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 2006 Jul-Aug;19(4):211-8.

Nobel Laureate surgeons.


Eminent surgeons who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work and accomplishments are considered Nobel Laureate surgeons. There are nine such distinguished individuals who achieved this award. In chronological order, from earliest to latest, we encounter: 1. Theodor Kocher, 1909, thyroid gland pathology; 2. Allvar Gullstrand, 1911, dioptrics of the eye; 3. Alexis Carrel, 1912, vascular suture and organ transplant; 4. Robert Barany, 1914, vestibular system; 5. Frederick Banting, 1923, discovery of insulin; 6. Walter Hess, 1949, midbrain function; 7. Werner Forssmannn, 1956, cardiac catheterization; 8. Charles Huggins, 1966, hormones and cancer; 9. Joseph Murray, 1990, organ transplantation. These extraordinary Nobel Laureate surgeons had in common four significant qualities expressed by four letters, CDFI, representing commitment, determination, focus, and innovation. The examples of a sustained path of accomplishment and success set by these unique personalities serve as a vivid guide for future generations of surgeons.









Dr. Theodor Kocher

瑞士的外科醫生悉奧多.柯克(Dr. Theodor Kocher, 1841-1917)任職伯恩(Bern)外科主任共四十五年,他是一般外科,胃腸外科,內分泌外科,泌尿科,婦科,神經外科,以及外傷醫學之權威,這些钜細靡遺的手術全部都包羅在他1892年出版的外科教科書裏。當時瑞士因缺碘而得甲狀腺腫瘤病患特多,1876年他是首位切除甲狀腺腫瘤者,經過許多實驗工作之後,數千個甲狀腺切除是當時做得最好,最為安全的手術。其技術高超,不像其他開刀者隻求快速,忽略細節而導致高死亡率與併發症。他也率先指出外科切除引起的“甲狀腺官能不足症”(Hypothyroidism)。他不僅是一位外科巨擘,傑出教授,從事研究的學者,也是一位虔誠於宗教,厚道待人,有修養的紳士。他為後代外科醫生立下典型,世界上沒有一個外科醫生不知道何謂Kocher's incision,Kocherization等術語。時至今日,大師聲譽之隆,如雷貫耳,在外科領域裏,備受尊敬。1909年柯克醫生因為研究甲狀腺的生理,病理以及對外科疾病所作的貢獻,獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。


Dr. Alexis Carrel

法國裏昂(Lyons)的外科醫生阿勒西.卡瑞(Dr. Alexis Carrel, 1873-1944)是美國籍的法國人,他的成就大部分是1906年到1914年,當他在美國紐約洛克菲勒醫學研究院(Rockefeller Institute)做試驗外科研究員的那段時期。他1902年發表的“三角固定縫接技術”(triangulation technique)是標準的血管end-to-end兩端吻合法,至今仍然被外科醫生奉為圭臬。他的研究包括動物實驗:用人工培養母雞的一個胚體,竟然存活超過二十多年;成功地完成自體血管和器官的移植;以冷卻方式延長被分離過的血管或器官的壽命,使不壞死;1908年他將小狗心臟移植到大狗的頸內,發現被剝離神經的心臟仍有正常搏動的生理功能;1935年他與第一位飛越大西洋的英雄林白(Charles Lindbergh)合作,設計雛型的“人工心肺”機器;又與另一有名的法國外科醫生Dr. Tuffier合作,設計一種佩帶在醫生手指上的“瓣膜刀”儀器,可以進入心臟裏麵切開瓣膜。1912年卡瑞醫生因為研究血管吻合技術以及對器官移植外科所作的貢獻,獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。




德國的維納.佛斯曼醫生(Dr. Werner Forssmann, 1904-1979)從柏林醫學院畢業不久,1929年當他還是一位外科住院醫師時,在柏林附近的Eberswalde醫院,他把自己當作白老鼠做試驗。不顧上級醫生和教授的反對,他說服同事和一位護士,得到他們的合作,先把自己的左肘窩局部麻醉,切開前肘靜脈,然後順著血流方向插進一條導管,這條泌尿科用的“輸尿管導管”(ureteral catheter)又細又長。等到導管已經進入六十五公分時,外頭還吊著晃來晃去的一大截,他從容走到X光科,照了一張胸部X光。照片證明該導管已經進入他的右心房,這也證明整個心臟導管步驟是安全的。

Dr. Werner Forssmann

佛斯曼的原意是為了替“心臟復甦術”尋找可以直接注射藥物到心臟的安全之路,那時一般人包括醫生都相信任何管子隻要進入心臟,一定致人於死。雖然佛斯曼打破這迷信,他卻立刻被上司老闆撤職,據說佛斯曼自我實驗十七次,德國醫界對他“瘋狂”行為一致聲討。以後他又用狗繼續做心臟導管的研究,德國的心臟科醫界難以消受,至少有十年以上的時間,大家對他的重要發現不屑一顧。他失望之餘,改行泌尿外科。倒是後來美國醫界重視他的成就,紐約哥倫比亞大學的兩位心臟科教授Dr. Cournand和Dr. Richards重新啟發心臟導管研究,並做臨床實驗。佛斯曼醫生的創意和勇氣終於在二十七年後被肯定,1956年他與美國心臟內科醫生三人共同獲得的諾貝爾醫學獎。


