
記憶 (圖)

(2006-04-12 19:38:19) 下一個

~~~ 記憶 ~~~



. . .




[This is an omnium-gatherum of creations of wx000, yy

and zf. Thank you guys!!!]

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閱讀 ()評論 (40)
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 如果不是覺得那幾句精彩,我也就不會討論了:)


okay, time to get out of this one : )
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 yy:

之 與川: 很精簡,所以有力度!川 裏還有“敬”之心。

Many people, including myself, still think classic/old Chinese is more 精簡 than what we are using today .... maybe that's why in wx000's version, there is a flavor of that .... however, in poetry, we cannot use classic Chinese without being tongue-in-cheek....


You are right .... it is a noun here ....

My point is not to get hung on one or two lines .... my omnium-gatherum was to show the good choices in all three versions....my personal taste only....


y.y. 回複 悄悄話 之 與川: 很精簡,所以有力度!川 裏還有“敬”之心。


這裏麵對我而言,是一種視覺與心靈的震撼。和我最初讀到HIDING PLACE時有很類

z.z. 回複 悄悄話 YY:






Looking at the three versions together, we see the difference between wx000's and yy and zf's.....actually, in the original, "childhood" does not modify "octaves"....so, wx000's choice is more correct semantically....he also turned "limbs" into "羽翼," which i think it's awesome!

Language wise, wx000 chose to use more "poetic" words throughout the whole poem, i.e. "永恒之川".... everybody seems to like the "之"....why??

Do you still say this word at home with your parents, brothers and sisters??

Then, why do you think this is a good choice??

Either writing or translating a poem, you need to look at the poem as a whole!!

For an imperfect poem like this, the key is the consistency and the musicality!

地中海人魚 回複 悄悄話 I am always too late...

the most creative translation is :


and to be very honest, the worst one is:
曼舞.......................simpler would be better
wx000 回複 悄悄話 You all have very good and valuable points in this discussion. There should be a better translation and it also would be helpful if Mr. z.z can give some “hint” about the meaning of the poem you originally wanted to convey.

I understand yy’s feeling about “dancing on my soft limb”. I was puzzled by this line (when picking Chinese words) and just decided to go on my own. Most likely the translation has drifted away from the original meaning of this part of poem.

I appreciate your enthusiasm toward the art of poetry. I just want to be a good reader who can enjoy the beauty of poetry.

Thank You and Best Regards!
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 no one can touch your feelings, i am sure.... :)

no, i don't think you are "against" anything ....

maybe you can come up with better translation.....

y.y. 回複 悄悄話 okay. Applause . . . but i have to say, i am not against him from the beginning of the discussion . . .

i still keep my feeling for " dancing on my soft limb" for myself . . . i cherish the sensibility in it . . . something can not be comprimised

z.z. 回複 悄悄話 part of the poem was to experiement with the "new age" words ...

so, we should give wx000 credit for being creative... :)
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 "morph," "octave" and "resurrection" . . .

yes! i looked up in the dictionary and tried to find something fits, but in vain . . .

octave . . . indeed when i saw this word, i thought of an old man who played an Octave bell [a very old musical instrument] one day . . .
z.z. 回複 悄悄話 wow, such high spirited discussion!!!

i seem to have followed everyone's ideas until later.....you all have touched on something interesting, that is because Poetry is interesting....it is not like discussing Math or Chemistry....:)

no one needs to be apologitic because we are talking about art/poetry, not gossiping .... however, such discussion helps me to know you [words reveal our personalities]....i do want to know all of you .... :)

Mr. wx000 has told us that he is not a "poet"....very smart :) but he surprised us by giving a good rendition of the poem.....

the words he chose in his version is more "poetic," as far as Chinese goes, than y.y. and z.f.'s....usually, i don't like the "poetic Chinese" because they don't work for me anymore.....but in wx000's version, it seems to work....

as you have noticed, "morph," "octave" and "resurrection" are more problematic than "soft limbs" when translated....no one has found a "perfect" match for "octave," for example.....

in translation, it's called "compensating" when the translator does not know the exact equivalents.....wx000 did not choose to do a literal translation [it is obvious that he thought hard about it].....

