the tea parties as individuals trying to express their concerns about issues. I don't understand why you focus on their skin colors. Are you trying to label anyone who dares to critize the government as racist since the current president is not white?
wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
So you have problems with Blacks???

Is that your answer that the majority of the people in the Tea Party are whites becaue they don't like blacks?
rancho2008 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:
Well said and I agree with you.
For those who watched Susan Roesgen's CNN coverage of the tea party, here is a video of one of the tea parties recorded by an attendee and put up on YouTube. Anyone who did not attend the party but wanted to know what CNN would not report can go to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpeScv6EPgQ. I don't think this is a partisan event and these people are not extremists. Go and watch it yourself and then compared what you have seen on CNN.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 What resonated on Tax Day were nonpartisan calls to roll back pork, hold the line on taxing and spending, end the endless government bailouts, and stop the congressional steamrollers that have pushed through mountains of legislation without deliberation.

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複sda and all you leftwingers / socialists的評論:






sda 回複 悄悄話 暫不說這次活動的是不是共和黨支持操縱的,但它代表不代表民意?大廈將傾,一個人的piggy bank可以幹什麽?最煩聽到美國人說“tax payer's money", "my money"。自我感覺何其好,隻有美國人才有。美國現在的債務要是靠自己的話,幾輩子也還不完。誰的錢?有沒有腦子想想?這種論調可以休矣。另外,人是動物,有先天帶來的自私性。誰也不願往外拿錢,這不難理解吧?再,這次危機是誰造成的?怎麽造成的?如果事實證明有些領域裏的自由經濟不能實行,ChairmanMaoBama有什麽不好?渡過危機是最主要的,不是嗎?在這個時候還搞黨派活動,把黨派利益放到國家利益之上,大概是政治傾向太嚴重了吧?

nycles 回複 悄悄話 本來 Tea Party 是表現美國式的幽默, 結果讓 Foxnews 煽風點火,竟然成了運動。文革也是這麽扇起來的。 居心不良!
隨意風信子 回複 悄悄話 回複好望角駱駝的評論:

ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcdave的評論:
No the majority of welware recipients are blacks, not immigrants.

But the majority of tax payers who pay income tax are whites.
老姐 回複 悄悄話 四年後又是大選的日子,共和黨可以拿行動來爭取民心的呀。



TSP 回複 悄悄話 The tea parties demonstrated that resistance to big government persists in the hearts of many Americans and overseas conservative chinese.
avanti 回複 悄悄話 Tea Parties: What's Next?
“I think that what’s most important is getting regular citizens and taxpayers to show up and start saying ‘stop spending out money.’

viewer 回複 悄悄話 全美報稅日茶黨大規模抗議示威
By 魯克

提到茶會,不免想起美國建國史上著名的波士頓茶會事件。早在一七七三年,美洲的殖民者英政府通過了一項《茶葉法案》,準許英東印度公司無需繳稅,直接在北美銷售茶葉,當滿載茶葉的英國商船進入波士頓港口時,波士頓人拒絕茶葉上岸,後來一群波士頓居民在撒母耳·亞當斯﹙Samuel Adams﹚ 帶領下,把船上所有茶葉都倒進水中。由於英政府對美洲移民嚴重課稅卻優待本國的商人,這樣法案讓美洲移民大為不滿,為了爭取公平正義,他們奮起反抗。三年之後,北美爆發了獨立戰爭,而波士頓茶會事件被認為是一七七六年這場戰爭的導火線。
兩百多年過去,茶會運動又在全美展開,同樣他們反對的是不公平的大政府政策。其實,茶會抗議活動在前幾周,就已經風起雲湧,隻不過主流媒體不屑於報道罷了。是那個號稱“BE THE FIRST TO KNOW”的CNN幾乎對此是“THE LAST TO KNOW”,NBC則對茶會反稅運動是輕描淡寫。美國主流的新聞電視台(CNN ,ABC,NBC)簡直是奧巴馬的禦用媒體,對於這場延燒全美的草根運動,他們幾乎集體缺席。不過,在網絡上,茶會串聯活動越來越旺,新興的博客媒體,很早就開始為4月15日活動,進行倒計時。美國收視率最高的福克斯新聞台也為這場茶會運動進行全方位跟蹤和報道。
作為奧巴馬的”紅衛兵”,左派的博客也展開詆毀茶會草根運動的全麵反撲,他們說這是保守派或極端右派的發動的顛覆政府運動。無獨有偶,政府也對所謂的右翼極端主義興起開始關注,最近一份國土安全部的內部評估報告被解密, 其名為《Rightwing Extremism:Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment》所謂《右翼極端主義:當前政經形勢加速右翼激進和重整旗鼓的勢頭》。可以看出這不是偶然,其目的無非就是要抹黑茶會反政府的運動,如果反對政府政策的人就被他們看成是極端分子,那麽請問在布什執政下,那個天天反政府的moveon.org組織,還有戈爾,邁克摩爾,他們算不算極端分子?況且很多參與這場茶會運動的人都在去年大選投票支持過奧巴馬。

wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複黃則和的評論:

請問你這個自以為智商高又有本事的主, OBAMA的經濟刺激方案與布什的方案有什麽不同? 比較民主黨和共和黨執政下的股市, 誰的表現更好???
wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:

Because majority of welfare recipents are new immigrants, do you have problems with that???

Now it's your turn to answer my question, why in the Tea Party, majority of them are whites?
ProLamer 回複 悄悄話 回複flea的評論:
Well said~ noso is a complete disgrace~
AGuyByTheBay 回複 悄悄話 回複-朕-的評論:
Even though you went to the gathering like this, nobody will think you are one of them.
好望角駱駝 回複 悄悄話 就好像是一個人因為種種原因染了重病,要死要活的了。請了一位郎中,才開了兩副藥,就罵起來了。臭郎中、庸醫、騙子。。。。之前幹啥去了?
wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
opinions 是扣不了大帽子的.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:
As for your question "目前你已經掌握了什麽證據來證明"政府濫用職權和納稅人的稅賦", first of all that's just noso's simple summary of what the tea parties represent, and it doesn't reflect all the protestor's opinions, secondly, I suggest you do some research on the stimulus packages and the budget to see for yourself.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:
My point is those opinions are not 扣大帽子, nor are they 不負法律責任.

wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:
Bottom line is, people are entitled to their opinions and have right to express them in a peaceful way. Just because you disagree with their opinion doesn't mean they're 扣大帽子.
rancho2008 回複 悄悄話 回複jennifer123ee的評論:
Agree. Many Chinese people naively believe that in the United States the main stream media must be fair and free unlike the media in China, yet that is far from the case. MSM in the U.S. nowadays has long evolved into a biased political machine serving special interest. Many people are now turning to alternative media for stories not covered by MSM.
wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:
You said: "“無法無天”是指可以不負法律責任隨便把“濫用職權”等大帽子扣在他人頭上。"

I don't know why you think the tea parties are 隨便把“濫用職權”等大帽子扣在他人頭上, or why you think the actions are 不負法律責任. Actually can you explain what you mean by 不負法律責任?

Since some people think like we're still in China, may I remind people about the first amendment:
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion" or that prohibit the free exercise of religion, infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to peaceably assemble, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複-朕-的評論:
My understanding of "I ll keep my freedom,my gun,my money":
kee my freedom: see declaration of independence
keep my gun: you can't take away my right to bear fire arms guaranteed by second amendment
keep my money: stop wealth redistribution

wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
-朕- 回複 悄悄話 原來你是Noso,那我就收回剛才的過激言辭,不是因為你的作為,而是因為我們在北美論壇也好幾年的點頭熟了。仔細看看照片裏那些遊行示威的牌匾吧,好好的分析下。One Big Awful Mistake America?因為總統是黑人,這個是他Mistake的意思。還有兩個白癡紅脖,I ll keep my freedom,my gun,my money.典型的美國紅脖自大,暴力,貪婪的性格。自由和槍支還有錢可以平等劃線麽?以為拿把槍就可以換取自由?那是罪犯。和文革時候的槍杆子出政權如出一轍。
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 here's some history of republican party and democrat party:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks.