Dr. Charles Huggins

美國泌尿科醫生查理.赫金斯(Dr. Charles Huggins, 1901-1997)是芝加哥大學(University of Chicago)的外科教授,泌尿科及癌症專家。他首先研究正常公狗的前列腺,發現它的功能與成長,受男性賀爾蒙的刺激,也受女性賀爾蒙的抑製。由這觀察他大膽假設:人與狗的前列腺對性賀爾蒙的反應基本上可能一樣,他又假設前列腺的癌細胞可能還保留著些許正常細胞對賀爾蒙的反應。1941年他根據實驗,發表前列腺癌的“賀爾蒙療法”:也就是用“去勢”(castration)手術來免除男性賀爾蒙對癌的刺激,或用女性賀爾蒙來控製。許多末期的前列腺癌患者,癌細胞已經侵襲到附近正常組織或擴散到遠處器官,無法做腫瘤的外科切除,經過這種前所未聞的賀爾蒙療法,居然有一半以上的人病情好轉,原發腫瘤和轉移到遠處器官的腫瘤相繼變小,甚至消失無蹤。病入膏肓的患者反而日有起色,原來預計非常短暫的生命得以延長。更妙的是,他給的並非“化療”有毒之藥,亦非放射性物質,而是操作運用自然發生的賀爾蒙,既無毒性,又很少有副作用。1950年後赫金斯醫生也試用賀爾蒙療法於乳癌病人,基於癌細胞內荷爾蒙感受體分析所得的結論,如今“抗激情素”已經是乳癌必用之藥。賀爾蒙療法尤其對末期的乳癌病人,有解除痛苦和長期舒緩的效應。1966年赫金斯醫生因為研究前列腺癌,發展“賀爾蒙療法”以及外科療法,獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。


Dr. Joseph Murray

美國波士頓Brigham & Women's醫院約瑟夫.莫瑞醫生(Dr. Joseph Murray 1919-)是哈佛大學一般外科和整形外科的教授,他相信免疫學的障礙並不存在於同卵雙胞(identical twins)之間。他先發展狗的腎臟移植手術,然後在1954年的十二月,首次應用這技術到臨床,成功地替同卵雙胞的病人完成腎臟移植。有末期腎臟病衰竭的Richard是他第一個換腎的對象。為了確定他與Ronald是同卵雙胞,莫瑞醫生跑到波士頓警察局,去查詢求證他們的指紋圖案。正在翻閱警局記錄之時,消息泄漏,被跟蹤的記者發覺。這宗調查差點變成侵犯個人隱私的案件。幸好Richard對這意外,一直保持鎮靜。後來手術成功,腎臟功能恢復正常,他反而變成媒體寵兒。Richard與恢復室護士小姐結婚,並且成為兩個孩子的父親。他快樂活了八年,最後死於心肌梗塞。莫瑞醫生以後又繼續替幾對同卵雙胞的病人做腎臟移植,都很成功。遺憾的是,絕大多數患有末期腎臟衰竭者並非同卵雙胞,所以這些病人還得等一段長時間才能成為換腎手術的對象。為避免移植後的排斥反應,莫瑞醫生當初採用的是全身輻射(total body irradiation),有了新藥物azathioprin,血緣親戚之間的腎臟移植,或屍腎移植,才告成功。據說給腎者與受腎者的“移植抗原”如果匹配,成績最好。時至今日,免疫學研究突破,嶄新藥物陸續出現,各種器官的移植已經是大型教學醫院的常規外科手術。1990年莫瑞醫生因為對器官移植外科作出貢獻,獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。









Dr. Allvar Gullstrand


瑞典烏普薩拉(Uppsala)的沃華.郭思傳醫生(Dr. Allvar Gullstrand, 1862-1930)是烏普薩拉大學的首任眼科教授,也是物理與生理光學的教授。他早年的物理數學都是自學而成,他把這些基礎科學的方法後來應用到“光學圖像”(optic image)的新概念和眼睛的“光線折射”(dioptrics)理論。

Gullstrand slit lamp

他致力於眼睛結構與功能的研究,特別是角膜弧度“散光”的研究;利用鏡片矯正或改善白內障切除後之視力;對“檢眼鏡”(ophthalmoscope)的改善;和發明“郭思傳裂隙燈”(Gullstrand slit lamp);後兩者成為研究眼睛詳細構造不可或缺的診斷工具。
郭思傳醫生並且把德國物理學家赫姆霍茲(H. von Helmholtz)的古典理論發揚光大,解釋肉眼裏的水晶體對不同遠近而來的光線可以有集焦的能力。這種調節機製就是水晶體凸透鏡麵的“適應”(accommodation),根據他的研究,其增幅可以達到動作的三分之二,另外三分之一則受限製於外囊而固定不變。1911年郭思傳醫生因為研究眼睛的光線折射理論,獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。由於他在瑞典科學院有過行政能力的表現,後來被選為該院諾貝爾物理委員會委員,並擔任過主席。



