【四海之內皆兄弟 】-- 水滸傳

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四海之內皆兄弟。對應英文:Within the four seas all men are brothers. xx


All Men Are Brothers



Pearl Buck, ca. 1972.  Pearl Buck (Nobel).jpg Pearl S. Buck

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Pearl S. Buck is receiving the Nobel Prize for Literature from King Gustav V of Sweden in the Stockholm Concert Hall in 1938.

Pearl Sydenstricker Buck (June 26, 1892 – March 6, 1973; also known by her Chinese name Sai ZhenzhuChinese) was an American writer and novelist. As the daughter of missionaries, Buck spent most of her life before 1934 in ZhenjiangChina. Her novel The Good Earth was the best-selling fiction book in the United States in 1931 and 1932 and won the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. In 1938, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces".[1] She was the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

After returning to the United States in 1935, she continued writing prolifically, became a prominent advocate of the rights of women and minority groups, and wrote widely on Chinese and Asian cultures, becoming particularly well known for her efforts on behalf of Asian and mixed-race adoption.


Originally named Comfort by her parents,[2] Pearl Sydenstricker was born in HillsboroWest Virginia, to Caroline Maude (Stulting) (1857–1921) and Absalom Sydenstricker. Her parents, Southern Presbyterian missionaries, traveled to China soon after their marriage on July 8, 1880, but returned to the United States for Pearl's birth. When Pearl was five months old, the family arrived in China, first in Huai'an and then in 1896 moved to Zhenjiang (then often known as Jingjiang or, in the Chinese postal romanization system, Tsingkiang), near Nanking.[3]

Of her siblings who survived into adulthood, Edgar Sydenstricker had a distinguished career with the United States Public Health Service and later the Milbank Memorial Fundand Grace Sydenstricker Yaukey (1899–1994) was a writer who wrote young adult books and books about Asia under the pen name Cornelia Spencer.[4][5]

Chinese man in Zhenjiang, c. 1900

Pearl recalled in her memoir that she lived in "several worlds", one a "small, white, clean Presbyterian world of my parents", and the other the "big, loving merry not-too-clean Chinese world", and there was no communication between them.[6] The Boxer Uprising greatly affected the family; their Chinese friends deserted them, and Western visitors decreased. Her father, convinced that no Chinese could wish him harm, stayed behind as the rest of the family went to Shanghai for safety. A few years later, Pearl was enrolled in Miss Jewell's School there, and was dismayed at the racist attitudes of the other students, few of whom could speak any Chinese. Both of her parents felt strongly that Chinese were their equals (they forbade the use of the word heathen), and she was raised in a bilingual environment: tutored in English by her mother, in the local dialect by her Chinese playmates, and in classical Chinese by a Chinese scholar named Mr. Kung. She also read voraciously, especially, in spite of her father's disapproval, the novels of Charles Dickens, which she later said she read through once a year for the rest of her life.[7]

In 1911, Pearl left China to attend Randolph-Macon Woman's College in LynchburgVirginia, in the United States, graduating Phi Beta Kappa in 1914 and a member of Kappa Delta Sorority. Although she had not intended to return to China, much less become a missionary, she quickly applied to the Presbyterian Board when her father wrote that her mother was seriously ill. From 1914 to 1932, she served as a Presbyterian missionary, but her views later became highly controversial during the Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy, leading to her resignation.[8]

Career in China[edit source]

In 1914, Pearl returned to China. She married an agricultural economist missionary, John Lossing Buck, on May 30, 1917, and they moved to Suzhou, Anhui Province, a small town on the Huai River (not to be confused with the better-known Suzhou in Jiangsu Province). This region she describes in her books The Good Earth and Sons.