-朕- 回複 悄悄話 庸俗和幼稚,很諷刺的是你作為一個亞裔竟然參加這種表麵反政府歧視就是反黑人或者少數民族的白人聚會。這也就是為什麽聚會沒有黑墨亞人參加的原因。看看圓星旗,Sam大叔,十字旗。都是美國南方奴隸主的後代,紅脖子三K黨一流。 美國現在的財政經濟問題是政府的責任麽?是的,但也是所有美國人的責任。美國百分之65的人肥胖,美國人多懶多麽的鋪張浪費我想你們都應該了解。自己浪費了這麽多最後隻會怪罪於政府?而且是一個剛剛上任兩個多月的黑人總統政府。布什荒廢了美國8年我怎麽沒看到這幫紅脖子示威呐喊啊?美國發動戰爭讓石油軍火商猛賺的時候這幫白農幹什麽去了?我不支持奧巴馬,但是你參加並且支持這種運動證明了你是多麽的愚蠢
jennifer123ee 回複 悄悄話 Noso,
I like you! I've read some of your posts, I like how you are keeping up with the political news in United States and share the news with chinese readers here.

I think alot of chinese people in this country are misled by the main stream media. We need people like you to present "other side of the story".

Good job
用戶名被占用了 回複 悄悄話 某些人不罵人不行,到處留口水。





Pandabear 回複 悄悄話 I attended the tea party myself and thank you for your post! The american media CNN and MSNBC are full of crap! Everybody at the tea party were patriotic. I am very happy I was there. The spending has gone out of control. "The government is the problem", bigger government never solves anything. Since when its the government's job to take moeny from people who work hard and redistribute it? Life is not fair and it will never be. And it is not the government's job to make it fair. it won't work. Give me one example of a society that this worked -- you can't because there is none.
visit 回複 悄悄話 The socialist has been tested over 60 years in many contries. I run from China to find my freedem. Those like socialist should go to live in China.
The poor had supported Mao and finally get poorer. Only the capitalisism changed China.
The o8 policy will hurt middle and poor finally. As Mao hurt all Chinese people.

唐城 回複 悄悄話 想起。Family Guy 的一個episode, Lois 應征。Fox News 的REPORTER.太形象了。

Foxe News===Republican TV, (極端宗教,極右,反少數族裔,白人至上,鄉下red-neck).

有些華人,跟著共和黨的後麵。屁顛屁顛。請了解一下Fox News 那些人的背景。當年中美撞飛機,Bill Orielly 在節目上和一個中國學生舌戰,充分顯示此人對中國的無知和傲慢。CNN對中國不友好?那FOXNEWS對中國簡直是仇恨。

ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcdave的評論:
Can you answer me why the majority of welfare recipients are non whites?
wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:

Let me make that earsier for you, in this Tea Party event, why majority of them are whites?
nycles 回複 悄悄話 So sad to see the kids in the picture, but I happen to know where the money in her piggy bank went, it didn't go to the American economy system, it went to a place they've never seen, Iraq.
plus 回複 悄悄話 我看樓主的腦子進冰水了.這幾年中產階級生活每況愈下,社會貧富懸殊越來越大.沒有公平正義就沒有穩定的社會.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:
You said: "問題是:如果證明政府已經濫用了職權和納稅人的稅賦,那麽抗議是解決問題的方法嗎?美國無法無天了嗎?"

Are you implying that protesting is illegal? What are we still in China? Do you not know that here we the people, not the government, are the 天?
changshayan 回複 悄悄話 羊奶舞和削白菜,真的癩皮狗.

benchmark 回複 悄悄話 CNN was the source of news for me but no more. FOX is on the far right and MSNBC on the far left. CNN is rapidly turning left too. All are biased to some extent.

Thank goodness for BBC. At least they are professional enough when it comes to international news.
wsw66 回複 悄悄話 回複羊奶舞和削白菜的評論:真的癩皮狗才會象你那樣狂吠,你得先學會講人話後再發評論.不懂得尊重自己別人怎麽尊重你!