Dr. Robert Barany

奧地利維也納的羅伯.巴瑞尼醫生(Dr. Robert Barany, 1876-1936)畢業於醫學院後就對神經精神科深感興趣。在維也納作耳科醫生時,對人類內耳的生理及病理有深入之研究。他為一名有前庭器官疾病的人診斷治療,用不同溫度的沖洗液灌進病人的外耳道時,發現當注射液太冷時,病人出現眩暈(vertigo)和眼球自動震顫(nystagmus)的現象。當他改用比較溫暖的液體灌進,病人眼球震顫的方向正好與以前的相反。在一連串的試驗中,他觀察出三半規管內淋巴液對溫度冷降熱升的反應;而淋巴流動的方向提供前庭器官“本體感受”(proprioceptive)的信號。這些“熱反應”實驗導致後來耳科醫生對前庭器官疾病手術治療的可能性。他同時也對其他有控製平衡機製功能的小腦與肌肉進行研究。1914年巴瑞尼醫生因為研究內耳前庭器官的生理和病理,贏得諾貝爾醫學獎。
當時第一次世界大戰方殷,巴瑞尼醫生以平民身分跟隨奧地利陸軍,在前線照護頭部外傷的傷兵。諾貝爾醫學獎發表時,他們發現他被關禁在俄羅斯的俘虜營裏。經過瑞典卡爾王子親自代表紅十字會與俄羅斯交涉,1916年巴瑞尼醫生終於被釋放,並且能夠前往斯德哥爾摩,接受瑞典國王頒給他的諾貝爾獎。遺憾的是,同年他回維也納,受到同行學者們無情的詆毀,他失望之餘,乃轉往瑞典,在烏普薩拉大學(Uppsala University)任教耳科,一直到他去世,再也沒有回到自己的國家。



Dr. Frederick Banting

加拿大多倫多外科醫生佛德瑞克.班亭(Dr. Frederick Banting, 1891-1941),在第一次世界大戰期間,他加入加拿大軍隊的醫療團前往法國,在一場戰役中受傷。1919年戰爭結束,班亭返回加拿大,在多倫多的病童醫院當骨科住院醫師,學成後他選擇在安大略倫敦開業骨科,同時也在西安大略大學及多倫多大學兼教解剖學和藥理學。在這之前,班亭早就對糖尿病之奧秘深感興趣。人們很早就瞭解胰臟除了有外分泌腺之外,胰臟中的許多胰島也就是朗格漢斯小島(Islets of Langerhans)還有內分泌賀爾蒙的功能。缺少後者血糖就高,繼而產生糖尿病。有人口服新鮮的胰臟或服用其榨出的精汁,想以此來治療糖尿病卻毫無結果,因為口服時,胰島的賀爾蒙被消化酵素分解掉。1921年班亭醫生在閱讀文獻時發現有一篇文章,提到結石阻塞胰管引起的病變:該胰臟裏的外分泌細胞皆呈萎縮,唯獨朗格漢斯小島則保持完整,所以這個病變並不觸發糖尿病。他忽然受到啟示:萎縮的胰臟既不再產生消化酵素,又不必擔心胰島會被破壞;如果能用這種胰臟的提取物,不經口服而改用注射,就一定能治糖尿病。於是在他腦海中立刻呈現出一個萃取胰島素的計畫。


他向多倫多大學生理學係的麥克勞教授(John Macleod, 1876-1935)請求供給一個小實驗室,也請他介紹一位優秀的醫科學生貝斯特(Charles Best, 1899-1978)協助這個實驗研究。班亭和貝斯特把實驗狗隻的外分泌的胰管紮結,六至八週後取出胰臟,清除了萎縮的部分,再進行萃取有效物質的手續。一年之內,他們發展出初步純化胰臟萃取物的方法,並進行臨床試驗。發現這胰臟的萃取液可以降低糖尿病狗的高血糖,也改善了其他糖尿病的症狀。當班亭和貝斯特的實驗遇到瓶頸時,另外一位傑出的生化學家柯利普(James Collip, 1892-1965)也來相助。

John Macleod

James Collip







Walter Hess

瑞士蘇黎世(Zurich)的華特.赫斯醫生(Dr. Walter Hess, 1881-1973)Walter Hess 1881~1973) 在大學畢業後就是執業眼科。他對控製血流和調節呼吸的中樞神經係統甚感興趣,1912年毅然決定要做生理學家。第一次世界大戰期間他前往德,法,英三國,受到幾位生理學大師的薰陶。1917年他回瑞士,被選為蘇黎世大學生理研究所所長。在實驗室裏他深入研究“間腦”(diencephalon),發現它有diencephalon),發現它有監管和控製內臟之活動,協調並自動糾正軀體之動作,區別並保持骨骼肌肉之張力等功能。他也詳細觀察並分析病人的神經症狀,認為發現間腦在這些過程中與前庭器官引起的行動有關聯。至於其他腦部的研究,他還指出前腦皮層的某些地方有控製視覺,口腔,咽喉地區的機能。赫斯醫生在動物實驗中偶爾見到間腦刺激與行為方式的關係,他因此提出“感情力”(psychic power)的理論,不久這成為“生物心理學”的主題。由於他在心理動機與腦組織表達功能之間所作的貢獻,心理學與生理學之間的鴻溝開始彌縫補合。他同時在一篇專刊裏總結其發現:以生理為基礎的重要臨床心身現象,得以處理;所謂“精神藥物”(psychotropic)的運作模式,得以了解;而行為的研究和中樞神經係統具體組織之間的緊密聯繫,也終於有了一些指導原則。為滿足先決條件的目標,後來的神經醫學家對腦部之探索不斷地擴大。1949年赫斯醫生因為對間腦的研究,莫尼茲醫生共同獲得諾貝爾醫學獎。