From 1920 to 1933, the Bucks made their home in Nanjing, on the campus of the University of Nanking, where they both had teaching positions. She taught English literature at the private, church-run University of Nanking,[9] Ginling College and at the National Central University. In 1920, the Bucks had a daughter, Carol, afflicted with phenylketonuria. In 1921, Buck's mother died of a tropical disease, sprue, and shortly afterward her father moved in. In 1924, they left China for John Buck's year of sabbatical and returned to the United States for a short time, during which Pearl Buck earned her master's degree from Cornell University. In 1925, the Bucks adopted Janice (later surnamed Walsh). That autumn, they returned to China.[8]

The tragedies and dislocations that Buck suffered in the 1920s reached a climax in March 1927, during the "Nanking Incident". In a confused battle involving elements of Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalist troops, Communist forces, and assorted warlords, several Westerners were murdered. Since her father Absalom insisted, as he had in 1900 in the face of the Boxers, the family decided to stay in Nanjing until the battle reached the city. When violence broke out, a poor Chinese family invited them to hide in their hut while the family house was looted. The family spent a day terrified and in hiding, after which they were rescued by American gunboats. They traveled to Shanghai and then sailed to Japan, where they stayed for a year, after which they moved back to Nanjing. Buck later said that this year in Japan showed her that not all Japanese were militarists. When she returned from Japan in late 1927, Buck devoted herself in earnest to the vocation of writing. Friendly relations with prominent Chinese writers of the time, such as Xu Zhimoand Lin Yutang, encouraged her to think of herself as a professional writer. She wanted to fulfill the ambitions denied to her mother, but she also needed money to support herself if she left her marriage, which had become increasingly lonely, and since the mission board could not provide it, she also needed money for Carol's specialized care. Buck went once more to the States in 1929 to find long-term care for Carol, and while there, Richard J. Walsh, editor at John Day publishers in New York, accepted her novel East Wind: West Wind. She and Walsh began a relationship that would result in marriage and many years of professional teamwork. Back in Nanking, she retreated every morning to the attic of her university bungalow and within the year completed the manuscript for The Good Earth.[10]

Pearl Buck in 1932, about the time The Good Earth was published.
PhotoArnold Genthe

When John Lossing Buck took the family to Ithaca the next year, Pearl accepted an invitation to address a luncheon of Presbyterian women at the Astor Hotel in New York City. Her talk was titled "Is There a Case for the Foreign Missionary?" and her answer was a barely qualified "no". She told her American audience that she welcomed Chinese to share her Christian faith, but argued that China did not need an institutional church dominated by missionaries who were too often ignorant of China and arrogant in their attempts to control it. When the talk was published in Harper's Magazine,[11] the scandalized reaction led Buck to resign her position with the Presbyterian Board. In 1934, Buck left China, believing she would return,[12] while John Lossing Buck remained.[13]

Career in the United States[edit source]

In 1935 the Bucks divorced in Reno, Nevada,[14] and she married Richard Walsh that same day.[12] He offered her advice and affection which, her biographer concludes, "helped make Pearl's prodigious activity possible". The couple lived in Pennsylvania until his death in 1960.[10]

During the Cultural Revolution, Buck, as a preeminent American writer of Chinese village life, was denounced as an "American cultural imperialist".[15] Buck was "heartbroken" when she was prevented from visiting China with Richard Nixon in 1972. Her 1962 novel Satan Never Sleeps described the Communist tyranny in China. Following the Communist Revolution in 1949, Buck was repeatedly refused all attempts to return to her beloved China and therefore was compelled to remain in the United States for the rest of her life.[12]

Pearl S. Buck died of lung cancer on March 6, 1973, in DanbyVermont, and was interred in Green Hills Farm in Perkasie, Pennsylvania. She designed her own tombstone. Her name was not inscribed in English on her tombstone. Instead, the grave marker is inscribed with Chinese characters representing the name Pearl Sydenstricker.[16]

Nobel Prize in Literature[edit source]

In 1938 the Nobel Prize committee in awarding the prize said:

By awarding this year's Prize to Pearl Buck for the notable works which pave the way to a human sympathy passing over widely separated racial boundaries and for the studies of human ideals which are a great and living art of portraiture, the Swedish Academy feels that it acts in harmony and accord with the aim of Alfred Nobel's dreams for the future.[17]