"注意: 請不要在評論中留下不友好的信息或類似侮辱性的言辭"
羊奶舞和削白菜 回複 悄悄話 你不愧是共和黨養的一條狗,還是癩皮狗,哈哈哈
wsw66 回複 悄悄話 Thanks noso, I admire your courage and share your views completely. Because I am a Canadian otherwise I would have been there with them. CNN used to be my favour channel but no more ! Media should be objective and obligtory towards an equal sociaty rather than a 'worship team " of an individual leader ,that only happens in North Korea now. CNN's behavior is very shamful! I dumped CNN and switched to FOX news since America's election heated up during 2008 .
wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 問題是:如果證明政府已經濫用了職權和納稅人的稅賦,那麽抗議是解決問題的方法嗎?美國無法無天了嗎?
閑人1 回複 悄悄話 "隻有FOXNEWS正麵報道了這一活動,決定以後隻看FOXNEWS了" 這句話實在不夠美國式思維,簡直是中國式實用主義的典型。容不得反麵的意見,我就不在這裏再浪費精力打字了。
morninggirl 回複 悄悄話 回複dodododo2046的評論:

You silly. The riches will either cut your job to save money to pay the tax or rise the price of the stuff you want to buy to pay the tax... Think about it...
kai2002 回複 悄悄話 政府是動了大家的儲蓄,不動的話銀行倒閉,大家的養老金還是泡湯,這是左右為難, 沒辦法的辦法 美國人僅僅看住自己儲蓄罐有什麽用?覆巢之下安有完卵?
marriedwoman 回複 悄悄話 回複少灌多看的評論:
America IS the best country on earth. It has flaws, but it is the fairest and most advance in terms of its political and legal systems. You should not be forced to live here if you don't agree.

CNN is full of non-qualified empty suit/skirt journalist, who have pretty faces but empty brain. (larry king, AC, WB) just to name a few. Not to say that fox news don't have people like that, CNN/MSNBC's rating is in the toilet for a reason.

Beware of the government-media complex, CNN is equivalent to central TV of China.
xm1982 回複 悄悄話
為什麽參加tea party 的絕大多數是白人?



dodododo2046 回複 悄悄話 OBAMA是要多收富人的稅,窮人沒有什麼不高興的
Mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複少灌多看的評論:
you are also ignorant, how about tobacco tax, don't you know they just yank the price to the roof in NY?
Mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複nycles的評論:
laugh,laugh, laugh all you want, watching you CNN(communism news networks) makes you feel tingle on your legs. Yikes!
morninggirl 回複 悄悄話 回複少灌多看的評論:

You are very rude, just like those hopeless far left wing liberals...
Mehaa 回複 悄悄話 回複少灌多看的評論:
You are an idiot or just another liberal kool-aid drinker, CNN,MSNBC is going down to ditch, foxnews kick their a** everyday, don't you know that? Do your own research. Remember, WE THE PEOPLE own the country, shape the policy, nor CNN,MSNBC neither Washton politicians.

少灌多看 回複 悄悄話 樓主腦子進開水了吧?fox news也能看?俺隻知道有個煞筆在哪兒天天鼓吹“America is the single,best country God has created on the face of earth”。
nycles 回複 悄悄話 如果八卦新聞可視為言論自由, 那我無言。:(
nycles 回複 悄悄話 People are so dumb. You don't see FOXNEWS protest when the gov spend 700 billion on Iraq War every single Fxxx year.

again, FOXNEWS, fabrication Channel. You'll get laughed, if you believe it, mark my word.

philasian 回複 悄悄話 I wish noso protested war on Iraq since not a single penny spent on the war was not from tax money. Probably you didn't and wouldn't. Since it was a Republican's war.

Either way the tax money is going to spend. I'd rather have it spent on civil projects than a stupid war that killed the economy and lives.
人生四喜 回複 悄悄話 又看到你發大作啦xixi。

ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcdave的評論:
What fact? Show me the fact, then I'll certainly face it. :)
wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:

What kind of a proof you want, court proofs??? Face the fact, otherwise you are fooling youself.
morninggirl 回複 悄悄話 回複rancho2008的評論:

The good news is more and more people realize the media bias. Look at the TV rating from Nielsen:


more and more people are watching Foxnews. Foxnews is beating CNN...
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複flea的評論:

The tea parties are a great example of invidual liberty, while the marchings in culture revolution were organized by government.

wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 回複黃則和的評論:

wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 回複flea的評論:
one thing in common:just jumping to conclusion no matter what is true.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:

I have an answer for you, flea is a flea, nothing more, nothing less. : )

Only those who discriminate others are afraid of being discriminated upon. I simply record what I saw and once again, I was disappointed there is NO other minority including Chinese in that gathering.

personal attack is a regular weapen for the leftwingers and liberals.
flea 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:
They are so different that I could not believe you had said that. For Tea party, it is just a way of letting people’s voice out. Those demonstrations in culture revolution were largely manipulated by the government, by Mao.
onMove 回複 悄悄話 Thank noso for the news.