Egas Moniz

葡萄牙裏斯本(Lisbon)的依葛.莫尼茲(Dr. Egas Moniz, 1874-1955)並不是莫尼茲醫生 (Egas Moniz, 1874~1955) 並不是外科醫生。他原先在法國波爾多(Bordeaux)和巴黎接受教育,畢業於葡萄牙哥英布拉(Coimbra)大學。1902年他是母校的教授。1911年他擔任裏斯本聖瑪麗亞醫院醫師,後來當裏斯本科學院主任和院長。他曾經是巴黎,馬德裏,倫敦,裏約熱內盧,美國,以及南美幾個國家的科學院院士。1903年他開始從政,擔任過葡萄牙議會副會長,葡萄牙駐西班牙大使,外交部長。1918年巴黎和會他是葡萄牙代表團主席。莫尼茲醫生在莫尼茲醫生在神經醫學的貢獻是:1935年發明“前額白質腦葉割除手術”(prefrontal leucotomy),以及1931年發明腦血管造影術。前者是用來治療精神分裂病患者的外科手術,他因此獲得1949年的諾貝爾醫學獎。後者則是用來診斷腦瘤,是當時最先進的影像診斷方法。據了解,絕大多數莫尼茲醫生的莫尼茲醫生病人,其腦葉割除手術其實都不是他本人做莫尼茲醫生自己做的,而是由他的神經外科同事Dr. Almeida Lima操刀。莫尼茲醫生後來被他的一個病人槍殺未死,竟從此癱瘓終身。他創始的手術也引起全世界的爭議和道德關切,部分的原因是,學習他的美國醫生把這“psychosurgery”略加修改為“ice pick lobotomy”,手術方法變得非常殘忍,而且濫用到極不道德的程度。美國國會接受聽證後終於立法禁止,世界各國也隨同禁止該手術。一般醫學界及社會人士認為諾貝爾醫學獎頒給莫尼茲醫生時所引述莫尼茲醫生所用的理由缺乏審慎,是有偏差錯誤的做法。