In her speech to the Academy, she took as her topic "The Chinese Novel." She explained, "I am an American by birth and by ancestry", but "my earliest knowledge of story, of how to tell and write stories, came to me in China." After an extensive discussion of classic Chinese novels, especially Romance of the Three KingdomsAll Men Are Brothers, and Dream of the Red Chamber, she concluded that in China "the novelist did not have the task of creating art but of speaking to the people." Her own ambition, she continued, had not been trained toward "the beauty of letters or the grace of art." In China, the task of the novelist differed from the Western artist: "To farmers he must talk of their land, and to old men he must speak of peace, and to old women he must tell of their children, and to young men and women he must speak of each other." And like the Chinese novelist, she concluded, "I have been taught to want to write for these people. If they are reading their magazines by the million, then I want my stories there rather than in magazines read only by a few."[18]


John Lossing Buck (1890–1975) was an American agricultural economist [1] specializing in the rural economy of China. He first went to China in 1915 as an agricultural missionary for the American Presbyterian Mission and was based in China until 1944. His wife, whom he later divorced, was Nobel Prize-winning author Pearl S. Buck (1892–1973).

American Southern Presbyterian Mission was an American Presbyterian missionary society of the Southern Presbyterian Church that was involved in sending workers to countries such as China during the late Qing Dynasty.[1]It was organized in 1862.

References[edit source]

  • American Presbyterian Mission (1867). Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press.

The Presbyterian Church in the United States (PCUS, originally Presbyterian Church in the Confederate States of America) was a Protestant Christian denomination in the Southern and border states of the United States that existed from 1861 to 1983. That year it merged with the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (UPCUSA) to form the Presbyterian Church (USA).


賽珍珠[1](英語:Pearl Sydenstricker Buck,直譯為“珀爾· 賽登斯特裏克·巴克”,1892年6月26日-1973年3月6日),美國作家,曾憑借其小說大地》(The Good Earth),於1932年獲得普利策小說獎,後在1938年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,也是獲得普利策獎和諾貝爾獎的第一位女作家,以及作品流傳語種最多的美國作家。






然而,1934年中國政局陷入了混亂,賽珍珠被迫離開中國。她回到了美國,這時她的丈夫向她提出了離婚,她同意了。之後又嫁給了紐約出版商莊台公司John Day Co.)的總裁理查德·J·華爾士,並且又收養了六個孩子。在完成了描寫其父母的作品《流亡》和《搏鬥的天使》之後,她於1938年獲得了諾貝爾文學獎。曾任美國作家協會主席。


















顧 鈞《 博覽群書 》( 2011年04月07日)

  賽珍珠(Pearl Buck)是第一個因描寫中國而獲得諾貝爾文學獎的西方作家(1938年),她對於中國文學特別是中國小說十分推崇。在所有的中國古典小說中,賽珍珠最喜愛、最崇拜的是《水滸傳》。從1927到1932年,她用了整整四年的時間翻譯了《水滸傳》(七十一回本)全文,這是最早的英語全譯本。該譯本於1933年在美國紐約和英國倫敦同時出版,改書名為《四海之內皆兄弟》(All Men Are Brothers),在歐美風靡一時。後來於1937、1948、1957年在英美再版,有些國家還據賽珍珠譯本轉譯成其他文本。