Right now, america become so...so "Socialist Oriented" which concerns me a little.

However, I do believe America need some type of fundamental change from what has been done over the past 20 years. I am not sure whether Obama will bring changes that will benefit the country. At least he is for the CHANGE.
wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 這種上街遊行給人的感覺就是中國的文革。先定一個結論,而且是在一定程度上暫時無法證明的結論,再把個別人搞臭,整垮,等到曆史真相大白天下,被搞臭整垮的人可能都隻留下靈魂了。曆史看來是會重複,不分地域,不分時代,古今中外,一視同仁。
flea 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
Hey, you just missed my point. I didn’t blame or hail any of these parties, did I? Of course you are right on how to judge a party, I was just joking about a scenario that how KKK acts. It has nothing to do with how I judge those parties. As a matter of fact, Reps are more concerned on how to distance themselves from right-wing extremists, like Rush Limbaugh. You know why?, cause lay person like me will link them together unconsciously.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複ihope2的評論:
Why do you think they're stupid?
ihope2 回複 悄悄話 I hope you are not as stupid as those who attended the gathering and hope you know what you are talking about...
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複flea的評論:
How can you jump to such a far reaching conclusion from noso's simple observation that there's no Hispanics/Blacks/Orientals in the tea party he went to? Could it be that he's simply stating a fact?
flea 回複 悄悄話 To noso,
I think I share lots of mindset with you, hate communism, hate Mao, and hate labor union , which I believe the very culprit that ruins US auto industry. So we can agree the disagree for the most of part. However, there are couple of things I’d like to sort it out with you. First, being right-wing extremist could not be more far away from constructive approaches to fight against left-wing extremist. Cause they are both destructive force which can NOT be used to make things. Second, I don’t think you can be a so-called “Chinese RedNeck”, as they are mutually exclusive. Just like you can’t call something cat dog. Well, you can try, like Michael Jackson did, by bleaching his skin, but see how that worked out. Third, since my first post was largely drowned, I ‘d like to resurrect it again. I think you have a very disgusting inclination of being a racist. When you emphasized in your post that there were NO “black, Mexican and Asian” in the Tea party? What are you underlying? They are not good enough people to be there? They are not qualified to join the party? What are you? You are defined not only by the bunch of bones wrapped with chunk of flesh, you are your culture, your gene and your social relationship. The fact you have been here on this forum already reveals that you are one of us, even you hate us and you think you are better than us.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複rancho2008的評論:

Great point indeed. thanks for sharing.

Bush started socialist bail-out, Obama has carried it on and expaneded to the extreme that this country we know will soon be gone.
rancho2008 回複 悄悄話 Totally agree with you about the main stream media bias. For those Obama supporters who were there at the same time, they were most likely organized by ACORN. I came to the States more than two decades ago, and it is a pity that this great country has been deteriorating. With government corruption rampant, we really need to have a House cleaning, otherwise, no matter what party is in power, they only pursue their own interest.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複flea的評論:
Are you suggesting that since kkk is all white and republican party has more white than democratic party so kkk will more likely support republican?
If so, can we also suggest that gays and lesbians are more likely to support democratic party since there're more gays and lesbians in that party?
But those are just baseless assumptions. I think it's better not to judge major political parties simply by their supporters because both are supported by a broad spectrum of people.
What matters is what the parties stand for.
netguy 回複 悄悄話 fox是支持共和黨的
nbc, cnn是支持民主黨的

所以fox cnn取中間就知道事情真相了
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複黃則和的評論:

octopusy 回複 悄悄話 回複scim的評論:
比 較 而 言 ,像 什 麽 巴 黎 倫 敦 柏 林 還 有 東 南 歐 相 對 不 安 全 我 也 知 道 。
歐 洲 不 安 全 ,難 道 還 美 國 ,中 國 ,非 洲 安 全 ?
還 有 歐 洲 人 民 是 絕 對 不 會 同 意 槍 支 開 禁 的 ,你 的 假 設 毫 無 現 實 意 義 。
gasbag 回複 悄悄話 共和黨當政時,保守人士評論民主黨還比較客觀,畢竟以勝利者的姿態。凹八贏得大選之後,共和黨真正成為"Party of No", 右派分子無話不酸,loser!
No-No 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968的評論:
Sounds like you are very knowledgeable. Very good!