Year Laureate[A] Country[B] Rationale[C]
1901 EmilVonBehring.jpg Emil Adolf von Behring  Germany "for his work on serum therapy, especially its application against diphtheria, by which he has opened a new road in the domain of medical science and thereby placed in the hands of the physician a victorious weapon against illness and deaths"[10]
1902 Ronald Ross.jpg Sir Ronald Ross  United Kingdom
"for his work on malaria, by which he has shown how it enters the organism and thereby has laid the foundation for successful research on this disease and methods of combating it"[11]
1903 Niels ryberg.jpg Niels Ryberg Finsen  Denmark
( Faroe Islands)
"[for] his contribution to the treatment of diseases, especially lupus vulgaris, with concentrated light radiation, whereby he has opened a new avenue for medical science"[12]
1904 Ivan Pavlov nobel.jpg Ivan Petrovich Pavlov  Russia "in recognition of his work on the physiology of digestion, through which knowledge on vital aspects of the subject has been transformed and enlarged"[13]
1905 RobertKoch cropped.jpg Robert Koch  Germany "for his investigations and discoveries in relation totuberculosis"[14]
1906 Camillo Golgi nobel.jpg Camillo Golgi  Italy "in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system"[15]
Cajal-Restored.jpg Santiago Ramón y Cajal  Spain
1907 Charles Laveran nobel.jpg Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran  France "in recognition of his work on the role played by protozoa in causing diseases"[16]
1908 Ilya Mechnikov nobel.jpg Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov  Russia "in recognition of their work on immunity"[17]
Paul Ehrlich (1926-27 Microbe Hunters).jpg Paul Ehrlich  Germany
1909 Emil Theodor Kocher nobel.jpg Emil Theodor Kocher   Switzerland "for his work on the physiology, pathology and surgery of the thyroid gland"[18]
1910 Kossel, Albrecht (1853-1927).jpg Albrecht Kossel  Germany "in recognition of the contributions to our knowledge of cell chemistry made through his work on proteins, including thenucleic substances"[19]
1911 Allvar Gullstrand.jpg Allvar Gullstrand  Sweden "for his work on the dioptrics of the eye"[20]
1912 Alexis Carrel 02.jpg Alexis Carrel  France "[for] his work on vascular suture and the transplantation ofblood vessels and organs"[21]
1913 Charles Robert Richet nobel.jpg Charles Richet  France "[for] his work on anaphylaxis"[22]
1914 Robert Barany.jpg Robert Bárány  Austria-Hungary "for his work on the physiology and pathology of thevestibular apparatus"[23]
1915 Not awarded
1919 Jules Bordet nobel.jpg Jules Bordet  Belgium "for his discoveries relating to immunity"[24]
1920 August Krogh Bain 32006.jpg Schack August Steenberg Krogh  Denmark "for his discovery of the capillary motor regulating mechanism"[25]
1921 Not awarded
1922 Archibald Vivian Hill.jpg Archibald Vivian Hill  United Kingdom "for his discovery relating to the production of heat in themuscle"[26]
Otto Fritz Meyerhof.jpg Otto Fritz Meyerhof  Germany "for his discovery of the fixed relationship between the consumption of oxygen and the metabolism of lactic acid in the muscle"[26]
1923 Fredrick banting.jpg SirFrederick Grant Banting  Canada "for the discovery of insulin"[27]
J.J.R. Macleod ca. 1928.png John James Rickard Macleod  United Kingdom
1924 Willem Einthoven.jpg Willem Einthoven  Netherlands "for the discovery of the mechanism of theelectrocardiogram"[28]
1925 Not awarded
1926 J Fibiger.jpg Johannes Andreas Grib Fibiger  Denmark "for his discovery of the Spiroptera carcinoma"[29]
1927 Julius Wagner-Jauregg.jpg Julius Wagner-Jauregg  Austria "for his discovery of the therapeutic value of malariainoculation in the treatment of dementia paralytica"[30]
1928 Jules Nicole.jpg Charles Jules Henri Nicolle  France "for his work on typhus"[31]
1929 Christiaan Eijkman.jpg Christiaan Eijkman  Netherlands "for his discovery of the antineuritic vitamin"[32]
Frederick Gowland Hopkins nobel.jpg SirFrederick Gowland Hopkins  United Kingdom "for his discovery of the growth-stimulating vitamins"[32]
1930 Karl Landsteiner nobel.jpg Karl Landsteiner  Austria "for his discovery of human blood groups"[33]
1931 Otto Warburg.jpg Otto Heinrich Warburg  Germany "for his discovery of the nature and mode of action of therespiratory enzyme"[34]
1932 Prof. Charles Scott Sherrington.jpg Sir Charles Scott Sherrington  United Kingdom "for their discoveries regarding the functions of neurons"[35]
Edgar Douglas Adrian nobel.jpg Edgar Douglas Adrian  United Kingdom
1933 Thomas Hunt Morgan.jpg Thomas Hunt Morgan  United States "for his discoveries concerning the role played by thechromosome in heredity"[36]
1934 George Whipple nobel.jpg George Hoyt Whipple  United States "for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases ofanaemia"[37]
George Minot nobel.jpg George Richards Minot  United States
William P Murphy.jpg William Parry Murphy  United States
1935 Hans Spemann nobel.jpg Hans Spemann  Germany "for his discovery of the organizer effect in embryonic development"[38]
1936 Henry Dale nobel.jpg Sir Henry Hallett Dale  United Kingdom "for their discoveries relating to chemical transmission of nerve impulses"[39]
Otto Loewi nobel.jpg Otto Loewi  Austria
1937 Albert Szent-Gy?rgyi cropped.jpg Albert Szent-Györgyi von Nagyrapolt  Hungary "for his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes, with special reference to vitamin Cand the catalysis of fumaric acid"[40]
1938 Corneille Heymans nobel.jpg Corneille Jean François Heymans  Belgium "for the discovery of the role played by the sinus and aortic mechanisms in the regulation of respiration"[41]
1939 Gerhard Domagk nobel.jpg Gerhard Domagk  Germany "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil"[42]
1940 Not awarded
1943 Henrik Dam nobel.jpg Carl Peter Henrik Dam  Denmark "for his discovery of vitamin K"[43]
Edward A Doisy.jpg Edward Adelbert Doisy  United States "for his discovery of the chemical nature of vitamin K"[43]
1944 Joseph Erlanger nobel.jpg Joseph Erlanger  United States "for their discoveries relating to the highly differentiated functions of single nerve fibres"[44]
Herbert Spencer Gasser nobel.jpg Herbert Spencer Gasser  United States
1945 Alexander Fleming 1945.jpg SirAlexander Fleming  United Kingdom "for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases"[45]
Ernst Boris Chain 1945.jpg Sir Ernst Boris Chain  United Kingdom
Howard Walter Florey 1945.jpg Howard Walter Florey  Australia
1946 Hermann Joseph Muller.jpg Hermann Joseph Muller  United States "for the discovery of the production of mutations by means of X-ray irradiation"[46]
1947 Carl Ferdinand Cori.jpg Carl Ferdinand Cori  United States "for their discovery of the course of the catalytic conversion of glycogen"[47]
Gerty Theresa Cori.jpg Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz  United States
Bernado Houssay.JPG Bernardo Alberto Houssay  Argentina "for his discovery of the part played by the hormone of theanterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar"[47]
1948 Paul Hermann Müller nobel.jpg Paul Hermann Müller   Switzerland "for his discovery of the high efficiency of DDT as a contactpoison against several arthropods"[48]
1949 Walter Hess.jpg Walter Rudolf Hess   Switzerland "for his discovery of the functional organization of theinterbrain as a coordinator of the activities of the internal organs"[49]
Moniz.jpg António Caetano Egas Moniz  Portugal "for his discovery of the therapeutic value of leucotomy (lobotomy) in certain psychoses"[49]
1950 Philip Showalter Hench.jpg Philip Showalter Hench  United States "for their discoveries relating to the hormones of theadrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects"[50]
Edward Calvin Kendall nobel.jpg Edward Calvin Kendall  United States
Thadeus Reichstein ETH-Bib Portr 10137.jpg Tadeusz Reichstein   Switzerland


