
來源: 2023-05-11 08:56:06 [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀:

年初孩子英文老師推薦他11年級修AP language and composition。但他目前學honor English成績隻是B+. 我現在又詢問了一下老師,老師回複“as long as he is up for a challenge and a focus on writing, I encourage him to take it. Just to note – everything is timed and done on paper, so he needs to be prepared. I only caution students on overloading themselves with too many AP courses. But as long as xxx enjoys English and writing, it's a great course.”

現在有些糾結,AP language and composition是不是要比honor English難度大很多,要求高很多?娃文科差,writing不行,更不enjoy English and writing。由於fine motor上的挑戰,寫字也費勁且慢。老師最後一句,讓我感覺他也有concern. 想聽聽大家的看法和建議。謝謝!