Why not tell us your understanding about Tea Party, and also about tax and how much tax that you are willing to pay and how much tax you are willing to let Others to spend...?

If you think that Fox News is brainwashing people, fantastic! Please give us a few opposite but convincing examples.

Hi, I trust your knowledge, don't let me dwon, hahaha....
flea 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:
I don’t think anyone has proof for that one. Well, that is not the point. Cause fake proof can be staged and true proof can be wiped out., like right wing Japanese still deny NanJing Massacre and new Nazi deny The Holocaust. This is all about how you judge and how you feel. Hypothetically if KKK gets to choose which party to support between Rep and Dem, go figure yourself, it does not take a political degree to work that out. LOL.
scim 回複 悄悄話 回複octopusy的評論:
歐洲很安全? 歐洲馬上就成阿拉伯地區了,還“很安全“?要是歐洲象美國一樣不禁槍,歐洲某些隻怕要革命樂。
octopusy 回複 悄悄話 美 國 就 是 太 資 本 主 義 了 才 這 麽 亂 ,所 以 我 說 美 國 是 個 本 世 紀 就 會 大 大 地 走 下 坡 路 的 二 流 國 家 。 到 西 北 歐 來 觀 摩 一 下 社 會 主 義 吧 ,丹 麥 消 費 稅 25% 德 國 19% ,其 它 國 家 都 是 20% 左 右 , 工 資 扣 了 淨 了 才 一 半 ,很 慘 是 不 是 ? 但 是 歐 洲 很 安 全 ,地 鐵 裏 一 百 年 才 出 一 起 案 件 。
歐 洲 必 將 再 次 成 為 世 界 中 心 ,中 國 如 果 繼 續 現 在 的 體 製 還 是 奴 才 命 。
“六月六” 回複 悄悄話 看來你根本不是什麽獨立派,是徹頭徹尾的共和黨保守派。美國被你們這些人搞慘了!奧巴馬總統是在救美國, 不這樣救,美國,乃至世界還要更慘!你還是少看點FOX新聞頻道為好。
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcdave的評論:
What's your proof that kkk always supports republican party?
nycles 回複 悄悄話 FOXNEWS?

有名的八卦台一個,臭得讓人哭笑不得,當然還是笑它的多, FOX經常添油加醋,說話水平不亞於,望博主重新考慮,為時不晚。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複二胡一刀的評論:

Up till now, no media nor Washington cares about the opposit voice. They are in bed with each other to socialize this great country.

Like Newsweek cover story: we are all socialists now.

Many people from New York Times admitted they are socialists and they did help Obama's campaign against Republican as whole.

Many Chinese scholars here feel the same way because they hate Bush so much yet they enjoy the freedom of this country served by sons and daughters they call red necks.

I am sorry you don't think the way I do, but that's also the reason I am here for: to give you a different point of view. Whethear you agree or not, I have my freedom of speech.

wxcdave 回複 悄悄話 看來樓主的腦子是被那個大胖子灌了水了,這樣吧, 你來回答一個很簡單的問題,為什麽“KKK”是保守的共和黨的堅定支持者?
杜撰 回複 悄悄話 fox電視台, lol.


二胡一刀 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:



wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 regard:"simple: get rid of the labor union, keep the workers who want to work, not to retire on the job."
respond:fine.now it better than the "opposite way".
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:

simple: get rid of the labor union, keep the workers who want to work, not to retire on the job.
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 Here's an interesting thread for those interested in discussin media bias,

Excerpts below:
Rarely is there as transparent an example of liberal media bias as the tantrum thrown by CNN's Susan Roesgen yesterday while "reporting" on a tea party, but the full extent of her bias only comes into light when you look back at her attitude toward anti-Bush protesters.

In video posted by Paul Chesser from yesterday's CNN broadcast, Roesgen harassed a man who had a sign in which Obama was portrayed as a fascist with a Hitler mustache. "Why be so hard on the President of the United States though with such an offensive message?" an indignant Roesgen hollered.