Year Laureate[A] Country[B] Rationale[C]
1951 Max Theiler nobel.jpg Max Theiler  South Africa "for his discoveries concerning yellow fever and how to combat it"[51]
1952 Selman Waksman NYWTScrop.jpg Selman Abraham Waksman  United States "for his discovery of streptomycin, the first antibioticeffective against tuberculosis"[52]
1953 Hans Adolf Krebs.jpg Sir Hans Adolf Krebs  United Kingdom "for his discovery of the citric acid cycle"[53]
Portrait of Fritz Albert Lipmann (1899-1986), Biochemist (2551001689).jpg Fritz Albert Lipmann  United States "for his discovery of co-enzyme A and its importance for intermediary metabolism"[53]
1954 John Franklin Enders nobel.jpg John Franklin Enders  United States "for their discovery of the ability of poliomyelitis viruses to grow in cultures of various types of tissue"[54]
Frederick Chapman Robbins nobel.jpg Frederick Chapman Robbins  United States
Thomas Huckle Weller.jpg Thomas Huckle Weller  United States
1955 Hugo Theorell nobel.jpg Axel Hugo Theodor Theorell  Sweden "for his discoveries concerning the nature and mode of action of oxidation enzymes"[55]
1956 André Frédéric Cournand nobel.jpg André Frédéric Cournand  United States "for their discoveries concerning heart catheterization and pathological changes in the circulatory system"[56]
Werner Forssmann nobel.jpg Werner Forssmann  West Germany
Dickinson W. Richards nobel.jpg Dickinson W. Richards  United States
1957 Daniel Bovet nobel.jpg Daniel Bovet  Italy "for his discoveries relating to synthetic compounds that inhibit the action of certain body substances, and especially their action on the vascular system and the skeletal muscles"[57]
1958 George Wells Beadle.jpg George Wells Beadle  United States "for their discovery that genes act by regulating definite chemical events"[58]
Edward Lawrie Tatum nobel.jpg Edward Lawrie Tatum  United States
Joshua Lederberg crop.jpg Joshua Lederberg  United States "for his discoveries concerning genetic recombination and the organization of the genetic material of bacteria"[58]
1959 Arthur Kornberg.jpg Arthur Kornberg  United States "for their discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid"[59]
Severo Ochoa nobel.jpg Severo Ochoa  United States
1960 Frank Macfarlane Burnet nobel.jpg Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet  Australia "for discovery of acquired immunological tolerance"[60]
Peter Brian Medawar.jpg Sir Peter Brian Medawar  Brazil
 United Kingdom
1961 Georg von Békésy nobel.jpg Georg von Békésy  United States "for his discoveries of the physical mechanism of stimulation within the cochlea"[61]
1962 Francis Crick crop.jpg Francis Harry Compton Crick  United Kingdom "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure ofnucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material"[62]
JamesWatson.png James Dewey Watson  United States
Maurice Wilkins nobel.jpg Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins  New Zealand
 United Kingdom
1963 Eccles lab.jpg Sir John Carew Eccles  Australia "for their discoveries concerning the ionic mechanisms involved in excitation and inhibition in the peripheral and central portions of the nerve cell membrane"[63]
Alan Lloyd Hodgkin nobel.jpg Sir Alan Lloyd Hodgkin  United Kingdom
Andrew Fielding Huxley nobel.jpg Sir Andrew Fielding Huxley  United Kingdom
1964 Konrad Bloch.JPG Konrad Bloch  United States "for their discoveries concerning the mechanism and regulation of the cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism"[64]
Feodor Lynen with pipette.jpg Feodor Lynen  West Germany
1965 Fran?ois Jacob nobel.jpg François Jacob  France "for their discoveries concerning genetic control of enzymeand virus synthesis"[65]
André Lwoff nobel.jpg André Lwoff  France
Jacques Monod nobel.jpg Jacques Monod  France
1966 Peyton Rous nobel.jpg Peyton Rous  United States "for his discovery of tumour-inducing viruses"[66]
Charles Brenton Huggins nobel.jpg Charles Brenton Huggins  United States "for his discoveries concerning hormonal treatment ofprostatic cancer"[66]
1967 Ragnar Granit2.jpg Ragnar Granit  Finland
"for their discoveries concerning the primary physiological and chemical visual processes in the eye"[67]
Haldan Keffer Hartline nobel.jpg Haldan Keffer Hartline  United States
George Wald nobel.jpg George Wald  United States
1968 Robert W. Holley nobel.jpg Robert W. Holley  United States "for their interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis"[68]
Har Gobind Khorana nobel.jpg Har Gobind Khorana  India
 United States[69]
Marshall Nirenberg 2003.jpg Marshall W. Nirenberg  United States
1969 Max Delbruck.jpg Max Delbrück  United States "for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses"[70]
Alfred Hershey.jpg Alfred D. Hershey  United States
Salvador E. Luria ca.1969.jpg Salvador E. Luria  Italy
 United States
1970 Axelrod01.jpg Julius Axelrod  United States "for their discoveries concerning the humoral transmittors in the nerve terminals and the mechanism for their storage, release and inactivation"[71]
Ulf von Euler.jpg Ulf von Euler  Sweden
  Sir Bernard Katz  United Kingdom
1971   Earl W. Sutherland, Jr.  United States "for his discoveries concerning the mechanisms of the action of hormones"[72]
1972   Gerald M. Edelman  United States "for their discoveries concerning the chemical structure ofantibodies"[73]
Rodney R. Porter  United Kingdom
1973   Karl von Frisch  West Germany "for their discoveries concerning organization and elicitation of individual and social behaviour patterns"[74]
Konrad Lorenz.JPG Konrad Lorenz  Austria
Nikolaas Tinbergen 1978.jpg Nikolaas Tinbergen  Netherlands
1974   Albert Claude  Belgium "for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell"[75]