from your feedback, i come to appreciate more and more all friends' artistic sensibility and knowledge......

the more i write poems, the less i feel i know about "poetry"....

y.y. 回複 悄悄話
that's joking, can't you see? :)
good to see you laugh :)
i don't want you to take my words personal.
"You" also includes me when i say "Can you see your hip sing? "


z.f. 回複 悄悄話 we learn from each other . . .!!!!!!

share and enjoy . . .!!!!!!

no “紅纓槍”:))))))
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 we learn from each other . . . which can indrease the depth of our life . . . because we cannot experience what all other can experience. . . .

if "稚嫩的羽翼" can that easily torn away, then we'd better read more poems . . .

just kidding :)
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 criticism is Passion and Fire too !!!

if you look into the history of modern poetry/art . . . poets, critics, artists have formed into group to share their minds and inspired each other . . . and brought out the golden age of poetry and art . . . great poets can be great critics too . . . can not name all of them . . .

as i said before, share and enjoy . . .
z.f. 回複 悄悄話 What I see
might be Invisible
to you though
our Hearts are made
of the same texts






而其實什麽又是什麽?only to grow。。。

我“閉嘴”爭論。。。因為沒有人能說服誰,更何況我們在為概念“詩意”各說各的。。。據我所知,我們好像是從“詩意”說起的吧,從the sense of language說起的吧? 。。。最終我們各說各的。。。:)))




最後我想說的是,對詩歌也罷,寫作也罷,或是其他讀者的翻譯也罷 "Honest criticism means nothing: what one wants is unrestrained passion, fire for fire."

我們在這裏把問題討論得再清楚(更何況不可能清楚:),不如給詩人們一點寫詩的靈感或創作的衝動更有意思。。。給讀者更多的參與進來的激情來翻譯來分享來表現他們潛在的才華來愛詩歌更有意思。。。我本以為我可以做一個更高級一點的讀者。。。:)) (我“稚嫩的羽翼”似乎又被打倒了:)))

y.y. 回複 悄悄話
"完全同意 yy, 我的灌水翻譯就是為了拋磚引玉, 促進討論。 "

you makes me laugh heartily :) Not feeling guilty . . . thanks, friend . . .you did a great "job" !

having fun!!!

y.y. 回複 悄悄話 I am in picky mood too today :

...羽翼...曼舞 (非“人”非“常”也)

Can you see your hip sing?
Can you see a fish tell the secret of love?
Can you see a flower think?
. . .
Then can you see Childhood dance?

The sensation of awareness and the subtlety of feelings are weakened when "Wings" are used here . . .

But we do see you, him, her, me, it, us . . . dance . . .with our naked eyes. Here is more what we feel in our inner eyes . . . of heart.

And can't you feel some beauty of poetry is gone soundlessly?

: )
wx000 回複 悄悄話 完全同意 yy, 我的灌水翻譯就是為了拋磚引玉, 促進討論。 Having fun ;))
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 閉嘴?

not necessary :) here is a place to share :)
z.f. 回複 悄悄話 我似乎沒有“philosophy becomes the focus for a poem”的主張吧。。。不然我幹嘛讀詩呢。。。但是我很開心我能從詩中讀到“哲理”。。。“性潔淨以端理”:)

y.y. 回複 悄悄話 also, i am talking about translation . . . what's lost in translation . . .

"modern" in itself already means breaking rules, that's why old clothes are hard for it put on

y.y. 回複 悄悄話 但因為“稚嫩”是像空氣一樣的空。。。詩歌不是空氣嗎?

i have to say this is a word game :) same word in different places does not have same meaning . . .

i am talking about the Language itself . . . which has nothing to do with philosophy . . . when philosophy becomes the focus for a poem, the poem will become proverb . . . for example, Taoism is not poetry, though a poem can express that . . .