Yet back in 2006, when she was covering protests against the Bush administration's response to Katrina, she jokingly referred to this photo of a man wearing a mask with devil horns and a Hitler mustache as a Bush "look-alike." (Video available at NewsBusters).

wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 regarding to:"this is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush is gone, Obama is responsible for everything he does."
respond:nobody talking Bush vs Obama, just hoping to be fair.

regarding to:"If you think bail-out is the way to save this country, I think opposite is right way."
respond:it is still a good question if bailout is the way.but opposite is not right way.whatever.

regarding to:"Like GM, after billions of billions bail-out taxpayers money, it is still heading toward bankrupcy.
respond: do you have any good idea?
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複wuyong的評論:

hahaha~~ I am old enough to say no to bail-out because I have been paying my tax for a quite a long time.

You can say that to the seniors, see what happens.
wuyong 回複 悄悄話 無論如何覺得你還是年輕,缺少一種持重。多了一份心血來潮。這種博文,再過幾年你自己都要臉紅。隨著歲數的增加你會變得穩重的,無論你願意與否。。。。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複Erica_NJ的評論:

I totally agree with you on 250K is not rich.

Watching Foxnews is just a personal choice.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複wxcsci的評論:

this is not about Bush vs Obama. Bush is gone, Obama is responsible for everything he does.

If you think bail-out is the way to save this country, I think opposite is right way.

Like GM, after billions of billions bail-out taxpayers money, it is still heading toward bankrupcy.
wxcsci 回複 悄悄話 政府是否濫用了職權和納稅人的稅賦,該由什麽樣的機構來界定?這些民眾是否確認了是OBAMA政府把他們的稅賦都拿走濫用了嗎?可不可以通過比較規範化的途徑來證明這一點呢?
Erica_NJ 回複 悄悄話 I am so tired of Obama called family making more than $250K rich. Rich my a**! Especially if you are in tri-state area, you are not rich.

Here is an article from the Market Watch about how folks making $250K feel. It is very true: Enough is Enough.


Sorry but I can't stand FOX network. Can't support you on that!
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 回複flowerstar的評論:
Fox news was the only one covering the tea parties comprehensively. Others like MSNBC and CNN were busy commenting rather than reporting them. Given the scale and the organic nature of the movement, I find it outrageous that it got so little coverage in MSM. Imagine if it's an organic anti Bush movement with hundreds of protests going on all over the country, the MSM would be covering them 24/7 and some organizers will become instant media darlings.
So, what's wrong with watching fox news? I think they did great this time. No wonder their rating is number one.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複flowerstar的評論:

all you people question me personally, not my point,have one thing in common: you are too old for this. It is 2008 already for God's sake. Cuturual revelution in over long time ago.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複二胡一刀的評論:

Let's give Bush a break, OK? he is gone forever!

Now, if Obama said he is opposite of Bush, why has he been doing the same bailing out BS started by Bush?

If Obama is such a moderate leader, why didn't he veto all the porks? Why didn't he give Congress enough time to debate and why hasn't he lead from the center?

If you have a good answer, I will give you some credit. Otherwise, I will classify you as those who still think you need a political leader to survive your life.
flowerstar 回複 悄悄話 So you are independent and fair and only watch FOX news???
二胡一刀 回複 悄悄話 回複noso的評論:
Erica_NJ 回複 悄悄話 It is not fair for Chairman Mao to be compared to Obama. Mao did not spend that much for Chinese people. haha.

I agree that the country's spending is out of control. But what options Obama has?
wanderlustnyer 回複 悄悄話 I enjoy you guys teabagging very much. You are what's wrong with this country. And the more you teabag each other, the fewer votes you will get in the next election.

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968的評論:

I am glad and proud if you call my faith in conservetive ideaology is a brain-washed one. It is way better than your socialist/communist brain-wash.

I don't understand why you came America, not stay in China if socialism is what you want.

At lease I creat jobs, I pay my tax, and I pay a lot every year on time.

What about you?
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複ryy2的評論:

yes indeed, thanks for the support!
ryy2 回複 悄悄話 I support noso.
This is not a partisan movement, although some republican politicans try to ride the wave.
It's people trying to send a message to Washington, to both parties, that after tarp/porklus packages etc. got passed recklessly, people are waking up and saying enough is enough.
If you think your actual tax rate hasn't gone up so the concern is unjustified, how do you think all the huge spendings will be paid for?
bornin1968 回複 悄悄話 沒有阻止你說話,但既然你把自己的話貼出來,就不能阻止被人品頭論足不是?