  除了這些刪節之外,賽珍珠的譯本基本上可以說是逐字逐句的翻譯。賽珍珠在《序言》中表達過這樣的雄心:“我盡可能地直譯,因為中文原文的風格與它的題材是非常一致的,我的工作隻是使譯文盡可能像原文,使不懂原文的讀者仿佛是在讀原文。原文中不精彩的地方,我的譯文也不增添。”我們知道,賽珍珠是著名的作家,在翻譯這本書的同時還在進行創作,而且她的代表作《大地》(The Good Earth)已在譯本完成之前出版並為她贏得了極大的聲譽。對一個不僅能翻譯,也能創作的譯者來說,遇到對原作不滿意的地方時往往會技癢,會情不自禁地加上幾筆,晚清翻譯家林紓就是一個典型的例子(參閱錢鍾書《七綴集·林紓的翻譯》)。但賽珍珠忍住了沒有這麽做,她的翻譯是相當忠實於原文的,有時甚至過於拘泥於原文,如:To extricate yourself from a difficulty there are thirty-six ways but the best of them all is to run away.(三十六計,走為上策)。至於一百零八將的諢號,賽珍珠也采取了同樣的翻譯方法:The Opportune Rain(及時雨);The Leopard Headed(豹子頭);The Fire In The Thunder Clap(霹靂火);He Whom No Obstacle Can Stay(沒遮攔);White Stripe In The Waves (浪裏白條);Flea On A Drum(鼓上蚤)。

  總的來看,賽珍珠的《水滸傳》譯本是質量上乘的,這除了她本人對於中、英兩種語言的把握之外,也與她的中國友人的幫助分不開。龍墨鄉先生在翻譯過程中向賽珍珠提供了許多有益的建議,包括解釋小說中出現的中國的風俗習慣、武器以及當時已經不再使用的語匯。除此之外,他們還有更為有趣的合作方式:“首先我獨自重讀了這本小說,然後龍先生大聲地讀給我聽,我一邊聽,一邊盡可能準確地翻譯,一句接一句,我發現這種他一邊讀我一邊翻的方式比我獨自翻譯要快,同時我也把一冊《水滸傳》放在旁邊,以備參考。翻譯完成以後,我和龍先生一起將整個書過一遍,將翻譯和原文一字一句地對照。”(英文本序言第9頁)這種翻譯方式讓我們很容易想到林紓和他的合作者,但更靠近的例子似乎應該是英國漢學家理雅各(James Legge)和晚清文人王韜合作翻譯儒家經典。雖然我們不是十分清楚理雅各和王韜合作的具體細節,但是一個熟悉中外語言的外國人與一個精通中文的中國人一起來翻譯中國的著作無疑是相當理想的合作模式。正因為如此,賽譯《水滸傳》取得了令人滿意的結果。

  胡適曾將中國古代小說分為兩種,一種是“由曆史逐漸演變出來的小說”,另一種是由某一作家“創造的小說”。前者如《水滸傳》,後者如《紅樓夢》。關於前者他寫過著名的論文《水滸傳考證》,此文的方法正如他後來指出的那樣,是“用曆史演進法去搜集它們早期的各種版本,來找出它們如何由一些樸素的原始故事逐漸演變成為後來的文學名著”。(《胡適口述自傳》,台北傳記文學出版社1981年,P194)他用同樣的方法考察了李宸妃的故事在宋元明清的流變後,提出了著名的“滾雪球”理論:“我們看這一個故事在九百年中變遷沿革的曆史,可以得一個很好的教訓。傳說的生長,就同滾雪球一樣,越滾越大,最初隻有一個簡單的故事作個中心的‘母題’(Motif),你添一枝,他添一葉,便象個樣子了。後來經過眾口的傳說,經過平話家的敷衍,經過戲曲家的剪裁結構,經過小說家的修飾,這個故事便一天天的改變麵目:內容更豐富了,情節更精細圓滿了,曲折更多了,人物更有生氣了。”(《胡適古典文學研究論集》,上海古籍出版社 1988年,P1193)賽珍珠對此也有很深刻的認識,她在《譯序》中說,“《水滸》成長為現在這個樣子的過程是一個非常有趣的故事,像很多中國小說一樣,它是逐漸發展而來而不是寫出來的,直到今天到底誰是它的作者還不知道。”在後來的《中國小說》(The Chinese Novel,1939)一文中,她更進一步地提出了“人民創造了小說”的見解,與胡適的觀點相視而笑,甚至可以說歸納得更為深刻。







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