z.f. 回複 悄悄話 first language vs. foreign language

我的體會是每次我翻譯完,都覺得沒有表達我對英文的本來感覺和理解。。。it is the sense of language。。。

wx000的翻譯給我帶來我對中文的領會。。。感覺wx000是在用心讀詩,並用"地道的"中文來表達,很佩服。。。作舟將中文的語言和情感進一步發揮,給人a "new feeling"。。。

YY:“是人的起舞” 。。。

...羽翼...曼舞 (非“人”非“常”也)

我喜歡這句裏用的"稚嫩的羽翼" (無限底蘊...)..YY說得沒錯,確實有些空,但因為“稚嫩”一詞而不泛,是像空氣一樣的空。。。詩歌不是空氣嗎?







“R U a prisoner of TIME??”。。。我以為沒有限製,能隨心所欲自如“創造”又能給現代人帶來“美”的感受的最現代。。。藝術就是要打破看不見的各種束縛!
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 Not only about the sense of language. Though the translation for a poem does not always capture what’s in the original one, we can still feel how close they are because words can “conjure” up what’s hidden in them. It also depends on how a translator reads and understands the poem, and the poet. For example, among all the English translations for Octavio Paz’poems, I love Eliot Weinberger’s most, who has devoted almost his life to his works. He can capture the “coolness”, “darkness”, and “heaviness” in a very clean and simple language, and render them in a way that I feel Paz wrote them though I’ve never read the Spanish versions. Reading Paz’s other writings, background, and conversations has convinced me that his rendering is like mirroring.

Of course, here I am not talking about who is the best - - - we all Enjoy writing and translating and sharing our minds here - - - but that understanding a poem may help a translator smooth his/her translation.

Indeed I also thought about Poetic Language and what makes language poetic? Sometimes archaic languages bury the beauty of modern poetry because they already have their own “framed” meanings. A little bit awkward when it tries to wrap a great Modern spirit : ) And, also a sacrifice . . . I guess, my perception of “Modern” is forcing me to speak out . . .: )

Resurrection for language: )

That’s how I feel. Sharing is not for fighting : )
Enjoy : )
律周 回複 悄悄話
細細琢磨,我還是喜歡wx000, yy

and zf. 各自的不同所譯,如果各取其一成為一首,難免顧此失彼。
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 sd/zf, thanks for the song and lyric!!!

it brings back memory too.....forget how long ago i heard it on a cassette tape....high school, maybe?



you seem to point out the discrepency between an original poem and its translation.....

i think it is the sense of language [discussed downstairs]....

first language vs. foreign language

maybe that is why the poem didn't come to me in Chinese.....

one thing that helps me write poems is to remember that whether the language we use in poems is the language we can use in daily life.....

in English, the words i use in poems i also use them outside the poems....

cheers to you all!!
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 ( 紅纓槍往地上一插,咱再挑一刺兒)




like childhood
Octaves dancing
on my soft

複蘇。與後來的“複活” 有著遙相呼應。

z.f. 回複 悄悄話 Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.

sd, don't make me cry again...I was soooo young when my tears dropped for this song...

"Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker..."

I am reading poetry because I think a poem is not a dream...and a poet is not a dream maker...

淚珠晶瑩 for a poem...
by水滴 回複 悄悄話 "Moon river" By Andy Williams

One of my favorate American folk song. :)

by水滴 回複 悄悄話 I like this version very much! strikely beautiful! Thanks!
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 y.y.,

i think i know what you mean.....but i do like you guys' translations ...


i like the way you read a poem...!!!

the mood is changed .... especially in a poem, a single word has its place and meaning ...

i put 哀傷 at the end to emphasize "what has been taken away"...

but the English version, ending with "away," seems to have ensured that "my sorrow has been taken away"...the result, i mean.....

there is also the "sound effect" in both languages that influence the reader's mood.....

that's how i see it.....

律周 回複 悄悄話 真棒。
wx000 回複 悄悄話 the English version ends with "away" and the Chinese version ends with "哀傷", would this change some mood?

y.y. 回複 悄悄話 but i relatively like the english version more . . . simple words, but free . . .and flowing . . .
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 中文裏的凝重非常棒!
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 yeah, it does have a "new feeling" that's a little different from the English version....
y.y. 回複 悄悄話 this version adds "weight" into the poem . . . :)
作舟詩集 回複 悄悄話 hi to y.y.!

you guys are all

very creative!!

y.y. 回複 悄悄話 . . . creating!!!