"決定以後隻看FOXNEWS" -- 這話讓人臉紅。。。我怕你洗腦被洗過了頭 -- 卻還沾沾自'洗'.我的問題是:你了解“Tea Party”的理念是什麽嗎?你的主張是什麽?跟著瞎起哄的活動 -- 中國人不參加也罷。。。
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複二胡一刀的評論:

也許您很懂,可惜您隻不過是任人宰割的一頭沉默羔羊。 當然,您要不是美國納稅人的話,您說什麽也白說。 : )

FOXNEWS is the only network that is REALATIVELY unbiased towards conservatives.

二胡一刀 回複 悄悄話 個人感覺,1,您不懂經濟,2,您不懂政治。美國政府救市是不得已而為之. fox 是有名的保守,對奧巴馬幸災樂禍是正常的。
goldenboy123 回複 悄悄話 Well Done! Support you!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複wanderlustnyer的評論:

Go ahead belittle yourself. While you enjoy doing that, have a party with other leftwingers and drones!

I am a proud Chinese red neck with PHD degree.

and yes, I own many guns with license.

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複萱草花的評論:

Thanks for your support!!!
萱草花 回複 悄悄話 Well Done!! 好樣的!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複wanderlustnyer的評論:

socialism in America started from Gorge Bush in his late second term. Got it? This is about what's best for this great country, not Republican or Democrate. It is what kind of America that we want!
wanderlustnyer 回複 悄悄話 PS, be careful hanging out with red necks with guns. You are the commie they will shoot, even though you love to teabag with them ;) We don't want to lose you here. You have been pretty entertaining here.
passerbypasserby 回複 悄悄話 Support you! Thank you for sharing!
危言 回複 悄悄話 美國人在困境中也能保持幽默,這點比較可愛。
wanderlustnyer 回複 悄悄話 Where were you on 04-15 last year? last eight years? Was your effective tax rate higher now? My guess is no. You love Bush and hate Obama, not because of your tax rate, just be a man and admit it.

noso 回複 悄悄話 回複mdgg的評論:

Yes, let's save America, simply because we live here and we care!
haitu 回複 悄悄話 Foxnews? far-right, not a fair media.
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複No-No的評論:

YES! We are not alone. Let those leftwingers and socialists show their real faces here.
No-No 回複 悄悄話 NOSO, Looks like that you have been attacked. Nobody support you. Doesn't matter, I support you! You are not alone, hahaha...They are just a bunch of pinheads if these folks could not get your point! The eagle can not fly with only left wing!
mdgg 回複 悄悄話 Yes, go TEA! King George lost America, and BO is on the way lossing America again!
262 回複 悄悄話 Bushit!
noso 回複 悄悄話 回複bornin1968 and all you leftwingers的評論:


可惜這裏是美國,我是納稅人,我有權力想怎麽說,就怎麽說。 政府是給納稅人服務的機構,政客的工資是納稅人人給開的,總統是給納稅人打工的。
chairmanmeow 回複 悄悄話 加入red neck的行列了?
bornin1968 回複 悄悄話 haha i know you will show up... so what's YOUR point? do you know what the ideas of Tea Party??? do you think the government doesn't collect tax is nicer??? yes, Chiense should involve more social/political events in US... but not like this...
freewilly 回複 悄悄話 Fox? Give me a break!

I don't like CNN, but FOX is even worse.

I don't like Obama's spending spree, but do we have other options? If no bailout, we will see millions of foreclosures.

I think those banks who is responsible for the big mess should be sent to jail, but we need to save the banks so the country can run.

Money is like your blood, the USA is in such a bad shape, the blood is clogged or there is no blood, if you don't infuse blood, it will die.
zrpan 回複 悄悄話 What is your point? Where were you when Bush was spending your money in Iraq?
flea 回複 悄悄話 From what I can see in the pictures, they are obviously Reps. and your racisms tone is totally uncalled for. No "black, Mexican and Asian" did not beef up your gathering. Also, being a brown nose to Reps does not grant you a free pass to their "main stream". And self-alienating from Chinese only shows that you are such a low creature and lacking of confidence. Please grow up, baby, it was not your party. You are so Disgusting, op!
cymbalsman 回複 悄悄話 FOXNEWS? 算了吧