Christian de Duve  Belgium
George E. Palade  Romania
1975 Dr. David Baltimore2.jpg David Baltimore  United States "for their discoveries concerning the interaction betweentumour viruses and the genetic material of the cell"[76]
Renato Dulbecco crop.jpg Renato Dulbecco  Italy
 United States
  Howard Martin Temin  United States
1976 Baruch Samuel Blumberg by Tom Trower (NASA).jpg Baruch S. Blumberg  United States "for their discoveries concerning new mechanisms for the origin and dissemination of infectious diseases"[77]
  D. Carleton Gajdusek  United States
1977   Roger Guillemin  United States "for their discoveries concerning the peptide hormoneproduction of the brain"[78]
Schally portrait.jpg Andrew V. Schally  Canada
 Poland United States
Rosalyn Yalow.jpg Rosalyn Yalow  United States "for the development of radioimmunoassays of peptide hormones"[78]
1978 Werner Arber 2008.jpg Werner Arber   Switzerland "for the discovery of restriction enzymes and their application to problems of molecular genetics"[79]
  Daniel Nathans  United States
Hamilton Smith.jpg Hamilton O. Smith  United States
1979   Allan M. Cormack  South Africa "for the development of computer assisted tomography"[80]
  Sir Godfrey N. Hounsfield  United Kingdom
1980   Baruj Benacerraf  Venezuela "for their discoveries concerning genetically determinedstructures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions"[81]
Jean Dausset 1968.jpg Jean Dausset  France
  George D. Snell  United States
1981   Roger W. Sperry  United States "for his discoveries concerning the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres"[82]
  David H. Hubel  Canada "for their discoveries concerning information processing in the visual system"[82]
Torsten Wiesel-7Nov2006.jpg Torsten N. Wiesel  Sweden
1982 Sune Bergstr?m.jpg Sune K. Bergström  Sweden "for their discoveries concerning prostaglandins and related biologically active substances"[83]
  Bengt I. Samuelsson  Sweden
John Robert Vane.jpg Sir John R. Vane  United Kingdom
1983 Barbara McClintock (1902-1992) shown in her laboratory in 1947.jpg Barbara McClintock  United States "for her discovery of mobile genetic elements"[84]
1984 Niels Kaj Jerne 1950 crop.jpg Niels K. Jerne  Denmark "for theories concerning the specificity in development and control of the immune system and the discovery of the principle for production of monoclonal antibodies"[85]
  Georges J.F. Köhler  West Germany
Milstein lnp.jpg César Milstein  Argentina
 United Kingdom
1985 Mike Brown 2003.jpg Michael S. Brown  United States "for their discoveries concerning the regulation ofcholesterol metabolism"[86]
Joe Goldstein.JPG Joseph L. Goldstein  United States
1986 Stanley Cohen-Biochemist.jpg Stanley Cohen  United States "for their discoveries of growth factors"[87]
Rita Levi Montalcini.jpg Rita Levi-Montalcini  Italy
1987 Susumu Tonegawa Photo.jpg Susumu Tonegawa  Japan "for his discovery of the genetic principle for generation ofantibody diversity"[88]
1988 James Black (pharmacologist).jpg Sir James W. Black  United Kingdom "for their discoveries of important principles for drug treatment"[89]
Gertrude Elion.jpg Gertrude B. Elion  United States
George H. Hitchings 1988.jpg George H. Hitchings  United States
1989 Nci-vol-8172-300 j michael bishop.jpg J. Michael Bishop  United States "for their discovery of the cellular origin of retroviraloncogenes"[90]
HEVarmus.jpg Harold E. Varmus  United States
1990   Joseph E. Murray  United States "for their discoveries concerning organ and cell transplantation in the treatment of human disease"[91]
E. Donnall Thomas  United States
1991 Erwin neher 2007 lindau.jpg Erwin Neher  Germany "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells"[92]
Sakmann.jpg Bert Sakmann  Germany
1992   Edmond H. Fischer   Switzerland
 United States
"for their discoveries concerning reversible proteinphosphorylation as a biological regulatory mechanism"[93]
  Edwin G. Krebs  United States
1993 Roberts, Richard John (1943).jpg Sir Richard J. Roberts  United Kingdom "for their discoveries of split genes"[94]
Phillip A Sharp NIH.jpg Phillip A. Sharp  United States
1994   Alfred G. Gilman  United States "for their discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells"[95]
Rodbell, Martin (1925-1998).jpg Martin Rodbell  United States
1995   Edward B. Lewis  United States "for their discoveries concerning the genetic control of early embryonic development"[96]
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard mg 4383.jpg Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard  Germany
Eric F. Wieschaus.jpg Eric F. Wieschaus  United States
1996   Peter C. Doherty  Australia "for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defence"[97]
Rolf Zinkernagel Erudite Conclave medical college trivandrum.jpg Rolf M. Zinkernagel   Switzerland
1997 Prusiner 1.JPG Stanley B. Prusiner  United States "for his discovery of Prions - a new biological principle of infection"[98]
1998 Drfurchgott.jpg Robert F. Furchgott  United States "for their discoveries concerning nitric oxide as a signalling molecule in the cardiovascular system"[99]
Loius Ignarro.jpg Louis J. Ignarro  United States
Ferid Murad.jpg Ferid Murad  United States
1999 Gunter Blobel 2008 1.JPG Günter Blobel  Germany
 United States
"for the discovery that proteins have intrinsic signals that govern their transport and localization in the cell"[100]
2000 Arvid Carlsson 2011a.jpg Arvid Carlsson  Sweden "for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in thenervous system"[101]
Paul Greengard.jpg Paul Greengard  United States
Eric Richard Kandel.jpg Eric R. Kandel  United States


Year Laureate[A] Country[B] Rationale[C]
2001   Leland H. Hartwell  United States "for their discoveries of key regulators of the cell cycle"[102]
Tim hunt.jpg Sir Tim Hunt  United Kingdom
Paul Nurse 2007.jpg Sir Paul M. Nurse  United Kingdom
2002   Sydney Brenner  South Africa "for their discoveries concerning 'genetic regulation of organ development and programmed cell death'"[103]
  H. Robert Horvitz  United States
Sulston, John Edward (1942).jpg Sir John E. Sulston  United Kingdom
2003 PaulLauterbur.jpg Paul Lauterbur  United States "for their discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging"[104]
Peter Mansfield Leipzig.jpg Sir Peter Mansfield  United Kingdom
2004 Richard Axel.jpg Richard Axel  United States "for their discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system"[105]
LindaBuck cropped 1.jpg Linda B. Buck  United States
2005 Marshall 2008.JPG Barry J. Marshall  Australia "for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease"[106]
Robin Warren.jpg J. Robin Warren  Australia
2006 Andrew Fire, Stanford University.jpg Andrew Z. Fire  United States "for their discovery of RNA interference - gene silencing by double-stranded RNA"[107]
Craig Mello 01.JPG Craig C. Mello  United States
2007 MarioCapecchiFotoThalerTamas2.JPG Mario R. Capecchi  United States "for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells."[108]
Martin Evans Nobel Prize.jpg Sir Martin J. Evans  United Kingdom
Oliver-smithies.jpg Oliver Smithies  United States
2008 Harald zur Hausen-press conference Dec 06th, 2008-6.jpg Harald zur Hausen  Germany "for his discovery of human papilloma viruses causingcervical cancer"[109]
Fran?oise Barré-Sinoussi-press conference Dec 06th, 2008-1.jpg Françoise Barré-Sinoussi  France "for their discovery of human immunodeficiency virus"[109]
LucMontagnier1995 065.jpg Luc Montagnier  France
2009 Elizabeth Blackburn 2009-01.JPG Elizabeth H. Blackburn  United States
"for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected bytelomeres and the enzyme telomerase"[110]
GREIDER Carol 2014 - Less vignetting.jpg Carol W. Greider  United States
JSzostak.jpg Jack W. Szostak  United States
2010   Sir Robert G. Edwards  United Kingdom "for the development of in vitro fertilization"[111]
2011 Nobel Prize 2011-Press Conference KI-DSC 7512.jpg Bruce A. Beutler  United States "for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity"[112]
Nobel Prize 2011-Press Conference KI-DSC 7584.jpg Jules A. Hoffmann  France
  Ralph M. Steinman  Canada "for his discovery of the dendritic cell and its role inadaptive immunity"[112]
(awarded posthumously)[113][114]
2012 John Gurdon Cambridge 2012.JPG Sir John B. Gurdon  United Kingdom "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammedto become pluripotent"[115]
Shinya Yamanaka Shinya Yamanaka  Japan
2013   James E. Rothman  United States "for their discoveries of machinery regulating vesicle traffic, a major transport system in our cells"[5]
Randy Schekman 8 February 2012.jpg Randy W. Schekman  United States
Thomas c südhof.jpg Thomas C. Südhof  United States
2014 John O'Keefe (neuroscientist) 2014b.jpg John O'Keefe  United States
 United Kingdom
"for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain"
May-Britt Moser 2014.jpg May-Britt Moser  Norway
Edvard Moser.jpg Edvard I. Moser  Norway
2015 William C. Campbell 4983-1-2015.jpg William C. Campbell  Ireland
 United States
"for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites"[116]
Satoshi ?mura 5086-1-2015.jpg Satoshi ?mura  Japan
Tu Youyou 5012-1-2015.jpg Tu Youyou  China "for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy againstMalaria"[116]
2016 Nobel Laureates 1042 (30647248184).jpg Yoshinori Ohsumi  Japan "for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy"[117]
2017   Jeffrey C. Hall  United States "for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm"[118]
  Michael Rosbash  United States
Michael W Young.jpg Michael W. Young  United States


^ A. The form and spelling of the names in the name column is according to nobelprize.org, the official website of the Nobel Foundation. Alternative spellings and name forms, where they exist, are given at the articles linked from this column. Where available, an image of each Nobel laureate is provided. For the official pictures provided by the Nobel Foundation, see the pages for each Nobel laureate at nobelprize.org.

^ B. The information in the country column is according to nobelprize.org, the official website of the Nobel Foundation. This information may not necessarily reflect the recipient's birthplace or citizenship.

^ C. The citation for each award is quoted (not always in full) from nobelprize.org, the official website of the Nobel Foundation. The links in this column are to articles (or sections of articles) on the history and areas of physiology and medicine for which the awards were presented. The links are intended only as a guide and explanation. For a full account of the work done by each Nobel laureate, please see the biography articles linked from the name column.
